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Steven M. Greer, M.D., Steve Alten (editor)

Unacknowledged: An Expose of the World's Greatest Secret


I would like to thank Steve Alten, Tim Schulte, Barbara Becker, and the team at A&M Publishing for assisting with this book, which has been a Promethean task of editing and writing. Out of thousands of pages of interviews, transcripts and government documents, we have collected the best and most representative sample that tells the narrative of Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs), how they operate, what they are hiding―and most of all, WHY.

I would also like to thank the courageous men and women of The Disclosure Project who have come forward to recount their experiences while in the military and government. These top-secret witnesses have exhibited true courage and patriotism in coming forward and telling the world what is going on in the extreme secret world of UFO-related USAPs. We owe them our gratitude for the gift they have given humanity.

Many thanks to the 5,000 people whose generous crowd-funding support made this book and the Unacknowledged film possible.

With special thanks to Alexander S.C Rower, Sekai Chideya, M.D., MPH, Guilerme Feltre, David G. and J.Z. Knight.

Lastly, I would like to thank my wife, Emily, without whose love and support this book―indeed the entire Disclosure Project―would not exist. For 27 years, Emily has been the unsung hero of this effort and has selflessly, and with love, supported this great work with me. Thank you!

Steven M. Greer M.D.

29 January 2017

Other books by Steven M. Greer, M.D

Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications

Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History

Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge

Contact: Coundown to Transformation

Available at: www.SiriusDisclosure.com

For additional witness testimony and discussion of the false flag issues and exposing the national security state, please go to:


• Individual witness testimony

• “Exposé of the National Security State”

• “The Cosmic False Flag”

Be sure to watch the documentary film Unacknowledged to see the testimony of many of the witnesses, with Dr. Greer, connecting the dots.


Apollo Astronaut, Dr. Brian O’Leary

“UFO research is leading us kicking and

screaming into the science of the twenty-first century.”

―J. Allen Hynek

The human experiment on planet Earth is on the verge of self-destruction. Looking at the threats of nuclear war, the chemical and biological ecocide, global climate change, proliferating weapons on Earth and in space, the greed of corporations, and the gross cronyism and mismanagement of the U.S. government, the bloated military budgets and aggression, the distractions of our cultural conditioning, the spread of fear and ignorance, the suppression of life-saving technologies, the disparity of wealth and poverty among us, it is amazing we are still here. Barely.

Do we have any hope? My answer is, we can only try. And if we do try, where can we find the answers? Enter Dr. Steven Greer.

Almost twenty years ago I first met Steve Greer at a lecture I gave at the Unity Church in Arden, North Carolina. Having left my career as a mainstream space scientist at Princeton University and Science Applications International Corporation, I was then beginning to liberate myself from the confines and expectations of Western science. I was also intensely studying the UFO/ET phenomenon rejected by most of my fellow scientists. Now I felt free to explore and express our transcendent reality.

So was Steve. A brilliant young ER physician with UFO/ET experience, Dr. Greer and I talked into the night when we first met. We began to make connections we were both just beginning to understand: that ET visitations were not only real, they could assist us in overcoming the human-caused global crisis. Since then, Steve has provided amazing leadership in penetrating the mysteries, not only of the phenomenon itself, but the shadowy corners of U.S. government and corporate cover-up of it. As a result, Dr. Greer has proven himself, time and time again, as a fearless and energetic warrior on the leading edge of planetary change.

First he founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), in which he introduced the concept of ambassadorship between humans and off-planet cultures―but this time not merely science fiction. Holding all-night workshops in UFO hot spots around the world, his groups would vector in craft through the use of lights, sounds and visualization which he coined as Close Encounters of a Fifth Kind, aka CE-5. The workshops continue to be offered to interested students.

Then he embarked on the difficult task of locating and receiving video/DVD testimonies of over one hundred U.S. government UFO/ET witnesses under The Disclosure Project, culminating in a major press conference in Washington, D.C., in May 2001. These revelations underscore a long, sordid history of governmental and media secrecy and the acquisition of technologies such as microelectronics, anti-gravity propulsion and zero-point, or “free” energy, from our visitors. This massive cover-up has been going on for almost six decades, since the UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947, an event which was certainly not caused by balloons, as alleged by the U.S. Air Force. Such myths are only accepted by the ignorant or the powerful and their subjects.

Dr. Greer’s pioneering work on disclosure inevitably led to further understand the depth and credibility of ET contact accounts, as well as the cover-up itself, for example, the “above top secret” research going on near the infamous Groom Lake, Nevada and elsewhere.

Steve Greer is a spiritual warrior of high calling, juxtaposed against those forces identifying themselves as the “United States.” The latter are criminals who must be brought to justice, for so many reasons evident to ever more of us, as we watch the fall of the American empire. Dr. Greer, more than anyone, has produced the clearest evidence of a UFO/ET cover-up, and now it is up to the rest of us to embrace it.

It is sobering to think that, only since the United States pioneered the nuclear age in 1945, causing the most frightening devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the modern sightings, contacts and technology transfers have been taking place. The long-range atomic bombers were stationed in Roswell, the bomb was created in Los Alamos, the first one exploded in Alamagordo, and missiles to deliver future bombs were tested in White Sands―all in New Mexico, a nexus of the military-industrial complex. Was it just coincidence that the 1947 Roswell UFO crash also happened there? Doubtfuclass="underline" the horrors of nuclear technology would make any compassionate ET race want to rush to that area, as they have ever since to military and nuclear installations elsewhere. Perhaps they are helping to prevent the horrors they too don’t wish to see unleashed by irresponsible humans.

We Earthlings need all the help we can get, so why not embrace the phenomenon for what it is, to marvel at the wonder, leaving behind our cultural biases? Only through expanding our knowledge and taking political action can we make the needed shifts, and that is what Dr. Greer is so good at doing.

In many ways, the UFO phenomenon tells us more about ourselves than about our mysterious visitors, and the mirror they hold in front of us is frightening―yet hopeful, if we listen to Dr. Greer’s words. He is providing support to inventors with revolutionary new energy technologies that could give the world clean, cheap and decentralized energy, thus ending the oil, coal, and nuclear age and the virtual end of human-caused pollution and climate change.