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Sid squeezed with a gentle, affectionate force his wife's arm and leaned over the deck of the Dunlaps' four bedroom yacht, "The Sin Ship," his deep tan brightened by the red and white striped tee-shirt he wore. Wiping a pearl of ocean spray from his bronzed cheek, the tutor stared in the distance at the shoreline of the craggy French coast.

A dreamy, far-away expression flickered in his deep-set eyes as Sid allowed himself the leisure of retracing the jig-saw events that led up to this new windfall of luck.

June, that conniving little wench, had the plot set – right down to the characters, motives, and setting! The wily girl-woman had read the letter from her father, well advised of his intentions of bringing the girls' tutor to France for a year to help them get started on their first term in the private girls' school, and thus June had set up a chain of drama involving Sybil in a menagerie of sex. "An initiation in sex," as June had called it with a shrug.

And it had worked!

Now the woman couldn't be satisfied, and it wasn't June or May Sid was thinking about. It was his wife, Sybil. These days it was on orgy a night with Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap joining in on occasion. Life had become a tangled mass of breasts, cunts and thighs. He had forgotten which night was which, who was daughter and who was mother, and he didn't care! As long the Dunlap girls needed special attention, he'd have a job.

Yet, he knew to his regret, that he and his wife had passed the point of no return, and Sybil reaching the point where she was unsatisfied unless she had several men a night.

"Darling…" she called again, bringing her husband's thoughts back to the present, "isn't this wonderful? Who ever would have thought…?"

"Yes," Sid nodded meekly, "you never know…" Then he took his wife's hand and headed for their bed in the cabin below. "Do you want June to come along, or do you think you could be satisfied with just your husband?"

"Mmm… I say we need some help. I'm feeling terribly devilish today…"