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One of the most ridiculous statements that I got was that a person would have to be a chairperson to do that. So I asked a senator from Mississippi if he’d do it and without any hesitation, he said no. I said, would you give me that in writing? I got that in writing, but I’m hesitant to release it. I will show it to you but I’m hesitant to release it simply because I made a promise not to.

We have got to get the documentation as it exists in the government files. We have got to get it released before it is ultimately destroyed. A good example are the Blue Fly and Moon Dust files. I had classified documents the Air Force acknowledged. When I got members of Congress to help me open up more files they were immediately destroyed and I can prove this.

Somewhere along the line they may see that material and realize there is some very highly sensitive information that would have a damning effect upon the national security of United States should it become compromised. It needs to be further protected to ensure that there is only a limited access to that information to a small number of people. So small you can put them on a single piece of paper and list them by name. Thus, you have the Special Access Programs. The controls that were supposed to be put on the Special Access Programs are not there. When Congress did their review of the way we protect documents and the way we go ahead and implement our secrecy programs, they found you had Special Access Programs within Special Access Programs―it was essentially impossible to keep control of them all by Congress. And I’m telling you right now; it is essentially impossible to keep control of them all.

When it comes to UFOs the same criteria applies. Therefore, only a small nucleus within the intelligence community numbering less than a hundred―no, I’d suggest less than fifty―control all that information. It is not subject to congressional review or oversight at all. So Congress needs to go ahead and ask the hard questions and convene a hearing.

There would be quite a few missions to describe but simply put, yes, I was involved in those types of operations to retrieve crashed ET objects. A lot of people think that you are just in your unit waiting in the rafters, just waiting for the next UFO crash; a landing where there is going to be debris. It doesn’t work that way. You have a real life. You have a real job in the military. However, if you are in an area where an event takes place and you are one of these people that they can go ahead and call upon in your field of expertise, then you are called in.


Dan Morris is a retired Air Force career Master Sergeant who was involved in the extraterrestrial projects for many years. After leaving the Air Force, he was recruited into the super-secret National Reconnaissance Organization, or NRO, during which time he worked specifically on extraterrestrial-connected operations. He had a cosmic top-secret clearance (38 levels above top-secret) which, he states, no U.S. president, to his knowledge, has ever held.

When I was stationed at Air Proving Ground command in Florida, they were going to send me to Warner Robins Air Force Base with a team, and with the two most powerful radars we had at the time. And Strategic Air Command―that’s when SAC was on alert all the time―was going to run penetration missions against us. It was all secret who was there. The commander of the base didn’t know this unit was there, all they were thinking was that we were marked as a weather squadron, and we had nothing to do with the weather.

Anyway, we got our equipment set up at Warner Robins, and we were operating―we’d been there for about a month. We were working on the big tower one day; it was down for maintenance, and there were five of us on the tower and two guys down in the control room. Somebody said, “Look, UFOs!” “Yeah, yeah,”―I don’t think that anybody turned around and looked. That was the days of the Bluebook, and if you said you saw a UFO they’d send you to the hospital and you’d be examined by a psychiatrist to see why you wanted out of the Air Force. Or they’d ship you out to somewhere else to shut you up. Then, J. Allen Hynek, who was a technical advisor to Close Encounters of the Third Kind―he was hired officially by the Bluebook Project to shut everybody up―come up with something―either auto-suggestion, mass hypnosis, or swamp gas―those were his three statements that he would usually come up with.

Somebody said, “Just turn around and look!” So, we all turned around and there, sitting about, I’d say, a half a mile from the tower, at about three thousand feet altitude were three silver UFOs. So we all walked over to the rope and said, “Yeah, those are real UFOs.” And I said, “Okay, if Hynek comes up here, or if they send a team up here, what are we going to say?” Somebody said, “There’s about twenty thousand civilians and about ten thousand military on this base― somebody else is bound to have seen these, so when they say it’s mass hypnosis, or auto-suggestion, or swamp gas―let’s go down and turn the radar on, because none of that paints on the radar.”

So, we all went down. Now, the two guys who were down there―I asked them, “You got your cameras―official Air Force cameras? Go outside and take pictures; go out and tell me what you see.” They came back and said, “There are UFOs sitting out there in formation!” I said, “Well, take pictures―get the cameras and take pictures.” And, I told the other two: “Turn the radar cameras on,” because we had radar cameras that took pictures, too.

So that was all there, and this building we were in had one whole side that was glass French doors. So if you set the radarscope, you’d look outside and see there were UFOs. And so I called headquarters. I said, “Okay, we have a contact.” He says, “You mean SAC is running a mission against you?” I said, “Not SAC; not SAC.” He says, “What, then?” I said, “Cosmos.” He said, “Wait a minute―describe them on the phone.” There was a switch you could throw that scrambles everything, so I said, “Okay, my phone’s scrambled; is yours scrambled?” “Mine’s scrambled,” he says, “What do you mean you’ve got a cosmic contact?” I said, “I mean there are three UFOs sitting out there.” “You taking pictures?” “We’re taking pictures.” “You taking radar pictures?” “We’re taking radar pictures― taking real pictures.” He says, “Okay, don’t say another word; I will send a courier up there; he’ll get there in about six hours―you turn everything over to him.” And I said, “Okay.”

About six hours later, he’s there; we’ve got everything sealed up for him; we give it to him; he heads back to Air Proving Ground Command―and we were never officially notified that they ever received those pictures. It went secret; it went black―like it never happened. But, we had copies of the pictures, so I told the guys―the five―I said, “Okay, guys, here’s a copy for all of you. Keep them for your grandkids.”

Now as far as I know, that mission was closed―but that got us all interested, because we had seen some facts, you know―not radar scopes, not things in crypto―but we were there, and we had pictures of them.

When they started moving and the radar antennae went around―the trace on your scope went around four sweeps per minute―by the time we had “painted” them, they were out of sight. Once they started moving, they went straight up, and then they went, zap! And they were off our scope. Our scope would go out to 260 miles; so you calculate that, and that’s pretty fast. We never had anything back then that could go that fast in the inventory [this was in the 1940s].