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On the evening of my first meeting with Steven Greer, the Unity minister Chad O’Shea presented me with a bumper sticker, “The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off.” If we allow ourselves to vent about, not to deny, our dire circumstances, and then move on to solutions, we might have a chance as a civilization.

This courageous work is not for the meek. Many cutting-edge scientists have been threatened, murdered, and otherwise suppressed by cascades of disinformation and personal attacks. Dr. Greer has endured all this, to our benefit.

Dr. Brian O’Leary―2005


Scientist, author, former Apollo astronaut


This book is dedicated to our children, and our children’s children’s children―that the ending of illegal secrecy and the promulgation of planet and life-saving technologies hidden in these Unacknowledged projects will be used to establish a just, peaceful and sustainable civilization on Earth that may then explore the universe in peace.

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In Memory of

Lynne DeLuca


My Great and Oldest Friend, Sister in Spirit, Pioneer and Original Member of the Board of Directors of The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI)


“We already have the means to travel around the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.”

―Ben Rich, former head of Lockheed Skunkworks 1975–1991
UCLA School of Engineering Alumni Speech
March 23, 1993


This book contains information that has been kept from sitting U.S. presidents, senators, members of congress, heads of state, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff… to name a few. I know this because in many cases I was the one who provided briefings for them.

What I have learned over the last three decades is that there are two U.S. governments… the government of We the People represented by our elected officials, and a shadow government made up of mid-level functionaries whose roots trace back to a black ops organization launched in the 1940s by President Truman. This group, known back then as MAJESTIC-12, was tasked with keeping the truth from the public regarding the most astounding discovery in the history of the world ― UFOs and the existence of Extraterrestrial life.

But it is not just the truth about UFOs and ETs this secret regime has been safe-guarding, it is the interstellar technologies that have been reverse-engineered from the more than twenty downed ETVs (extraterrestrial vehicles), more commonly referred to as UFOs, the first two of which crash-landed outside of Roswell Air Force Base in New Mexico in July of 1947. These craft were downed using an early electromagnetic wave weapon. They were drawn to the Roswell base, and others like it, because of the growing proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The thought of UFOs and extraterrestrials being real is difficult for most of us to take seriously. Logically, we can accept that the universe, being vast beyond our comprehension, is certainly capable of supporting countless other species―NASA estimates there are between 100 billion and 400 billion star systems in our Milky Way Galaxy alone. Emotional acceptance is more difficult. All our lives we’ve been conditioned to believe that UFOs aren’t real, and that anyone who believes in ETs is crazy. In a sense, the UFO provides its own best cover, for to believe in it or―God-forbid―to actually see something and discuss it among one’s peers is to welcome ridicule.

And yet many of us have seen these craft… and would prefer not to remain silent.

My own first encounter happened on a sunny afternoon in the early 1960s. Three of my boyhood friends and I were out roaming our neighborhood in Charlotte, NC, when an object suddenly appeared in the southwest sky: a silver oval-shaped gleaming craft―obviously not an airplane or helicopter. It was seamless, totally silent and unlike anything we had ever seen. After hovering for a short time, it instantly vanished.

My family, predictably, passed off the incident as a childish musing. But my cohorts and I knew we’d seen something way beyond the ordinary. Since that day, my sense of connection to that experience has endured.

Conversely, my first reaction to what you are about to read regarding the lies, secrecy, and conspiracies revolving around what many have labeled a “New World Order” or cabal was, “yeah, right.” For the record, I am neither a NASA scientist nor a member of any covert organization. I am an emergency physician and the former chairman of the department of emergency medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in North Carolina. Truth be told, I was asked to walk away from a lucrative career to pursue a greater good, but then confirmation after confirmation, and independent corroboration after independent corroboration, convinced me the information to which I was being made privy was real, and by then I was saying, “Oh my God…”

Compiled within this book are secret files, documents, and never-before-published conversations, transcribed from interviews between myself and key eyewitnesses about numerous UFO and extraterrestrial encounters. Many of these men and women have held the uppermost top-secret security clearances while serving in the Intelligence community and all branches of the armed forces; others have worked for defense contractors servicing the U.S. Defense Department. All have courageously come forward at a time when humanity faces a crossroads that will determine the very survival of our species. Incredibly, what you will read in this book represents less than 1 % of the testimonials provided to us by the more than 800 government, military and corporate witnesses and whistleblowers that we have interviewed. Of these, more than 100 are on film, contributing hundreds of hours of testimony and thousands of pages of transcripts. Additional material and videos of testimony and documents can be found at www.SiriusDisclosure.com, spanning sixty plus years of events to give the reader a sense of the subject and how illegal secrecy has been maintained… and why. And we invite more people who have worked on the ET/UFO subject to come forward with their testimony, documents and evidence. (See the book: Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History by Steven M. Greer, M.D. which has additional evidence.)

We have three specific objectives in presenting this information to the public:

First, to provide evidence which supports a timetable of undisclosed events that led to the biggest cover-up in the annals of human civilization. The goal here is not to try to convince the reader that our planet is being visited by numerous species of ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence); tens of thousands, if not millions, of people can attest to that fact. More important is to remove the taboos that have been placed on the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrials by the intelligence agencies whose job it was (and remains) to hide the truth about “the emperor’s new clothes” by disgracing anyone and everyone who attempts to explain that the emperor is, in fact, quite naked. As we will show, extraterrestrials have been visiting our planet for quite some time. They are not a danger to us; we are the danger, both to them and to our own kind… and very definitely to our own chances of survival, for it is our actions that are destroying our planet.