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Nathan Silvers

Two mothers to torment


"What have you told your daughter they can do?" Donna Harvey demanded, her hands on her hips.

"I-I don't understand," said Imogene Blackstone. She stared at her neighbor. "They were going to visit their friend, Jackie, like they always do on the weekend."

"And Jackie lives out west, right?" Donna snarled.

"That's right," Imogene replied, mystified.

"So why did they take a taxi that headed into town on the expressway?" Donna demanded. "And why have you given your daughter money for a taxi?"

"Money? Taxi?" Imogene frowned. "I didn't! So where are they going? I even called Lana a few weeks ago and she was at Jackie's. It was ten o'clock. She said she was."

Donna's manner changed. "I think we'd better find out what's going on."

During the next week, Imogene found herself wondering a great deal as she watched her teenaged blonde daughter. Lana gave no sign of a change, except that she had been more secretive.

Lana was very attractive, and that was what worded Imogene. Lana's honey-blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders. And her young body was very well, developed, with high-thrusting tits, long, shapely legs and a tight, swelling ass.

Not that Imogene was plain, but she just didn't have the looks of her daughter. Her body was still very good, even at thirty-four. She should never have married Lana's father, but now he was gone and it was a great relief to Imogene.

And then there were Donna and Scarlette, to worry about. Imogene wasn't sure about Donna. They lived a block apart, and their daughters had been friends since high school, but she and Donna had never been really close. Donna and Imogene had been divorced for nearly ten years and both had avoided steady relationships with men for all that time. And yet they had never talked about it. The nearest they came was one afternoon when Donna had a date for the evening and Imogene was looking after Scarlette.

"Well, I like him," Donna said, "but you know what men are like. Two dates and they think they can put you to bed."

"Exactly," Imogene said with some warmth. "And sex isn't exactly all it's said to be," Donna added archly. "Waste of time, if you ask me."

"Oh, I couldn't agree more," Imogene had replied.

Donna was attractive. She had jet-black hair, a square, good-looking face, and a large pair of tits that were her main feature. Her legs and ass were good too, but her tits were the thing that people noticed.

Her daughter, Scarlette, had normal size tits, and she had some more developing to do. She seemed younger and more easily led than Lana. Her dark hair fell to her shoulder blades, and her mouth seemed to pout at every available opportunity. She was slightly taller than Lana, I her figure slimmer, her legs longer.

Such were the varied thoughts of Imogene for the next week. But now that she was looking, Imogene noticed other things too. How Lana got up extra early on Saturday morning and took great care with her shower and makeup. Lana also seemed tense and more preoccupied, but she left with her usual cheery wave, in a short summer skirt and blouse, with her white stockings and high heels.

Instantly Imogene made for the car. She was wearing her most expensive dress, and she made sure her makeup and hair were the best they could be.

She drove around the block, and then stopped at Donna's house.

It was only a few minutes before Donna climbed in, rather breathless.

"Yeah," she gasped, "they're heading for the bus depot."

Imogene drove quickly. It wasn't difficult to pick out the two girls, swinging along the sidewalk.

"There they go!" Donna said suddenly. "What did I tell you?"

Imogene hardly believed it as she saw Lana hail a taxi anti the two girls vanished inside.

Imogene wasn't very good at tailing, but she managed to keep the taxi in sight as it headed downtown. It headed into one of the huge office parking lots. The two girls got off and went inside.

"What?" Imogene gasped. She stopped the car and Donna got out, running fast.

She was back in a moment. "They headed for the basement!"

Imogene found a parking space and they came back. The main door of the office building was locked, despite all the pushing they tried.

"Oh my God!" Donna gasped. "What is going on?"

"What are they doing?" Imogene screamed and pounded on the main door again.

It clicked and opened.

The two of them were too relieved to think. They rushed inside and ran down the basement stairs. At the bottom was a set of ornate doors. Imogene pushed and the doors swung open, revealing a long carpeted corridor. She and Donna stared down the passage while the door closed silently behind them. There were only a couple of doors in the corridor, halfway down it. One of them opened and a tall man came out.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Yes!" Imogene said defiantly. "We've come to find our daughters. Lana and Scarlette."

"Ah, yes! In here!"

Imogene and Donna came along the corridor, feeling more and more uneasy. The man stood and waited.

"The doors are locked behind us," Donna whispered, but Imogene didn't take any notice. The man waved them through the door and came in behind them, closing that one too. Imogene and Donna stood and gasped.

It was a massive room, with cubicles, doors, heavy carpeting and steps up to raised areas. There was a hint of steam coming from under one door and laughter from another. Another man stood on one of the raised sections, a drink in his hand.

"Where are our daughters?" Imogene asked, trying to control her breathing. "What have you done to them?"

The man gave a low chuckle. "And what do you think of our recreation room? Laid out for our top executives only, of course. And our best clients." He came forward. "You must be Imogene. And you must be Donna. Pleased to meet you, we've heard so much about."

"We want to see our daughters!" Imogene stated while Donna stood behind her, trembling from head to toe.

"And so you shall. But let me assure you, they are fine, and they love their visits here, don't they, Clark?"

"Of course," said the man standing behind the two women.

"And I'm Adam. Please, come this way."

"No," Imogene said. "We want our daughters brought out here, and we're taking them home."

"I can assure you that you're corning this way," Adam said, and there was a change in his voice. "When we saw you on the remote cameras there was an immediate vote and it was decided that the girls had vastly underestimated the desirability of their mothers. They said you were just, you know, mothers, but that's daughters for you. Sixteen out of our twenty guests wanted to fuck you at once. So you're staying."

"What!" Imogene spun on her heel, but now there were three more men behind her. "Let us out of here!"

The men came forward and grabbed Imogene and Donna by their elbows.

"No!" Imogene screamed as she was picked up and hustled toward one of the doors at the back of the main room.

"Let me go!" Donna sobbed, breaking into tears of fright as she and Imogene were hustled through the door and into another room.

It was darker, and there were a number of people sitting around, all men. They gave a round of applause as the two women were pulled in.

"Let us go!" Imogene screeched as she was hauled toward a pillar that reached from floor to ceiling in the dark, repressive room. "You can't do this!"

She was held to the pillar by one of the men while another one took her wrists and pulled them above her head, twisting them into thick leather straps. Imogene screamed once more as he tightened the straps and hauled on a rope. Imogene struggled and screamed, but she was bound to the pillar, her hands tied helplessly above her head. She looked over and there was Donna, only a few yards away, also being bound to a pillar.