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Two more experiments have proven the existence of the zero-point field. The first is the Casimir Effect. By placing two plates made of conductive materials in a vacuum facing each other, Hendrick Casimir theorized that if the zero-point field actually existed, the total amount of energy between the surfaces of the plates would be less than the amount elsewhere, leading them to be drawn together―which is exactly what happened.

A more dramatic experiment, and another example of what quantum physicists have dubbed “Weird Science and Freakin’ Magic,” involves a ZPE-related phenomenon called sonoluminescense―the transformation of sound waves into light energy. If you fill a small spherical glass with water, resonate it with harmonious sound waves of 20 kilohertz, and then blow a very tiny air bubble into the center of the flask, the air bubble will rhythmically heat up to an incredible 30,000 degrees Celsius before imploding in an ultra-short flash of light.

Third Dimension vs. Fourth Dimension Electrical Circuits:

Constructed within the walls of your home is an electrical circuit made up of copper wire. Flowing through the copper wiring, like a river of atoms, is an electrical current, its movement generated by the separation of positively-charged protons heading one way, and the negatively-charged electrons moving in the other direction. Plug a lamp into a socket and the electric current flows through the copper wires into the bulb’s filament, and we have light. What initiates that separation of atoms is a dipole―an electromagnetic device.

All of our current sources of electricity, from batteries to coal and nuclear power plants, share one basic problem: When the electrical current is fed back to the source that initiated it (the electromagnetic device or dipole), it destroys it. As a result, the energy in the magnetic field dissipates, leaving only about a 30 % return for the load, making the systems we’ve been using for over a hundred years incredibly inefficient. Of course, the power company wants the circuit to be inefficient, after all they’re profiting from every amp we use. And the fossil fuel and nuclear industries also get a nice chunk of that change since it’s their fuel that powers the dipole.

To figure out where things went so wrong when they could have gone so right, we go back to the turn of the twentieth century and Nikola Tesla, a brilliant scientist who realized that humans may exist and think in three dimensions, but nature (and electricity) actually prefers to work in four dimensions―the fourth being time-space. By applying a high-voltage system to an electromagnetic field in a counter-rotating vortex, Tesla allowed nature to reorganize the flow of protons and electrons within the vacuum of a generator at the speed of light, essentially incorporating the fourth dimensional aspects of zero-point-energy. What’s more, instead of the energy output fading, Tesla discovered the flow of protons and electrons in the vacuum would continue forever without losing so much as a drop of its load. Think of it as tapping into an oil well; once you hit a geyser you no longer need a drill; the pressure simply takes over. Tesla also figured out that, by using a permanent magnet as the dipole, the flux would pass back through the permanent magnet―preventing it from being destroyed, provided it was welded into the material.

Tesla’s last challenge was figuring out a way to catch this forever-flowing river of free energy. His solution was fairly simple―he found a material that separated the magnetic field from the magnetic field vector which flows unceasingly from the magnet, yielding a current of energy that could last a billion years and beyond―a true over-unity system.

In 1901, Tesla was preparing to use the planet’s own magnetic field as a giant dipole in order to broadcast electricity to ships at sea without wires―an experiment that would lead to free energy and change the world… only J. P. Morgan intervened. It seems the wealthy industrialist had invested in copper wire to be used to deliver electricity to homes and businesses, and he decided that giving energy to people without charging them was simply un-American.

Before Tesla could conduct his experiment, J. P. Morgan got his pals in Washington to shut it down and confiscate all of the scientist’s papers and inventions, leaving him destitute.

It’s a pattern that repeats itself throughout our history―every scientist who has ever figured out how to create a true over-unity device has been bought out, shut down, or silenced (killed) by the powers that be. Remember, it’s not enough to invent a true over-unity system, you also have to sell it to the right people who won’t quash it, otherwise you must manufacture the design yourself, and that requires a lot of money. Either way, you’ll need a patent, and therein lies the second problem. The U.S. Patent law allows the government to arbitrarily determine if a technology or device poses a danger to our national security. Over the years, elements within the Department of Defense, CIA, NSA, Federal Trade Commission, and the Department of Energy have abused this interpretation of the law in their attempt to safeguard the world’s status quo (big energy profits), denying thousands of patents.

T. Henry Moray’s breakthrough work was ignored by the patent office, his lab ransacked. T. Townsend Brown, one of the founding fathers of electro-gravitics, discovered that he could access zero-point-energy by utilizing high voltages of 20,000 to 200,000 volts. The effect caused his charged capacitors to lose their mass and literally levitate off the ground―just like a UFO! Big Oil wasn’t too keen on the competition, so the authorities denied Brown a patent and confiscated all of his work.

Other inventors have been lured into partnering with bogus companies, only to see their inventions locked up (black shelved) indefinitely. John Keely, Viktor Schauberger, and Otis Carr were harassed and murdered. Professor John Searl, another electro-gravitics physicist, was set up by two CIA agents who attempted to poison him. The same thing happened to Adam Trombly.

Back in the 1980s, Stan Meyer was working as an engineer at a plant that built microwave systems; the scientist had observed that at very low frequencies water would go straight into hydrogen and oxygen. Based on this observation, his twin brother Steve helped him develop a circuitry where he could put an electrode in water and, at a certain voltage, create what is called Brown’s Gas, a magnetically-charged hydrogen and oxygen mix that essentially replaced gasoline with water. To prove it worked, the Meyer boys retrofitted a dune buggy and word spread.

Enter the CIA, who claimed they wanted to hire Stan to retrofit a Lear jet. Stan was nervous (rightfully so) and insisted on meeting in a public place―a local Cracker Barrel restaurant―for lunch. Stan took one drink of his beverage, grabbed his throat and rasped, “I’ve been poisoned!” He ran out to the parking lot, collapsed and died.

By the end of 2010, there were 5,135 inventions that were confiscated under national security orders (Secrecy News, 10/21/10).

It’s important to understand that these free energy systems already exist, and we, the people are the ones who paid for it in trillions of tax dollars’ worth of secret black op programs. All the hundreds of trillions of dollars in assets in coal, oil, uranium… they’re all obsolete. Some people might say, “Doesn’t that mean the secrecy’s been a good thing?” That would be like arguing we should have never come out with the automobile because it would have forced the horse and buggy manufacturers to go out of business… or computers because Royal Typewriters would have gone out of business.