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It had always concerned me that Bob had gotten a little too close to who had been involved with this implantable chip technology. We had been trying to find out who had been doing it without our government realizing it was going on. Because whoever it was has got the ability to penetrate anytime, anywhere, our government and locate what is going on, instantly.

Having researched this since the early 1980s, I believe there are at least four power groups in the world. They have wealth beyond all imagination. They have advanced technologies. They have taken over various programs―particularly black programs within our government, and probably even the Russian government, and the Chinese. Politics to them, as we know it, is not the same. They have agendas totally unlike what our government… at least what we perceive our government’s agendas really are. Unbelievably, they are able to track everything going on around them, at the minutiae level.

We have given them names, but they have no relevance to what they call themselves. We simply call them The Four Horsemen. These Horsemen work together at times, and they work against each other at times. It is an ongoing battle between them at a low level as to who is going to be top dog in the world. The one commonality to all four appears to be an absolute desire for control―of everything and everyone, and each of them has their own philosophy―that core root philosophy which guides them, supposedly, and their actions. We believe that this is what was causing a lot of strange things to happen in Nevada that we were experiencing. In a strange way, it correlates also to what was happening with these chip technologies that I personally brought―now that I look at it―to the wrong people in the government. Because we never got to use that technology for what we really intended it to be used for.

These two men who came to the last meeting… they had NSA, NRO, that sort of credentials. Later we checked and they didn’t exist. Yet their credentials were spotless; even to the point where if it were an access control requirement, the identification systems that they carried passed all the access control mechanism requirements we had―be it biometric; be it fingerprint; be it eyeball; be it anything, even access code numbers. They knew it all; they had it all; and it was better quality than actually what the agencies had, which is most enlightening. It means unlimited budgets.

I’ve worked with all the major oil companies; I’ve worked with all the major computer companies; I was designing very high-end security systems. None of the people in the commercial arena ever gave me the least concern that they were involved with something above and beyond what their corporate requirements or their agendas were. They were truly corporate people. If there are people out there that are hiring private people, outside the corporate chain of command, to do specific functions, I would not have known about that.

The one area I will say is strange is the aerospace industry in this country.

I did a lot of work for several of the aerospace companies―either in the way of physical design of systems, or in the least, consulting. There were times when I came across people who seemed to know a lot more than I did. Some of them are very good at controlling their body language, but not perfectly. We would run across various companies― particularly those in California and in the Denver area―that had projects ongoing. They were doing security work that was beyond black, and I’ve been involved with those obliquely, so I can tell the difference. Certain comments were made over a long period of time, and you bring all those comments together―that on their face value, one comment doesn’t mean anything. But four, five or ten comments over a four to five year period started creating a storyline for you.

The storyline basically is there is a lot of work going on in the aerospace industry that would indicate that we have black projects that have gone even darker. There’s work being done on electro-gravitic, on scalar technology, etc., we don’t think those in Congress, or even in the military who approve black budgets, are even aware of. They’ve been taken offline. They are funded through some other mechanism. In one case, I know of a black project that got billions of extra money back in the 1980s, and I was quietly told it never went over budget more than a million dollars. And there were billions in monies funneled through that black project onto something else, and a gentleman admitted it to me.

That was Northrop. At Plant 29.

When you look at the scenario of the entire series of events, it starts forcing you to take your head out of the sandbox, and put your sun glasses on at least, so you can look at the bright sun and find out what reality is all about. Because of what I was involved with, by 1985 I knew that the Cold War was going to wind down―by then it had mutated into a new type of war―and I had to prepare to get myself out of the business as budgets were all going to start drying up. I wound up doing consulting work for SAIC, for TRI–COR; and for several of the beltway bandits. I slowly got myself out of the business and got into the consumer arena. Believe it or not, I started a cable company in 1989 in New Mexico.

What’s the mentality… what’s the attitude of these people I would run into periodically who seemed to be out of the loop? They’re not in the chain of command. Their attitude is that they look, act and taste like bureaucrats. Having been around them for 27 years, they have their own unique flavor. But these people had agendas that were unlike any agendas you would have ever run into if you’re in the mainstream government.

For example, in the early 1980s, we worked on a project for the Department of Agriculture and the State of Maryland for a period of time to try to convince them to get away from food stamps, and go to a credit card machine that is coupled to the cash register. That would be a simple swiped I.D. card, or some other higher level of access control card if needed, with a keypad. A pin number would be implanted onto the keypad so only that person could get food off their food stamps. Because at the time, and I believe even today, there is a huge percentage of fraud perpetuated in the food stamp arena to the tune of billions of dollars a year. We got to meet an awful lot of guys at a high level in the Department of Agriculture that were in control of this program. And they were very familiar with access control equipment, particularly after we got done educating them, and the limitations and capabilities of that technology to aid them in saving the public billions of dollars a year. That project went nowhere. The politics at the time were such that they didn’t want to solve the problem. In fact, you wonder in the big cities where a lot of the members of various committees are from, if they weren’t getting a kickback at times. We had a lot of interface with people in the Department of Agriculture, as an example. Yet, the one we met at that meeting from the Department of Agriculture had a level of knowledge far beyond what these people had. And he had a different attitude. It was an attitude that was almost apolitical. It was pure technical, and it was very cold. And the questions that would be asked like: How fast can you make them? How fast can you set up a factory to make them? How many can you make in a period of time? How reliable will they be? Are they erasable? Are there any negative aspects of them once they are implanted in the human body? Will the body reject them? Etc. These are questions that, interestingly enough, none of the bureaucrats ever asked. They assumed that we would have a contract to solve those problems, or overcome them.

In my opinion, I think these implants have been distributed. I have indications in the military that a lot of our Special Forces units have been implanted over the last ten years, if not longer now. Other people have been implanted, such as I mentioned earlier. A lady had one removed because it was irritating her, and she had her surgeon remove it, it turned out to be very similar to the technology from 1979 that I had brought to Washington out of Denver.