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“I want to come in your sweet ass. I want to bruise you, so you’ll know this belongs to me—just like every inch of you does. I want to show you how much I fucking love you.”

Her inner muscles squeezed, hurtling me closer to the edge.

“Do it. I want all of it. Lose yourself in me.”

Lose yourself in me.

Lose yourself.

Damn, how I wanted to. But I couldn’t. Not completely.

With shaking arms, legs, fucking shaking everything, I thrust forward.

Her lips went slack; her eyes popped wide. “Oh.” The surprise echoed around the room. My stomach squeezed tight.

“Does. It. Hurt?” I growled, clutching her hips. I thrust again, rocking more than fucking—making love.



Stop! I had to stop.

Sweat beaded; I battled waves after waves of a very determined orgasm. My balls were marble hard. My quads burned from tensing.

Tess rocked back. “More. Give me more.”

“Tess—” I couldn’t fight anymore. She wanted more. I’d give her more. I fell over her back, imprisoning her to the mattress. My forehead pressed against her shoulder blades and I thrust. Man, I fucking thrust.

She cried out. My heart lurched to a halt but her cries turned to moans. It wasn’t pain lacing her voice—it was pleasure.

“Describe it—what do you feel, esclave?” I whispered hoarsely. My eyes landed on her collar and the inscription: property of Q Mercer. I swallowed a groan of happiness.

“Like…pressure…you’re rubbing and bruising and it feels so strange, but it also feels….”

I drove inside. “Feels?”

Her lips parted in a moan. “It feels good. So good.”

My heart winged. I rocked again, biting the inside of my cheek, staving off another wave of pleasure. “I told you it would feel good.”

Her hips arched, pressing into mine, crushing my balls against our bodies. “So good,” she panted. “More, Q. Take me.”

And that was the extent of my self-control. I’d run out of strength.

Seeking her ear, I bit her lobe. “I’m going to take you now, Tess.”

She hummed in her throat.

My fingers looped around the leash, holding her firm. I would ride this woman. This insanely incredible woman. “I’m going to claim you as your husband, master, and owner. I’m going to fill you so deep, you’ll scream.”

“Please,” she whimpered, her body writhing beneath mine.

And that was all I needed.

My forehead resumed its position between her shoulder blades. I let go. My mouth fell wide as pleasure I’d never felt before rocked down my spine. Insanely sharp, spurring me on, slicing my soul into pieces.

I gave myself over to ecstasy. Tess cried out as I made love to her.



Long and invasive strokes.





Tess’s fingers opened and closed on the sheets, her pants meeting mine, her body rising to meet my every thrust.

Every second I came undone, losing my sense of self, giving my past, my darkness, my hopes and dreams to my wife. The master of my heart.

I lasted another ten seconds.

Ten mind-splintering seconds of bliss.

The desire in my blood lit a match, annihilating everything in my blood.

This was just the beginning.

The beginning of my eternal happiness.

The beginning of a future I never thought I would have.

I’m married. My sins aren’t awful. My desires aren’t frightful.

Tess was my complete circle. She was my home. My refuge. My best friend and partner. We’d found each other not just for this lifetime but forever.

My beast purred. My monster stretched.

I’ve been tamed.

And I fucking loved it.

I came.

Fucking came in rhythmic pulses. Splashing Tess with everything I had to give.

Wave after wave of thick, painful release shot from my balls. It ricocheted down my legs to my toes, building intensity before crashing from my body into my wife.

My wife.

I came hard and deep into the woman I’d married.

The woman I’d claimed.

The woman who would always be mine.


6 months later

The crown to my throne.


I’d never been prouder.

Q. My master, husband, protector, and friend strode across the stage to shake hands with the prime minster of France. With a cool, professional smile, Q accepted the scroll, concentrating on whatever the prime minster said in his ear.

Holy hell, he’s handsome.

Suzette squeezed my hand. “I always hoped he’d be recognised for everything he’s done. Everything he’s kept hidden.”

I bowed my head toward hers, mixing my blonde with her mahogany. “I doubt he wants this much spotlight, though.”

Every time we went out in public, my instincts were on high alert. I’d learned to trust them—speaking my mind if I wanted more security, or asking Franco to do an extra background check on an association.

I would never let anyone take Q away from me again. I’d meant my vows and spent every day upholding them.

Suzette laughed. Franco poked her side, pointing at the stage where Q disengaged from the prime minister, heading toward the podium and microphone.  “Pay attention.” His voice was harsh, but he winked. “That’s our boss up there.”

Your boss. My master.

I shifted in my seat, happily remembering just who my master was thanks to the ache between my legs.

Suzette sighed, her lips playing with a grin. I didn’t know what was going on with them—if anything—but whatever it was, they kept it a well-hidden secret.

Frederick and Angelique caught my eye across the aisle, giving me a warm smile. I returned the greeting, mentally reminding myself to check on the menu with Mrs. Sucre for their bi-weekly visit.

My eyes returned to the stage where Q stood tall and proud. No bruises marked his face anymore. His legs were a crisscross of silver scars from Lynx, the bullet-hole in his thigh healed to match the one in his bicep, and all check-ups on his heart were clear.

He’d been lucky.

I’d been lucky.

The honeymoon in Seychelles came back. The sun. The moonlight swims. The sex. God, the sex. Tame, soft, and slow. Angry, abusive, and fast. Q had evolved into a lover who read me so well. Giving me pain when I wanted it. Giving me pleasure when I needed it.

Q cleared his throat, scanning the crowd. His pale eyes latched onto mine. His lips curled into an affectionate smile before disappearing into aloof businessman.

My heart beat heavily with love. He looked distinguished and delectable in a graphite suit and sea-green shirt. He’d forgone a tie in favour of revealing a small piece of tanned skin—the exact place I kissed last night while he slid inside me.

The click of camera lenses sounded like a lightning storm behind me, illumination flashing like tiny fireflies. The hive of reporter’s voices itched across my skin. I still hadn’t warmed to being in the public eye—but they came with the package now.

Everyone wanted a piece of Q…and me. And he’d finally agreed to let them in.

I’d taken my place completely beside him—becoming the face of Feathers of Hope officially three months ago. The invitations to events, fundraisers, and interviews never ceased. I feared we’d drown in an avalanche of attention.