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When she came, it wasn’t the mind-blowing orgasms that Hayes had given her earlier. Those had shaken her whole body, but still left her intact. These orgasms ripped through her, leaving her weak and ravished in their wake, and she prayed they would never end.

She wasn't aware of the two men coming-she was way too far gone for that. Afterward, Reed lay draped over her, his muscular chest heaving from the exertion. Beneath her, Hayes’s breathing was just as ragged.

In an almost out of body experience, Cilla felt Hayes and Reed carefully setting her on the bed, then collapse beside her. She curved into their warmth, not wanting to let go of it. From there, she might have slept. She wasn't sure.

When she opened her eyes again, she was on her back, both men propped up on their elbows to either side of her, tracing their fingers back and forth across her breasts and stomach. Their naked bodies felt nice curled up close to hers.

Hayes smiled down at her. “Welcome back, sweetheart.”

She opened her mouth to reply, but the words wouldn't come out. Her throat felt raw. Then again, she'd been screaming a lot. She was going to have some really pissed off neighbors tomorrow.

“What time is it?” she whispered.

Hayes looked over his shoulder at the clock beside the bed. “Almost five-forty-five.”

She frowned, trying to analyze that. The number didn't make sense. They'd gotten to her place before one-thirty. “How long was I asleep?”

Reed traced his big finger across her nipple, sending a shiver through her. “Just a few minutes. Probably less than ten.”

More information to digest. The obvious answer didn't seem possible. “We were going at it for four hours?”

Hayes chuckled. “You know what they say-time flies when you're having fun.”

Cilla shook her head. Four hours? That was unbelievable. And definitely a record for her. “Well, fun is an understatement I think.”

She reached up and pulled Hayes close for a kiss. That was when she noticed she was still wearing handcuffs. They didn’t stop her from giving Hayes some serious tongue action. When she was done, she did the same to Reed.

“That was to show you how much I appreciate what you did for me.” She lie back with a purr. “You two were incredible.”

Reed cupped her face in his hand. “Having me in your ass didn’t hurt, did it?”

“Hurt?” She laughed. “God, no! It was perfect. I've never come so hard in my life.”

Reed leaned in and kissed her again. “Good. I'm glad we were able to please you like that.” He smoothed her hair back from her face. “You were pretty damn incredible yourself. Any chance you might be up for another round sometime?”

“Are you kidding? I'm ready to go again right now,”

Hayes pushed her down when she tried to sit up. “Whoa there, sweetheart.” He winked at Reed. “I think we created a monster.”

Reed chuckled. “Hayes is right. We went at it pretty hard. You may not realize it now, but you're going to be a little sore later. We probably need to take a few days off to let you rest and recharge.”

It wasn't like they were dating or anything, but the idea of having to wait even a few days to have sex with them again disappointed the hell out of her.

“If you feel up to it, we can set something up when we stop by the coffee shop tomorrow night.”

That brightened her mood. “You guys are going to stop by tomorrow night?” She laughed. “Well, technically, I guess it would be tonight, wouldn't it?”

Hayes grinned. “Of course. You didn't think we'd bail on you after the amazing sex we just had, did you?”

She was chagrined to admit it, but yeah, that was exactly what she’d thought. “I'm not so naive as to think you two haven't done this before. I’d love to get together with both of you again, but I assume there are others.”

Reed curled the end of her hair around his finger. “I won't try to tell you that Hayes and I are some kind of threesome virgins, but we don't do this nearly as often as you seem to think. In fact it's pretty rare. Like I said earlier tonight, it's hard finding a woman who can handle the two of us.”

“And I'm pretty sure I'm not just speaking for myself when I say you definitely top the list of the hottest, most enthusiastic partners we've ever had the opportunity to play with,” Hayes added.

“Without a doubt,” Reed agreed. “You're a once on a lifetime find, Cilla. Now that we found you, we're not letting you get away.”

The words made her feel pleasantly warm all over. She’d been feeling a bit possessive about the two hunky cops, and was glad to know they felt the same about her.

She looked from one to the other. “So, how did you know I’d be up for a threesome anyway? Do I put off a I-would-love-to-have-mind-blowing-sex-with-two-hot-guys kind of vibe or something? Is it the way I walk, or talk, or how I flirted with the two of you when you came in?”

The men laughed, but didn’t answer. She didn't get the joke.

“Seriously, guys. What clued you two in that I’d be up for a threesome? I really want to know.”

Hayes and Reed exchanged confused looks.

“Come on,” she said. “It can't be that blatant because this has never happened to me before. So, what was it?”

“It's not what,” Reed said. “It's who.”

Now it was Cilla's turn to be confused. Maybe she'd had so many orgasms in the last four hours that her head was rattled. Like some sort of sexual concussion. But she didn't think so. She was thinking clearly now, and could certainly count the number of fingers-or cocks, for that matter-the two men might wave in front of her face. But she was definitely missing something.

“Okay, you two, help me out here because you’ve completely lost me.”

It was Hayes who answered. “Cilla, we only propositioned you because someone told us you were really into us and would definitely take us up on it if we invited you to join us for a menage.”

That made her sit up so quickly she almost got dizzy. Both Hayes and Reed reached up to steady her. She shook off their hands. Something strange was going on here, and she was going to figure it out.

“Who told you that?” she demanded.

Reed exchanged looks with his partner. “Were they wrong?”

Cilla shook her head. “Hell no. But I’d like to know who I have to thank for this so I can ask them how they could have possibly known something like this about me. Especially since I didn't know myself. Not until you two were flirting with me back at the coffee shop anyway.”

“Flirting with you?” Hayes’s mouth quirked. “I'm pretty sure it was the other way around.”

Cilla opened her mouth to deny it, then decided not to bother. She had been flirting. Besides, she didn't want to be distracted from her question. “Who was it?”

“It was Tracy,” Reed said. “She said you told her you had a thing for us and that you'd love to sleep with the both of us at the same time. She said we should make the first move because you never would. She even said we should do it tonight since you'd be working the coffee shop alone.”

Cilla was so stunned, the men could have been knocked out of the bed with a feather. Tracy had set her up with this threesome? Her friend going home early made a whole lot more sense now. Tracy had wanted to make sure Cilla would be alone when the cops showed up.

But how had Tracy known she’d be up for a menage? Contrary to what Tracy’d told the two cops, they’d never talked about anything like that. Cilla didn't even remember saying anything to her friend about Reed and Hayes, except to mention they were cute. Apparently, Tracy knew more about what Cilla liked than she did herself.

Reed frowned. “I’m guessing from the look on your face that Tracy set this whole thing in motion on her own?”