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Do you know why we stopped exploding nuclear weapons? We were ordered to do it by those ETs from Orion. Orion―they came down and they told us, “Look, you can destroy yourselves, so we won’t put up with that. If you do that―if you explode that planet―and you’ve got the capability now…” That’s when we really got their attention, and they came down and they said, “Look, we won’t let you destroy your planet, so we want you to stop all nuclear testing.” They had already stopped us from using weapons, and then they told us, “No more nuclear testing.” Now Russia and the United States―we were firm believers, by then, that those beings could do what they said. And you saw the time they all showed up over Washington, D.C., and we sent our jets up after them, and every time the jets would go up, the UFOs would zap out, or they’d go to another dimension. The jets would come back to base and the UFOs would be back over Washington―scared the hell out of everybody in Washington―what are they going to do?


Don Phillips, U.S. Air Force and contractor at Lockheed Skunkworks and the CIA worked with Kelly Johnson at the Lockheed Skunkworks on design and construction of the U-2 and the SR-71 Blackbird. He was in the Air Force at Las Vegas Air Force Base during a major UFO event.

We know that there were some captured craft from 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. And, yeah, they were real. And, yes, we really did get some technology from them. And, yes, we really did put it to work.

I entered college after high school, but I also went to work for Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. My studies had to do with design, engineering, mechanical, electrical and aeronautics. I was a private pilot at that time, and still am.

In 1961, I started my new job in what is called the Lockheed Skunkworks. When I left to join the military, I felt that this was something I wanted to come back to after serving my country.

In 1965 I went into the military and discovered that some of my assignments placed me near Las Vegas, Nevada, in close proximity to areas where we tested our aircraft… an area commonly known as Area 51. We call it Dreamland, the Hog Farm, the Lake. People always want to know what is happening out there. We are testing airplanes… special aircraft, such as the Blackbird which I am very proud of because that’s my baby. And it still holds some of the world’s records to this day.

Now, the thing about being in the military in that area is that we had radar sites attached to Nellis Air Force Base. Nellis is a flight test and pilot training base for the U.S. military. North of Las Vegas, way up at the northeast end of the Gunnery Range, is what we know as Area 51. Across the highway that goes north from Las Vegas is a site called Angels Peak. Angels Peak covers Area 51, but it also covered a lot of other areas, like the Atomic Energy Commission test grounds to the west and to the north.

So Angels Peak was a classified radar installation. We would monitor the aircraft coming from Las Vegas into Area 51 or whatever passed by. And, it was whatever passed by that became most interesting one night in 1966. That night, I heard a lot of commotion about one o’clock in the morning.

We were at 8,000 feet; the radar domes were at approximately 10,500 feet. I decided to get up and walked to the main road near my office. I got to the area where a group of about five people were standing and they were looking up in the air. As I looked up I saw these lighted objects moving at tremendous speeds. It was in the area slightly to the north-northwest of Mount Charleston. Right at that instant I saw these things traveling, I would estimate at 3,000 to 4,000 miles per hour―and then immediately make acute turns. I had a special background with the Skunkworks, Lockheed Aircraft Advanced Development and Engineering, and knew these were not ours. And, having been a pilot, I’m thinking, if there are people in these craft, what kind of forces are their bodies taking?

It went on for about another ninety seconds. And then all of a sudden, they seemed to group hundreds of miles in the sky to the west. They came into a circle, rotated, and then disappeared. And I thought, wow, what a show.

The Security Sergeant happened to be on duty. We all looked at each other and said, “Gee, this is really something.” He said, “We shouldn’t really say anything about this.”

I had a buddy that was a chief radar operator named Anthony Kasar. Anthony was the first one to get off of the bus after the door opened. I looked at him and he was as serious as anybody could possibly be and as white as a sheet. He took one step down and looked at me and said, “Did you see those?” I said, “Yeah, we’ve been watching them… some of the fellows for the last four to five minutes, and I’ve seen them for a little more than ninety seconds.” He said, “We saw them on the radar screen and we documented them. They are not bogeys. They are not apparitions. They are real solid objects.”

And, of course, they would have to be in order to get a fix with radar.

He documented six to seven of them. Their speeds were estimated by the radar operators and their scopes between 3,800 to 4,200 miles per hour. These things were darting across the sky and suddenly they’d just come to a stop and do a 60-degree or 45-degree or 10-degree turn after stopping. And then immediately reverse this action.

When I was working with the Skunkworks we signed an agreement with the National Security Agency and the National Security Council, as well as the CIA. And we kept very quiet about things because they always knew where we were and what we were doing. I automatically had that team spirit―we were a big family there. And, I was very proud of that, having worked directly for Kelly Johnson.

The anti-gravity propulsion systems―I heard it existed. But the left hand never knew what the right hand was doing, and for good reason. They didn’t want us asking questions. We wanted to stay focused on the projects that we were working on.


Graham Bethune is a retired Navy commander pilot with a top-secret clearance. He was a VIP Plane Commander who flew most of the high-ranking officers and civilians from Washington, D.C.

My name is Graham Bethune. I am a commander, retired pilot from the Navy and I went through the regular Navy program of training pilots. All Navy pilots are trained navigators, which is very important because we had to know all of the star systems. When I graduated from Pensacola in 1943, I went to the South Atlantic to hunt German submarines. This was all night flying.

In 1950 I was transferred to Air Transport Squadron One and sent to Keflavik, Iceland, along with two other officers after a meeting that they had in Washington, D.C., where Iceland was reporting multiple UFO sightings and were requesting troops [the Defense Department convincing them they were experimental Russian bombers].

The flight was normally about ten hours, but we had a 16-knot head wind. It was about 1 a.m. and we were three to four hundred miles outside of Argentia, Newfoundland when I saw something below the horizon on the water that looked like we were approaching a city at night. It was an ambient light, no definition whatsoever. I called my co-pilot’s attention to it, who was route checking me. He took a look at it and he didn’t know what it was either. We had already passed over the guard ship―in those days, they had a guard ship that sailed Iceland and Newfoundland. The weather was clear, there was no Northern Light activity, and we had ship plots. There were no ships plotted in that area. So we asked control if they could give us another fix and find out if we were really on course. We thought maybe we had drifted, that we were seeing Labrador or maybe the tip of Greenland. According to control, we were right on course.