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Second, our witnesses will reveal how a scientific endeavor kept out of the public eye during the height of the Cold War was hijacked by the Military Industrial Complex. This entity, which grew to power during the Eisenhower Administration, has evolved into a covert government within our government (a cabal) and now illegally channels upwards of $80 billion to $100 billion annually in taxpayer monies into Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs). It is this cabal that must be exposed in order for the technologies they have purposely “black shelved” to reach the masses and provide free, clean energy to the world. There can be no more debate; unless we replace fossil fuels with clean energy, we will end up responsible for our own extinction.

Third, and most important, by making this information public we hope to enlist the influence of the masses in order to force the release of these black-shelved free, clean energy technologies, specifically those harnessing the power of zero-point-energy and anti-gravitics. First discovered by Nikola Tesla and T. Townsend Brown, as well as others, these free energy systems have been consistently denied patents for more than a century, with the scientists’ work confiscated, their lives ruined… and in some cases, terminated in order to prevent their energy systems from competing with and replacing fossil fuels.

Zero-point-energy is the game-changer that will revolutionize the planet; no more hunger, poverty, pollution, or climate change, and an influx of advances in transportation, medicine, travel, entertainment, and the sciences that will skyrocket the global economy.

This is the reason we are making the UFO/ET forbidden history public: zero-point-energy and anti-gravitic technologies that were reverse-engineered from downed extraterrestrial craft, dating back to the Roswell crash landings in June/July of 1947.

You may be thinking… ah, come on now; I know this can’t be true. After all, why would anyone deny a non-polluting free energy source that can do so much good for the world?

In a word: Power―of which money is only a symbol.

In 1901, when Nikola Tesla had figured out how to tap into the zero-point-energy field―a discovery that would have made power plants obsolete. J. P. Morgan didn’t like the idea of free energy, having just invested heavily in the copper wire that was required in electrical wiring. So the industrialist got his cronies in Washington, D.C. to stop Tesla and had them confiscate all his work.

Since then, no patents have been issued on any inventions or energy systems that threaten to replace the status quo. (Who killed the electric car indeed).

A century later, our growth has stagnated, our vehicles are still saddled with gasoline-dependent combustion engines, the poles are melting, cancer runs rampant from our needless exposure to the rising amount of toxins being pumped every day into our environment, and 80 % of the world’s population lives in abject poverty.

It was never supposed to be like that.

WE THE PEOPLE can change the world for the infinite better for all, simply by demanding free, clean zero-point-energy. Just as word processors replaced typewriters and cell phones replaced land lines, this tide, which will raise everyone’s boat, can be brought in gradually.

If we wait for our political leaders to do it… it will never happen.

If we allow Wall Street to control it… it will be circumvented.

Only the will of the masses could have brought down the Berlin Wall―

―only the will of the masses can move us forward.

The future is here… if we demand it. As Ben Rich, the former CEO at Lockheed Skunkworks said, “We now have the ability to take ET home.”

Zero-point-energy and anti-gravitic propulsion systems already exist.

This book will tell you exactly where they are and how we can get them.

The extraterrestrials want us to succeed―as the evidence will show, they are here as allies and not adversaries. However, they have made it quite clear that the entry ticket for human civilization to become interplanetary is, first and foremost, to be civilized, to live together peacefully, to renounce weapons of mass destruction, and to go out into space free of weapons systems with a consciousness of universal peace.

Therein lies the conflict, for these advanced technologies remain in the hands of the military industrialists whose objectives are to keep humanity in a constant state of war.

War is profitable.

War keeps the 1 % in power over the 99 %.

War maintains the status quo―preventing our own evolution as a species.

If this sounds like an Orwellian nightmare, it gets worse, for the final act that they (the human cabal) have in store is a False Flag event that will make 9/11 look like a fender bender.

This book exposes every insidious detail.

I have divided the information into five sections:

PART 1: UFOs & ETs: The Secret Files

Historical Facts and Testimonials

PART 2: Close Encounter-5

Human Initiated Extraterrestrial Contact for Peace

PART 3: The Road to Disclosure

From Country Doctor to Providing Briefings for Presidents

PART 4: Cosmic Deceptions

Let the Citizen Beware

PART 5: An Action Plan

To Ensure the Future We Want.

If it takes a village to educate a child, then it takes a movement to change the world. The first necessary step is to peek behind the curtain to see reality for what it really is.

Steven M. Greer, M.D.

February 2017

Be sure to see the feature film documentary Unacknowledged.


UFOs & ETs:

The Secret Files

Historical Facts and Testimonials

UFO Encounters Prior to World War II

Commentary from Steven M. Greer, M.D.

Evidence of UFO sightings can be traced back to cave artwork, Egyptian hieroglyphics, events described in the bible and in ancient Vedic literature, as well as 16th century paintings featuring saucer-shaped flying objects.

The first modern-day extraterrestrial encounter was believed to have occurred on a busy street in China in 1942 when a photographer selling souvenir photographs of visitors suddenly had his attention drawn to the sky where a large, dark, disc-shaped object was hovering silently. The quick-thinking photographer focused his camera on the disc and obtained an excellent, clear photo of it. A military officer serving in the Chinese campaign prior to World War II was present on the street as well. He bought the photograph and apparently tucked it into a scrap-book he compiled while stationed in China. It went unnoticed for years until a Japanese gentleman discovered the old album containing the 1942 photograph.

U.S. Marine Sergeant Stephen Brickner was stationed in the Solomon Islands in August of 1942 when he witnessed the appearance of multiple unconventional, although loud, flying objects. Brickner wrote an account describing over 150 “wobbling” objects flying in a formation of straight lines of ten to twelve craft each.

But it was during the height of World War II that actual encounters with UFOs would begin when American, British, and German pilots and their bomber crews crossed paths with otherworldly objects that became known as “Foo Fighters.”

“It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries. I think that they possibly have been sent out to conduct systematic, long-range investigations, first of men, animals, vegetation, and more recently of atomic centers, armaments and centers of armament production.”