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―Professor Hermann Oberth (1894–1989)
German rocket expert and a founding father of the space age
“Flying Saucers Come from a Distant World,”
The American Weekly, October 24, 1954


Foo Fighter Encounters 1941–1945


• Master Sergeant Dan Morris, NRO Operative/Cosmic Clearance

• Sergeant Clifford Stone, U.S. Army Retrieval Unit

Commentary from Steven M. Greer, M.D.

During World War II, in both the European and Pacific theaters, as well as in India, strange orb-like objects of light began appearing around bombers on both sides during combat. American Air Force pilots and intelligence officers flying over Germany, and in particular, the Rhine Valley, reported seeing red or orange lights that seemingly dropped in and out of linear space time to circle their planes, and yet never appeared on any radar screen. Sometimes they flew in formation beside military aircraft; other times they raced across the sky at fantastic speeds. Described as “energy drones,” the objects often disrupted electronics aboard the warplanes while affecting gravity. Occasionally one would actually pass trans-dimensionally through the bomber, freaking out the crew.

These objects became known as “Foo Fighters,” which translates as “fire” in French and German. Another report credits an American pilot who paraphrased a comic strip title from the day and stated “Where there’s foo, there’s fire.” Either way, the term “Foo Fighters” stuck… (and yes, the rock band took the name decades later).

Rather than being an isolated incident, these balls of energy reappeared with increasing frequency between 1943 and 1944. In 1944, two P-47 pilots each observed a “Foo Fighter” in broad daylight. Flying near Neustadt, Germany, one pilot reported observing “a gold-colored ball with a metallic finish.” The second pilot, also flying near Neustadt, described “a phosphorescent golden sphere” with a diameter of three to five feet.

In May of 1945, American soldier Lynn R. Momo described “a fireball of rather startling nature” over Ohrdorf, Germany: “It was brighter than any star, or even the planet Venus. It passed completely from horizon to horizon in about two seconds. The path was through the zenith, so that whatever its altitude, its speed must have been enormous.” Momo went on to state that the object was soundless and had a “rising and sinking” or bobbing motion as it traversed the heavens at impossible speeds.

Fearing the Nazis had developed a new weapon, President Roosevelt dispatched General Jimmy Doolittle to the Allied theater of operations in Europe. Doolittle reported back that the objects were “interplanetary in nature.”

General Douglas MacArthur organized a group called the Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit back in 1943 to study this issue and it continues to this day. Their purpose is to recover objects of unknown origin, particularly those that are of non-Earthly origin. They obtain field intelligence information and pass it on to those who are the “keepers of this information.”


Dan Morris is a retired Air Force career Master Sergeant who was involved in the extraterrestrial projects for many years. After leaving the Air Force, he was recruited into the super-secret National Reconnaissance Organization, or NRO, during which time he worked specifically on extraterrestrial-connected operations. He had a cosmic top-secret clearance (38 levels above top-secret) which, he states, no U.S. president, to his knowledge, has ever held.

I had a clearance 38 levels above top-secret, which is cosmic top-secret―it is the top of all of those clearances. It is for [working with] UFOs and aliens. No president has had that level; has ever been cleared for that level―Eisenhower was the closest. There are several intelligence agencies―the Army had it, the Air Force had it, the Navy had it. And, then there were several secret intelligence agencies. One that did not exist, it was so secret, was the NRO. You couldn’t mention NRO. It is the National Reconnaissance Organization. If you’re on that level, then there’s an organization worldwide called ACIO, that’s Alien Contact Intelligence Organization. If you pay your dues, and you follow the rules, your government is allowed to benefit from that organization’s information. Now, some people call it the high frontier. The Navy Intelligence refers to themselves that way sometimes. They all work together―Air Force Intelligence, Naval Intelligence, and the NRO―and were at one time all in a certain part of Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. Most of the satellite interpreters were there; most of the intelligence interpreters from the Air Force, the Army, the Navy were there; that’s where they worked and interpreted.

The Nazis recovered two UFOs―it was in 1931 or 1932― and they took them to Germany and started reverse-engineering them. They got ahead, and even before the war started, they had a workable UFO. It was called, I believe “Hun-dee-doo” [phonetic] One and Two. The Two was the one you see about thirty or forty feet across, with the three balls hanging down, that go up and down when they’re landing―bouncing.

The Foo Fighters were not manned―those were unmanned vehicles, but it had the traction that it could stay right in front of fighter pilots’ wing shields, and there was nothing he could do to dodge it; it would stay right there. Now the thing was, it could fly through our formations and kill the engines in our bombers and fighters, just like today. If a UFO flies over you, it could kill your engine or even shut down a power plant or nuclear silo, because it works on anti-gravity electromagnetic propulsion. So, we began to experience that in the bomber formations. And the Foo Fighters―there was nothing they could do to get rid of them. We’ve got plenty of documentary film to show that in the archives. And then we got a whole bunch more from the Germans after the war, because we brought not only Wernher von Braun but we brought Viktor Schauberger over here, and some of their electromagnetic people who were working on the UFOs. Those guys gave us a jump on everybody else.

The Russians took some people, too, but we had the main ones. Schauberger was out here in New Mexico, and he helped us in White Sands and other places around New Mexico. Then he felt we’d done him wrong, and he went home, and two weeks after he went home, he was killed.


Sergeant Clifford Stone, U.S. Army, has seen living and dead extraterrestrials himself in his official duties on an army team that retrieved crashed ET crafts. He has been given access to black ops bases and secret access projects.

On February 26, 1942, commonly called the Battle of Los Angeles, our team found that there were some fifteen to twenty unidentified craft flying over Los Angeles. We immediately responded by trying to shoot these objects down. The 37th Coastal Artillery Group expended 1,430 rounds. We set out to try to find out if there was some hidden base belonging to the Axis from where these planes could come, some commercial airport where they could have had these aircraft housed. None of this bore out. Every search effort we made turned out to be fruitless.

At the same time in the Pacific, they were experiencing the same phenomena, the so-called Foo Fighters. General MacArthur directed his intelligence people to find out what was going on. I have reason to believe that in 1943 MacArthur found out that, in fact, we had things not of this Earth and visitors from some other planet visiting our planet that were actually observing the event we called the Second World War. One of the problems that MacArthur had was that, should this be the case, and should they prove to be hostile, we knew very little about them and we had very little means to defend ourselves.