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A.H. is a person who has gained significant information from inside the UFO extraterrestrial groups within our government, military, and civilian companies. He has friends at the NSA, CIA, NASA, JPL, ONI, NRO, Area 51, the Air Force, Northrop, Boeing, and others. He once worked at Boeing as a surface technician.

Majestic-12 is real. The name was changed but the positions are still the same.

Henry Kissinger is very knowledgeable about what’s going on. He was in the loop, I was told by a friend of mine who worked at the NSA. He saw Kissinger’s name on MJ-12 documents.

This NSA witness entered in 1974, and left the military in about 1985. He said that Henry Kissinger was involved with the group back in the 1950s to study the ramifications of this information and to determine what would happen if it was leaked through a credible source. They were to do a study and pass off classified information to certain outside study groups, such as the Rand Corporation and other think tanks of this nature. He also saw George Bush Sr.’s name on some of the documents. As former CIA Director, Bush was made aware of what’s going on.

There is another base in London that is also monitoring the situation regarding the extraterrestrials through MI-5 and MI-6. He told me that President Jimmy Carter was alerted to several events that were taking place overseas. This NSA witness had handled that transmission personally. Carter was brought up to speed regarding some events that were taking place over in Iraq and Iran where several near-misses occurred. Some of the Iranian fighter jets which we sold to them chased these UFOs and their instruments went crazy; one of the fighter jets almost crashed. But the pilot pulled away from the object―a huge circular shaped object―and regained control of his fighter jet.

But Carter was largely left out of the loop―the control group didn’t trust the guy. They were afraid he would come out and make blanketed statements to the news media. [See UFO SECRET FILE: Hiding the Truth in Plain Sight―Daniel Sheehan testimonial.] But he was informed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff that these events were taking place in Iran and Iraq. The ET’s are monitoring our war efforts, especially regarding nuclear bombs and other experiments.

Around 1978 President Reagan was fully briefed on the alien presence. Reagan told Mikhail Gorbachev of Russia about 75 % of what’s going on. And then Gorbachev became very, very close to us. I find that highly strange.

[NOTE: Reagan was fed disinformation to endorse Star Wars Defense Shield. ―SG]

The second time that Gorbachev came to America, and they were able to interview Gorbachev, a CNN reporter asked, “Do you think we should get rid of all our nuclear weapons?” And his wife stepped in and she said, “No, I don’t think we should get rid of all our nuclear weapons because of alien spacecraft.”

Now CNN put this story on for the first half hour on CNN headline news; I heard this and I jumped up and put a blank tape in to record the next half-hour. Well, that story disappeared, and you know who intercepted that. It was the CIA that got involved with that because I know they were monitoring CNN and all international headlines at that time. They squashed that, but I heard it. And this tells me that my information is correct about Ronald Reagan, from my NSA source. The secrecy is just total overkill as far as I’m concerned. And the Congress needs to know about this information.

These projects are controlled by the Majestic-12 group; it’s an oversight group intermingled with the National Security Council and the National Security Planning Group in Washington, D.C. that overseas everything. They have full control. They have no Congressional oversight whatsoever and answer to nobody. How they are being funded, I don’t know. I can tell you one thing, the General Accounting Office doesn’t know what’s going on.

“So-called empty space isn’t really empty at all. It’s actually full of energy. So, instead of being an empty lot it’s more like the froth at the base of a waterfall.”

―Dr. Hal Puthoff
Theoretical/Experimental Physicist

“The amount of energy in a cubic meter of space/time was ten to the 26th power joules per cubic meter.

(10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00) That’s enough energy in a coffee cup to boil all the oceans of the Earth completely away into steam.”

―Quantum Physicists




• Richard Doty, Special Agent with Air Force Office of Special Investigations

• Master Sergeant Dan Morris, NRO Operative/Cosmic Clearance

• Lieutenant Colonel Charles Brown, Project Grudge

Commentary from Steven M. Greer, M.D.

The compartmentalization of Special Access Projects; i.e., secret projects dealing with ETs and UFOs, was exponentially increased by the early 1950s when those in charge suddenly realized exactly what it was that their scientists were reverse-engineering. In essence, these downed UFO craft contained a Rosetta Stone to a new physics―an energy generation and propulsion system responsible for interstellar space travel. This new system could easily replace all existing energy generation and propulsion systems on Earth―and with them, the entire geo-political and economic order on our planet.

Let’s take a moment and digest this last statement.

Essentially, a select group of individuals had acquired access to a technology which could provide every home, business, factory and vehicle with its own source of free abundant power. Translated:

• No more external fuel sources.

• No need for oil, gas, coal, nuclear plants or the internal combustion engine.

• No need for roads. These energy devices could yield an anti-gravitic effect resulting in zero mass, allowing for above-surface transportation (yes, flying cars).

• And no pollution. Period.

The source of this energy―defined as the zero-point field―is what made interstellar travel possible. And yet this extraordinary and infinite source of energy was not unknown to man.

Zero-Point-Energy: A Quick Tutorial

Our third-dimensional physical universe is literally swimming in an all-pervasive sea of quantum energy; only like ignorant fish, we remain unaware of the water’s existence. For scientists, the clues have been around for over a century, but one has to think outside the box in order to understand them.

Dr. Harold Puthoff at Cambridge University was one of the first to conduct a search for this quantum sea of energy. Minus 273 degrees Celsius, or zero degrees Kelvin, is the absolute lowest temperature in the universe. According to the laws of Newtonian physics, all molecular activity should cease at absolute zero and no energy should exist. Of course, scientists used to say the same thing about the bottom of the ocean―no light, no energy―no life. And then we actually sent a submersible into the depths to check things out for ourselves and, lo and behold, we found energy spewing out of hydrothermal vents and an entire food chain existing on chemosynthesis―the primordial soup that led to the origin of life on this planet.

Dr. Puthoff made a similar discovery. When he measured absolute zero, instead of an empty vacuum, he was shocked to find a “seething cauldron” of energy―a plenum of space where every square centimeter was filled with matter. Appropriately, he named it zero-point-energy. It is zero-point-energy that causes subatomic particles to jiggle and then literally jump in and out of existence. What is actually happening is that the photons collide and are absorbed by other subatomic particles. The process excites them into a higher energy state, creating an energy exchange between the fourth dimensional zero-point field and our third dimensional physical world. Although they appear for only thousandths or millionths of a second, their appearance is yet another indication that something truly magnificent lies just beyond the physical realm and the limitations of our five senses―an endless supply of free energy.