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He finished loading a new roll of film.

“Do you mind if I shoot some more risqué poses?” he asked me. “Of Kim to start with, so you can see what I mean.”

“Go for it.”

Kim herself blushed, from excitement instead of fear. Carter told her to sit on the lounge chair and cross her legs at the ankle. He started taking pictures.

Christy didn’t know what to do, so I snapped my fingers and silently ordered her to my side. I put my arm around her and bent to whisper in her ear.

“Having fun?”

“Oh my gosh, yes!”

“Yes, what?”

“Oh, sorry. Yes, sir.”

“Is your pussy wet?”

She swallowed and then nodded.

“Say it.”

“My…” She swallowed and tried again. “My pussy’s wet. Sir.”


Carter told Kim to cup her breasts. He snapped a picture and told her to pinch her nipples. They were already stiff, but she rolled them between her fingers and thumbs.

“Beautiful,” he said.

Christy and I watched as he took a few more pictures and some close-ups of Kim playing with her breasts. Then he stepped back and told her to uncross her legs.

“Carter and I had a nice chat,” I told Christy in a low voice.

Her nostrils flared but she didn’t say anything.

“We worked out the details of what we’re going to do.”

“Are…?” She swallowed. “Are you going to tell me? Sir?”

I pretended to consider it, although I really wanted to give her imagination time to run wild.

“Not yet,” I said at last.

“Spread your legs,” Carter told Kim. “Good. Beautiful.” He snapped a picture. “Wider… uh-huh… wider. Perfect.” The shutter clicked. “Now, touch yourself.” He shot a couple of pictures and then moved in for a close-up. “Spread it open. Use your fingers. Wider… spread your cookie. Good.” He stood and checked a setting on his camera. His dick still wasn’t completely hard, but it was about as big as it was going to get. He was five or six inches long, and very thick.

Christy moistened her lips and swallowed hard.

“You want to suck his dick?” I asked quietly.

She nodded.

“Say it.”

“I want to suck it. His dick.”

“I might let you… if you ask nicely.”

“Please, please, can I?”

“You’ll have to ask him, too. In the meantime, I’ll think about it.”

She let out a quiet moan of frustration.

I chuckled, and Carter looked our way. He realized what I was up to. He smirked, gave me a nod of approval, and returned his attention to Kim.

“Turn over,” he told her. “On your hands and knees, ass in the air. Good. Beautiful. Now hold that.”

Carter shot another half-dozen pictures, the last one a close-up of Kim’s ass and damp pussy. She loved every minute of it, and the flush of arousal had spread to her chest by the time he finished the roll.

“What do you think?” he asked me. “Do you want me to shoot some of Christy?”


“How far do you want me to go?”

I pretended to consider it. “About the same as Kim. Have her play with her nipples. Then her pussy. Finish with some spread shots. Make sure you get a couple of close-ups, too.” I belatedly realized that I was giving him orders. “Please,” I added, although it sounded lame.

“Right,” he agreed with a grin. “Hon, go keep Paul company. Do as he says.”

“Yes, sir.” She closed her legs and stood.

“Your turn,” I told Christy. “Do exactly what Carter tells you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

She went to join him, and he told her to sit on the chair.

I watched Kim as she moved to my side. She lowered her eyes but smiled. Her nipples were stiff with arousal, and her chest rose and fell with her excited breathing. I leaned back and studied her ass. It was firm and well-toned, like the rest of her.

“What do you think?” I asked her.

She furrowed her brow. “I… don’t understand.”

“Excuse me?”

She reacted like I’d seen before, as though she’d been slapped. “Sir,” she said quickly. “I don’t understand, sir.”

“Good. Now, answer my question. What do you think? Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You liked spreading your pussy, didn’t you? Especially with people watching.”

She swallowed. “Yes, sir.”

“Your cookie.” I chuckled to myself at the word, but Kim sighed with barely suppressed desire, so I revised my opinion. “You like it shaved, don’t you?”

“Carter likes it. Sir.”

“But what about you?”

“I like it too. Anything he wants.”

I nodded and considered her. “He wants me to fuck you.”

“I— I know. Sir.”

“We’ll see,” I said with studied indifference. “He and I still need to discuss it. Maybe. If you’re a good girl.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”

We lapsed into silence and watched as Carter directed Christy. She was equal parts nervous and excited, although she began to relax as Carter told her what to do and snapped pictures. She was more reserved than Kim had been, but she spread her legs and then used her fingers to spread her pussy. Her insides were pink and very wet.

Carter leaned in, shot a close-up, and then turned the camera on its side. He took one last picture before it began to whir and rewind the film.

He straightened slowly. He had a real hard-on now, and he didn’t care if I saw. Kim watched him like a hawk. She unconsciously moistened her lips, which made my own dick twitch with interest. I chuckled, soft and suggestive, and she looked at me.

“Oh, I’m going to fuck you all right,” I told her in a low, confident voice. “I’m going to fuck you while your husband watches. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

She swallowed hard and didn’t have a chance to answer before Carter looked at us. He asked her a silent question. She glanced at me before she ventured a nod.

“Yes, sir,” she said aloud, and I had to bite my tongue not to laugh.

Carter only understood half the answer, but it didn’t matter. He breathed a sigh of relief and beamed at me.

Sadly, he didn’t seem inclined to start an orgy right away, so I decided to cool things down.

“Let’s go for a swim.”

* * *

We had a package of bacon left in the refrigerator from the last time Wren had gone shopping, so Carter fried it, while I sliced tomatoes, washed lettuce, and toasted the bread. He assembled BLTs for us and Kim, and I made a couple of cheese, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches for Christy. We filled two bowls with carrot and celery sticks, and he made some quick ranch dip from a packet.

“Oh, yum!” Christy said when we delivered the plates. She happily munched a carrot.

“I used to call her ‘Bunny,’ back when we first met,” I said.

“You still call me that. Little Bit, Sunshine, Birdy. He has lots of nicknames for me.”

“I used to tease Kim,” Carter said, “when we were first dating. She only ate salads.”

“I wanted to look nice for you,” she said. “I still do.”

“You look amazing, hon.” He leaned over and kissed her, so I did the same to Christy.

As we ate, Carter explained how he’d become interested in photography.

“My dad had a Brownie Hawkeye, the one with the flash,” he said. “He was always taking pictures. At the beach, on road trips, wherever. He gave me my first camera when I was eight, a little Kodak Instamatic. I upgraded to a Yashica Electro 35 when I was twelve, and I’ve been hooked ever since.”

“Christy and I mostly stick to Polaroids.” I meant it as a joke about my own ability (or lack thereof), but he took me seriously.

“Right. And I know why. Same here. For our ‘action’ photography.”

Kim blushed and glanced at Christy.