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“Can’t say that I have.” Reed plunged his thick finger deeper into her ass. “She's so hot she’s about ready to burst into flames.”

Cilla groaned. She was actually starting to feeling lightheaded from being aroused for so long. Or maybe it was just from being bent over like this. Whatever. If she didn’t have her hands planted on the chair, she would have crumpled to the floor.

Hayes glided his finger lightly over her clit, and she let out a tiny scream.

“Think maybe we should let her had just one little orgasm?” Hayes asked his partner.

Didn’t she get a vote in this? She supposed she didn't. She’d ceded complete control of the situation to the two cops the moment she let them snap the cuffs on her wrists. But still… She hoped Reed would agree.

He played with her ass in silence, as if considering Hayes’s suggestion.

“I suppose one little climax wouldn't hurt,” Reed finally said. “She's been a really good girl.” Bending over, he pulled her hair back with his free hand and put his mouth close to her ear. “Would you like to come, babe?”

Cilla danced from foot to foot. “God, yes!”

Reed pressed a kiss to the curve of her neck, then straightened up to address his partner again. “What do you have in mind?”

She held her breath as she waited for Hayes’s answer.

“I bet she'd love to have her pussy licked,” Hayes said. “Wouldn’t you, Cilla?”

She nodded. Then remembering how Hayes had chastised her earlier for not answering his question, added, “Yes.”

“That settles it then,” Reed concurred.

“Do you mind if I do the honors?” Hayes asked.

“Be my guest. You did call dibs on her pussy, after all.”

She frowned, the prospect of getting her pussy licked forgotten for the moment. Dibs? What the heck were they were talking about? Before she could ask, Hayes took her arm and gently pulled her upright. Leading her over to the couch, he sat her down on the edge of the center cushion. Taking the handcuff key from Reed, he undid the cuff from her left wrist, then leaving the manacles hanging from the right one, he gently tipped her back until she was lying on the cushions with her legs in the air.

Cilla automatically pulled her knees back to her chest and spread her legs wide, ready for Hayes to kneel between them. Worrying about who called dibs on her pussy-and when-could wait until later.

But Hayes wasn’t quite done putting her in position. He grabbed the wrist that still had the cuff around it and with a deft move, attached the other end to her right ankle. That was kinky enough, but then he grabbed his handcuff from his gear belt and quickly attached them to her left wrist and left ankle, leaving her with her legs secured in an obscenely blatant and wide-open position. Thank God for yoga class or this position would have been almost impossible to hold for long, regardless of the handcuffs.

She gave Hayes a smile. “You know, you don't have to lock me up like this to get me to keep my legs open.”

Hayes knelt in front of her, flashing her a wicked grin as he ran his hands along her thighs. “I know, but imagine how it will feel when you can't close your legs, no matter how many times I make you come. I can keep licking your sweet pussy until you just about lose your mind.”

Chapter Three

Cilla’s breath tangled in her throat. She'd never been bound and forced to orgasm. The idea of Hayes making her come over and over with his mouth was a dizzying thought.

But Reed must have decided cuffing her in that position didn’t expose her enough. He walked behind the couch and reached over the back to grab her ankles.

“You’re not allowed to come until I give you permission, Cilla. Got it?”

She blinked up at him. “Seriously?”


She looked at Hayes to see what he had to say, but from the expectant way he was looking at her, he was clearly backing up his partner on this. She dropped her head back to eye Reed. “What are you going to do if I come without your permission? Spank me?”

The thought of him reddening her ass again made her warm all over.

His mouth quirked. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? But, no. Hayes will stop licking your pussy. You don’t want him to stop, do you?”

Well, that wasn’t very fair. She really would have preferred the spanking. How the heck was she supposed to keep from climaxing? She’d never even tried anything like that before. But apparently, Reed was serious about her doing just that. And damn, if he didn’t look all authoritative standing over her like that, his uniform shirt stretched tight across his broad chest.

“No, I don’t want him to stop,” she said.

“Good girl.” He pulled her legs up a little more and nodded to Hayes. “Dive in, partner.”

Hayes carefully spread her folds wide with his fingers, then leaned in and ran his velvety tongue all the way from the bottom of her pussy to the tip of her clit. She jumped as if she'd been shocked.

“Mmm.” He lapped her folds again, stopping just short of her clit this time and looking up at her. “You taste good.”

Cilla bit her lip as she watched him bend his head. He swirled his tongue around her clit. Once, twice, then again and again.

“Oh God,” she breathed. “That's so good.”

Actually, good didn’t even begin to cover it. Hayes was incomparably talented with his tongue. He seemed to know just how she liked it, and when he found her sweet spot, he made delicious little circles over and over. She was teetering on the edge already. Reed obviously had no idea how good his partner was at going down on a woman if he expected her to be able to hold off on orgasming.

She silently pleaded up at Reed. But he shook his head.

“Not yet, Cilla.”

She groaned her frustration. Did he even have a clue how hard it was not to come? Her entire body felt as if it were on fire. But if she came without permission, Hayes would stop licking, and right now, she’d do anything for him to keep doing what he was doing.

She breathed faster, hoping that would help. But her orgasm continued to build.

“That’s it, babe. Hold off just a little longer.”

Hayes plunged a finger into her pussy, fucking her with it as he lashed harder at her clit. Pleasure surged through her. Dear God, they were trying to kill her.

Reed bent over so that his face was directly above hers. “Go ahead and come, babe. Come hard.”

Cilla had a momentary upside down view of Reed’s smoldering dark eyes before she exploded-at long last-into orgasm. She bit her lip to stifle her screams. She had neighbors she'd have to talk to at some point.

But her efforts to remain silent failed. Hayes hadn't been kidding when he said he was going to make her come over and over. He held on firmly to her ass and buried his face in her pussy, licking her clit like he was a machine.

Machine, hell. Her favorite vibrator had never made her come like this.

He made love to her clit well beyond the point where most men would have stopped. He licked until she was kicking and jerking in Reed's firm grip. He licked her until her voice was hoarse and plaintive, and the orgasms started to blur the line between unbelievable pleasure and borderline pain.

She opened her mouth to beg him to stop, but Hayes was already easing up on her clit. The swirls gradually slowed until he was barely touching her at all. When he finally stopped, the sudden lack of stimulation was almost as shattering as the endless orgasms.

Cilla lie there with her eyes closed, gasping for breath. Her throat felt raw from all the screaming she’d done. She wouldn’t be surprised if her neighbors had called the police. Good thing there were already two hot cops on the scene.

She was only vaguely aware of the Reed and Hayes removing the cuffs from her ankles and helping her to her feet. Her head was woozy from the intense orgasms and her vision swam around a bit before she could focus on Hayes's smiling face. His mouth and chin were still wet with her essence, and he looked supremely satisfied with himself.