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The macroeconomic order of fossil fuels and the privileged few feeding from its trough simply will not allow free energy systems to gain a foothold―no matter how many billions of boats this technological tide can raise, not to mention save our planet. And if you take them on, you’ll run into the mother of all buzz saws.

We are proposing to solve this conundrum through the creation of the New Earth Energy Incubator―an open-source research and development project on zero-point-energy (ZPE), with no patents or Intellectual Property. [See The New Earth Incubator Fund; Concept.]


Richard Doty was a Special Agent for Counterintelligence for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). For over eight years, he was specifically tasked with the UFO/Extraterrestrial issue at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, and also at Nellis Air Force Base (the so-called Area 51), and at other locations.

Later in my career, I read a document in Washington that explained the U.S. scientists’ understanding of the rectangular Plexiglass-like object found aboard the ET craft. It was an energy device that used zero-point-energy. And it was connected in such a manner that this device could power from a very small flashlight to an entire city. Each craft had one, though the vessel that crashed in Horse Mesa out west had a larger energy device than the one found in Corona. I don’t think they understood why, but the devices operated in the same manner.


Dan Morris is a retired Air Force career Master Sergeant who was involved in the extraterrestrial projects for many years. After leaving the Air Force, he was recruited into the super-secret National Reconnaissance Organization, or NRO, during which time he worked specifically on extraterrestrial-connected operations. He had a cosmic top-secret clearance (38 levels above top-secret) which, he states, no U.S. president, to his knowledge, has ever held.

UFOs are both extraterrestrial and man-made. The guys that were doing the UFOs―they weren’t sleeping―and T. Townsend Brown was one of our guys who was almost up-to-speed with the Germans. So we had a problem―we had to keep Townsend Brown… what he was doing on the anti-gravity, electromagnetic propulsion… secret.

Even back in Tesla’s time, we had free energy that we could transfer. All you had to do was put up an antenna and place a stake in the ground, and you could light this house and have all the energy you needed. But what do we run on? For the last century, we’ve run on petroleum. Who’s in control of the petroleum in the world? A lot of people think that Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are in charge. They aren’t. We control it―us and the Brits. Well, some people refer to this as the secret government: a group of the richest men in the world who control petroleum. You don’t need cars unless you have an internal combustion engine. Well, if you have one of these [zero-point-energy] units that’s about sixteen inches long and about eight inches high and about ten inches wide, then you don’t need to plug into the local electric company. These devices burn nothing―no pollution; it never wears out, because there are no moving parts―what moves are electrons in the gravity field; in the electronic field; and they turn in opposite directions, okay? You put one in a car― the car would rust and fall down around it before it would ever wear out.

What’s that going to do to the world economy that runs on petroleum?


Lieutenant Colonel Charles Brown, U.S. Air Force: After returning from WW II an Air Force hero, Colonel Brown worked in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. He was assigned to work on Project Grudge where he was responsible for investigating UFOs.

I knew from engineering manuals and from research done at MIT that if we went from totally dry air to totally saturated air, you should improve the efficiency of an engine by about 2 %. Well, by humidifying air [through this process we discovered], I was getting 20 % to 30 % improvement in the efficiency of an internal combustion engine.

Engineering people and scientists just wouldn’t believe it. So I went ahead, not knowing any better, I started selling these devices which improved engine performance so remarkably. Well, some strange things started to happen and government agencies moved in, and particularly the Federal Trade Commission. The EPA was satisfied that it worked. But there was no government support. Finally the administrator of the EPA had asked the director of their research lab in North Carolina if he would work with me. So I showed up, without knowing that he had called him, with a diesel vehicle. Very spectacular results in that, so far as I know, it was the first diesel ever tested in a United States EPA laboratory that simultaneously reduced all aspects of measured diesel emissions, plus improved fuel economy up to 23 %. As far as I know, no one has ever equaled it.

The Federal Trade Commission later performed, literally, an illegal act. The precise statement made to the attorney for a large dealer in Washington was, “We don’t care whether it works or not. We just don’t want people buying these large American cars.”

I could not, when I got that report, imagine an officer of the United States government [in 1979-80] saying that.

So I flew to Washington and went to the Congress. I saw a Senator with the Science and Technology committee, and met the General Counsel. He questioned me at length. I had documentation. He then said they would act. When I pointed out the unfairness of the FTC aspect, they wrote a scathing letter to the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission and sent me a copy of it.

Within three weeks from that date, I lost my vehicle, about $100,000 worth of equipment, and a test vehicle was stolen. I had sponsored the U.S. Army race team on a little Sprite racing car. They stole my unit off of that car after we had just won the race. The Captain of the Army race team was a Master Sergeant in the Army. We’d created a super car. And they stole that car from the U.S. Army in Van Nuys, California.

So in three weeks, I was financially and psychologically wiped out. This is no longer just talk. There’s a real world out there. And as someone who had engaged in, been in and around a combat zone nine years of my life, to have to come back to this… It was quite traumatic.

We also had a project with the Maritime Administration, which was very successful. The conclusion was I could either add 20 % in horsepower or 20 % in fuel reduction, at the same time while reducing emissions by 40 %.

Two months before the end of the project they said, “Our agreement is off. We are going to cancel the project.” I said, “You can’t do this.” They said, “We’ve done it.”

So I said, “Well, I’m going to finish the project,” and I paid for the last two months of it.

They said, “We are not going to distribute the test results. We also want all of your notes and all of your records.”

I’m saying, “You really don’t have a right to those.” And they say, “Yes we do. We paid for them.” You don’t argue with the government. So I made copies of everything I had―several copies, and distributed them at various points, and sent them the originals of all of this. What I did not know at the time, I put in a call to the chief engineer who had set up the project, and he was never available. The number two engineer was never available. So I finally called the comptroller. And he said, “They are no longer with us.” I said, “What are you talking about?” He said, “They have eliminated the research division in the Maritime administration.”