“Note to self,” I chuckled.
“Oh, Paul, I’d never do it to you. I want you to kidnap and rape me. Oh my gosh, just saying it makes me wet. But that’s what I mean about ‘for real don’t like.’ I don’t know how I’d feel if Carter tried to force Kim to do something with me, especially if she really doesn’t want to.”
“He doesn’t seem like the type.”
“I think you’re right,” she agreed. “He’s too protective. They talked a long time before they decided to come here and try swinging. Even tonight. She totally wanted to have sex with you, but he knew she was drunk, so he wouldn’t let her.”
“Sound familiar?”
“Yes, Mr. Protective. And for the record, you were right about that. You were also right to make me tell you what I want. Now I kinda like it.” She grinned. “Like tonight, when I asked you to eat my cookie.” She tasted the word and frowned. “That’s a weird way to say it, don’t you think? Although… I suppose it makes Kim feel like she’s a little girl and Carter’s her daddy. It’s sort of play-acting but sort of not. Hold on,” she said all of a sudden, in another Christy-logic detour. “I thought you were going to fix me a snack.”
I grinned and pointed to the empty plate. Well, empty except for the crumbs.
Her eyes widened in surprise. “Did I really eat it already? I didn’t even realize. I’ve been talking the whole time.”
“Yep. Are you still hungry?”
“Yes, but not for food-food. Don’t look at me like that! What’d you expect? We’ve been talking about sex the whole time. Man cream and jizz and swallowing. So sue me. I can’t help it. I have needs too, you know.”
“Oh, I know,” I chuckled.
“Well what?”
“Are you going to give it to me or not?”
“Hold on,” I teased, “is ‘not’ an option?”
“No, of course it isn’t.”
“Well, then, I’d better give it to you.”
* * *
I rose early and went for a run the next morning. The air was humid and still, and not quite cool. Sweat rolled down the small of my back, and I could feel it soaking into the waistband of my running shorts. I didn’t have a dilemma to brood about, so I enjoyed the tranquility of the forest, the sights and sounds and smells as it came to life.
Carter was sitting on the patio when I returned. He had a stack of files and a cup of hot tea. He looked up when I slowed to a stop. I braced my hands on my hips and walked in a circle to cool off.
“Now I know what Homer was talking about,” he chuckled. “In the Iliad.”
“That’s me,” I agreed. “Swift-footed Achilles.”
“Knew I liked you for a reason. We think alike.”
“We do.”
“Nice run?” he asked conversationally. “I need to get back in the habit. Or go to the gym. Or… something. Sitting behind a desk has made me flabby.”
“You’re fine,” I said. “You haven’t gone to seed or anything.”
“Thanks, but you’re just being polite. Maybe I’ll start playing tennis more.”
“It’s a lot of work, staying in shape.”
“Right. And I envy Christy’s metabolism.”
“Me too. But we probably wouldn’t if we had to eat six times a day and were always hungry.”
“The grass is always greener,” he agreed. He sipped his tea. “What time do you have to leave for town? You’re meeting your architect, right?”
“Yeah. Ten o’clock. Leave by nine thirty.”
“Do you mind if I go with you? I’ll even drive. I want to stop by the liquor store. We’ve, ah, made quite a dent in your wine cellar. The grocery store too, to make something special for dinner tonight.”
“Fine by me,” I said. “You don’t have to do anything special, though.”
“Ah, but I want to.”
“In that case, sure.”
“Breakfast in an hour?”
I glanced at my watch and counted forward. Then I looked at the bungalow, where I hoped Christy was awake and waiting for me.
“Make it an hour and a half,” I suggested.
Carter followed my logic and grinned. “Right. In that case, I might see if Kim’s awake.”
* * *
Christy was indeed awake and waiting for me, although she hadn’t heard me come in. I stood in the bedroom doorway and watched her. She’d kicked off the sheet, and her fingers were busy on her clit. After a moment she spread her legs even wider, reached around her hip, and used both hands. She fingered herself with one and frantically rubbed her clit with the other.
Her pussy glistened with moisture and made faint squelching sounds as she fingered herself. She was close to an orgasm, but then she suddenly stopped. She pinched and rolled her nipples instead, and squirmed as she tried to keep from touching her pussy. Then she moaned and clutched the sheets with pent-up desire.
I couldn’t stand it either at that point. My dick was painfully hard and threatened to tear a hole in my running shorts. I untied the drawstring, pushed them over my hips, and walked into the room. Christy’s eyes snapped open. She looked at me with fear and surprise and then recognition.
“Oh, thank goodness. I thought—”
I knelt between her legs and rammed my cock into her. She gasped and arched her back. The tendons in her neck stood out, and a flood of moisture surrounded my shaft. The temperature inside her shot through the roof, and I tried to hold back my own orgasm.
Then the walls of her pussy gripped my cock. I groaned and unleashed a torrent of semen deep inside her. Her orgasm had been a little one, until she felt me unload. That triggered a real one, and she cried out, both in surprise and from the force of it.
We panted after it was over and slowly came to our senses.
“Good morning, Sunshine.”
She smiled languidly. “Mmm, very good.”
“Sorry to make you wait.”
“No, you came at just the right time.” Her eyes glinted with a smile.
“Good one,” I chuckled. Then I pushed myself up. I looked down our bodies, to where my cock split her open. I was still very hard.
“Ready for round two?” she asked.
“You already know the answer.”
“Mmm, I do. I know what else you want. You want me to ride you.”
I laughed.
“I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Yeah,” I admitted, “you are. That’s exactly what I was thinking.”
“I could tell. You get this look.”
I thrust my arms under her and rolled us over. She came to rest atop me and pushed herself upright.
“When does the new furniture come?” she asked.
I frowned at the non sequitur but answered, “Tomorrow. Or so they say.”
“Mmm, then you can tie me to the bed and fuck me properly.”
“What?” I teased. “Just now wasn’t ‘properly’?”
“No, it was. Very proper. And now I’m going to fuck you properly. But I like when you tie me up and use me as a fuck toy. Oh, don’t look at me like that. Of course I know the words. I’ve heard them since I was, like, six.” She grinned. “I wonder what my brothers would think if they knew they were turning me into a sex-crazed nymphomaniac.”
“I dunno, but I’ll have to thank them.”
“You will not,” she squawked. “They think I’m pure and innocent.”
I snorted.
“They do!”
“Their wives don’t.”
“Hmm, you might be right.”
“I know I’m right,” I said. “Now, are you going to fuck me or not?”
“Hold on,” she said in a near-perfect imitation of me, “is ‘not’ an option?”
“Oh, crap!” I laughed. “I forgot what you said.”
“No, of course it isn’t,” she repeated. “And then you said, ‘Well, then, I’d better give it to you.’”
I cupped her tight little ass and pulled her against me. She fell forward onto my chest. Her clit ground against the base of my shaft, and she mewled in pleasure.