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'Oh! Ooooh! Go on! Oh, it's delicious. Oh, I must. . Oh! Aaaah! Go on! Oh! I shall die!'

She pressed herself with all her strength against my lips. Sometimes as the result of her movements my chin was buried between the powerful cheeks of her bottom in a way that almost drove me mad with desire. Slowly, and using all my skill, I tickled with the tip of my hot moist tongue the delicious little button which I was pressing between my lips, and I was extracting sobs of pleasure and sighs of delight from my little darling when suddenly a great shudder of emotion shook me from head to foot.

A new source of pleasure, more distinctly personal, had just been communicated to me. In a moment I realised what it was. Following the instructions of Rose, who had placed some cushions conveniently for her, Evelyn was lying down underneath me in such a position that her face was just on a level with my stiff-standing prick. And there, somewhat timidly at first, she was caressing my balls, my tool, my bottom, and my thighs while her lips softly kissed the red head of my throbbing weapon!

Kneeling by her side, Rose was minutely directing the operations. She was showing her how pleasant and effective it is gently to tickle the bottom and just underneath the balls, and was teaching her to roll them delicately in her soft little hands, to frig my prick with one hand while she tickled me with the other, and finally to loss my balls and prick and to pass her tongue round and round the red head and with the tip to tickle the supersensitive little thread which joins the foreskin to the gland.

I was able to feel delightfully how perfectly Evelyn carried out her instructions, while all the time I continued to suck Nora's little rosebud and to cover her charms with my fondest attentions.

I knew that Rose was coming to the end of her lesson when I felt the head of my prick pressed and sucked by two hot little lips, while a slippery tongue played up and down and all round it. At the same time two hands continued to fondle and stroke my balls and bottom, each one being differently employed. I heard Rose murmur as she guided the delicate fingers between the cheeks of my bottom,

'This we call pattes d'araignee. Give me your finger. . here. Yes, that's it. . Push it well in. Its an intimate caress which they all love!'

I felt Evelyn's finger pressed slowly into my back entrance and the sensation which it caused me almost made me spend at once. It was only by the exercise of the utmost restraint that I avoided doing so and this because I was determined to reserve myself for what I felt sure was to come afterwards. Meanwhile Nora, who had not the same reasons for restraining herself, had fairly let herself go. To use the words of the psalms 'her soul melted within her'. For the third time that afternoon her love-sluices were opened and she poured into my delightful lips a copious draught of the essence of her being. For a few moments she lay panting and quivering, her soft white belly undulating with the gradually subsiding spasm.

I, with my eyes closed and my cheek resting on Nora's fair downy-bush, abandoned myself to Evelyn's maddening caresses but always with the intention of stopping just short of the climax. I was therefore not sorry when at a sign from Rose she ceased her ministrations and rose to her feet. I did the same and took her in my arms.

'Oh, Evelyn, you darling!' I murmured. 'What don't I owe you for the delightful time you have been giving me?'

'Well,' said Rose. 'You can repay her in kind! And Miss Nora will return the compliment which you have been paying her! That's only fair, isn't it?'

'Quite fair!. . '

'Undress Miss Evelyn then, and I'm sure you won't find the task at all unpleasant!'

I began to laugh and, drawing Evelyn between my knees as I had done in the case of Nora, I asked her, 'May I, darling?'

She smiled shyly at me and whispered, Yes, Uncle Jack!'

How sweet and lovely she was! My hands trembled as they unfastened her bodice and then the waist of her skirt, which I removed as well as her petticoat, and again I experienced the sensual pleasure which the sight of a pretty girl in corset and drawers always rouses in me.

Stripping Evelyn was an absolute delight to me. When she was quite naked and I carried my mind back to our meeting on the boat and then thought what she was to me at this moment, I felt a strong desire to kneel before her and kiss in adoration her feet, her knees, her thighs and the whole of her fresh young body, so full of mystery and so radiant with virgin charm.

And did so.

She made no attempt to defend herself, happy, in reality, at receiving a homage which she knew to be fully deserved.

My lips wandered over her beautiful body, arousing little quivers of pleasure wherever they passed, and I should have continued the delightful sport if Rose had not interrupted me saying: 'Come now; get to work You will be able to kiss her more conveniently in a moment!. . '

I myself placed Evelyn on the chair. Oh! the lingering caresses I lavished on her bottom, still hot and blushing from its whipping, as I did so. I placed her legs on the arms, which Rose opened wide apart, and I knelt down on the X which at once moved towards her.

Beautiful as Nora is, Evelyn is not one whit less so. She is not quite so well built and is less white but her skin is as fine, and if her limbs are less plump they are more graceful and more full of nerves which makes them equally alluring. To sum up-and now even more than then I am in a position to state this-when I am with Nora I think that no one can equal her in beauty and attraction.

When I am with Evelyn I no longer think of Nora, and I find the dark and dazzling Evelyn the most intoxicating of creatures.

Someday perhaps I will describe their essential differences more accurately but now I will content myself with saying that Evelyn is all energy and activity, while at the same time being just as passionately voluptuous as Nora, and Nora, for her part, would rather be passive and tenderly submissive to refined caresses.

For the moment I was in adoration before Evelyn's sanctuary of love.

A fine thick dark-brown bush, as curly and soft as astrakan, sheltered in its shady folds the fountain at which I was about to quench my greedy thirst.

The whole lovely body of the charming girl was quivering with desire. I kissed her thighs and belly, and then my active tongue sought out and roused from its grotto the little rosy god who issued forth swollen and delicious, and allowed himself to be seized by my eager lips.

My hands fondled and pressed her thighs and marble bottom, while my tongue softly tickled the little sensitive button.

Evelyn raised herself on the arms of the chair into almost an upright position; her powerful thighs gripped my cheeks and held me prisoner in their fond embrace. She threw her head back, her neck was arched, and from her half-opened mouth, a very nest for kisses, issued little exclamations and sobs and sighs of pleasure. Then the sweet child uttered a cry of delight as her fountains were opened and a stream of the dew of love was poured into my eager mouth, for she had locked her thighs round my neck and was pressing her little cunt to my lips in a way which almost smothered me.

The mere memory of this, the first love-grip that she ever gave me, almost drives me mad!

Evelyn had come much more quickly than Nora. This is always the case with dark girls, so Rose assured me, and my experience agrees with hers.

Meanwhile I had been aware that Nora had not been carrying out her part of the programme as Evelyn-who was now lying back in the chair resting comfortably-had done and I asked Rose to give her the necessary instructions. Nora lay down under me and in a moment I felt her hands stroking me and her lips and tongue sucking and tickling in the most delightful manner. It was perfectly plain to me that she was doing her level best to make me spend again, and it was with the utmost difficulty that I restrained myself from pouring a torrent of the seed of life into her hot juicy little mouth. The moment came when I could resist no more and jerking my throbbing tool from between her lips I stood up, panting violently. Nora also got up and looked at me with distressed surprise.