Again, I thought of Vivian and wondered if she’d told her attorney to reach out to me directly. If so, I wasn’t sure why Vivian hadn’t given the lady my cell phone number; as far as I knew, Vivian didn’t even know my work number.
But it wasn’t Vivian’s attorney who’d called. One call was from a firm in Greenville, South Carolina, that specialized in class actions, the other from a personal injury firm in Hickory. In both cases, I was connected immediately to senior partners, each of whom seemed eager to speak with me.
“I like those commercials you’re doing for Joey Taglieri, and we were wondering if you would consider coming in to make a presentation about your services.”
After hanging up, I let out a whoop of excitement. I just had to tell someone.
I reached for my phone, about to call Marge, but then decided at the last second to call Emily instead.
That’s how I felt the rest of the week. Like I was floating free of the worries that had been weighing me down for months.
Though it might be only be temporary-what goes up always comes down and all that-I decided I was going to enjoy every single minute, even if I didn’t land the two new firms as clients. While it would be great to sign those firms, I received three more calls from lawyers by Friday, making five new potential clients, all of whom had reached out to me. I’d set up presentations with all of them and depending on how many I signed, I thought I might be looking at potentially needing to hire another person, just to keep up.
The Phoenix Agency was officially on its way.
“What are you going to do with all that extra money you’ll be making?” Marge said to me over lunch. It was Friday afternoon, and I’d decided to work only a half day as a reward. “Because you happen to have a sister who’s in the mood for a new car.”
“Wouldn’t that be nice?”
“I always knew you’d make it.”
“I haven’t made it yet,” I cautioned. “I still have to make the presentations.”
“You’re good at that part. You just weren’t so good at getting the phone to ring.”
I smiled, still on a high. “I’m so excited. And relieved.”
“I can only imagine.”
“How are you feeling?”
She made a face. “A little better. I’m not coughing too much during the day now, but the nights are still pretty rough. I finally convinced my idiot doctor to prescribe some antibiotics, but I just started taking them yesterday. He said I might not feel any better until Monday.”
“That’s a bummer.”
“It’s bad for Liz, too. I kept waking her up, so I’ve started sleeping in the guest room.”
“So Mom’s chicken soup didn’t work?”
“No. But it tasted good.” She pushed her sandwich away. “What are your plans this weekend? Vivian’s not coming, is she?”
“She’ll be here next weekend. For London’s birthday. And I can’t imagine London not wanting Bodhi to be there, which means that Emily will probably make an appearance at the party as well.”
“And me,” Marge said, grinning. “I can’t wait to watch.”
“Nothing’s going to happen. She’s been on good behavior lately.”
“Hmmm… let’s see how long that lasts,” Marge said with a skeptical look. “By the way, are you going to Mom and Dad’s tomorrow? Liz and I are planning to swing by for a little while, especially since we weren’t there last weekend. Since I had the plague, I mean.”
“Thank God you haven’t given it to Liz,” I remarked.
“Yes, especially since she’s getting crushed at work. One of the other therapists in her practice group has been on maternity leave since late July.”
“Speaking of maternity, when do you and Liz meet with the fertility doctor? Didn’t you say sometime in November?”
She nodded. “On the twentieth. The Friday before Thanksgiving.”
“What happens if you’re both able to have kids? Would you both get pregnant?”
“I’d have the child. I always thought it would be fun to be pregnant.”
“Tell me if you’re still feeling that way around the eight-month mark. By the time London was born, Vivian was thoroughly sick of being pregnant.”
“That’s Vivian, and she was younger. I know this will be the only time for me, and I’d make sure to enjoy every minute of it.”
“Having a child is going to change your life. It’s changed mine, that’s for sure.”
She looked almost wistful. “I can’t wait.”
When I picked London up from school, the first thing she asked when she got in the car was whether we were going to have date night again.
“Since it’s Friday and Mommy’s not here?”
Why not? “That sounds like a terrific idea.”
“What should we do?” London asked, already buzzing with anticipation.
“Hmmm,” I said. “We could have dinner at home or go out. Or we could go to the real aquarium.”
“The aquarium! Can we really go there?”
“Of course. I’m pretty sure it’s open until eight o’clock.”
“Can we ask Bodhi if he wants to come?”
“You want to bring Bodhi on our date night?”
“Yes. And I can wear my butterfly wings. The ones I got at the zoo. And he can wear his wings, too.”
“To the aquarium?”
“For the fish,” she said.
I wasn’t sure I understood the correlation, but if it made her happy, that was fine with me.
“I can call, but Bodhi might be busy tonight. It’s kind of last minute.”
“We should try. And Miss Emily can come, too.”
I waited until we got home before calling Emily. When I asked about the aquarium, she told me to hold on and then called out to Bodhi.
“Do you want to go to the aquarium tonight? London is going!”
“Yes!” I heard Bodhi shout, before Emily came back on the line.
“I take it you heard him.”
“I did,” I said.
“What time are you thinking?”
“How about I pick you up in an hour?”
She hesitated. “How about I pick you up? DVDs for the kids, remember? I know it’s not that far, but we’ll be dealing with rush-hour traffic. Are you okay with doing the driving again?”
“Sure,” I agreed.
“Text me the address. And let me start getting the two of us ready. See you in a bit.”
“Oh,” I said, “London wants Bodhi to wear the wings he got at the zoo.”
“I don’t know.”
She laughed. “It’s fine with me. And way better than having him run around with a light saber.”
As was becoming her habit, London took a while to get ready for date night. Ultimately she picked a white skirt with lace, a long-sleeved pink top, pink sneakers, and, of course, the butterfly wings.
I’d opted for a more casual outfit: dark pants, dark shirt, and comfortable shoes.
“That’s an eye-catching outfit,” I said. “You definitely look ready to see the fish.”
“I want to get some ideas for my aquarium,” she said.
For her birthday, I thought. At least she was making it easy for me, even if I’d end up cleaning the thing.
“Do you want to pick a movie? We’ll be riding with Miss Emily again.”
“I think we should watch Finding Nemo.”
“Sounds like a good choice to me.”
She found the case and brought it to me. As she was handing it over, I received another message from Taglieri. Calls still coming in like crazy. You’re the man!
What a great week this was turning out to be. What I didn’t know was that it was going to get a whole lot better.
Sea Life aquarium was located in Concord, about fifteen miles north of Charlotte, but the traffic meant it took nearly forty minutes to get there.