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For information on dinosaurs, the Chicxulub strike, the K-T boundary, and the extinction of the dinosaurs, I am indebted to a number of sources, the most important being "The Day the World Burned" by David A. Kring and Daniel D. Durda in the December 2003

issue of Scientific American, The Dinosaur Heresies by Robert T. Bakker, Ph.D., and The Complete T. Rex by John R. Homer and Don Lessem. For anyone wishing further reading in the subject, I recommend these sources, as well as my own nonfiction book, Dinosaurs in the Attic, which tells the stories of some of the early dinosaur hunters and their finds.

While Abiquiu, the Chama River, Christ in the Desert Monastery, and the Mesa of the Ancients exist, much of the detailed geography in the novel is fictitious or has been

shifted to northern New Mexico from other parts of the country. In particular, I have taken the liberty of moving a remote and truly astonishing canyon in the Big Bend of Texas, known as Devil's Graveyard, into the area to serve as the site of the novel's final confrontation. The recently published photography book about the real Devil's Graveyard, entitled Ribbons of Time, contains pictures of the actual terrain described in the novel for those who are interested.

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Tyrannosaur Canyon