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There were probably two dozen items. They obviously meant something to the EBENs, because they gave them to James, thinking that it was something meaningful. There was a bronze heart, with some calligraphy inside of it, and ceramic statues of something… maybe a god or something. There was another item that was almost like a wreath, with different symbols around it. And on the back of it they had these appendages that came out… maybe to put it on a stand or something… I could never figure it out. I only saw them the two times―the one time that he showed them to us, and then when we came back to package everything up. So they’re up in CIA or DIA or someplace. I’m sure they’ve analyzed them.

There were also photographs taken during the daytime of the craft, and they were as clear as you ever saw. And James took pictures inside the craft. They showed instrument panels and a huge screen with the universe or star charts or navigational charts.

James had this chart. We were leaving the first time when he said, “Oh, I forgot to show you this.” And he went into a chest and retrieved a laminated paper that had these lines going through it. And he unfolded it and said, “Oh, this is where they came from,” only there were no references on it.

I don’t know what they ever figured out.

I did read later that the EBEN were from Zeta Reticuli, and that was from an official source.

“I believe the American people are entitled to a more thorough explanation than has been given them by the Air Force… I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs, and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment of the subject.”

―President Gerald Ford



• A.H. (anonymous) Boeing Aircraft

• Sergeant Clifford Stone, U.S. Army

• Don Phillips, U.S. Air Force and contractor at Lockheed Skunkworks and the CIA

Commentary from Steven M. Greer, M.D.

Early one morning, in October of 2009 I had a very lucid dream before rising. A thought―recurring and insistent―entered my mind, gently saying:

“Let us hope, so that we may live…”

As this thought recurred, a number of lucid images appeared:

First, I found myself in Africa, in a rural and desolate place, clearly impoverished and lacking any means of sustenance. A child, perhaps ten years of age, was wandering through this bleak and forbidding landscape, starving, and cradling a younger dying child in his arms. And the voice was saying:

“Let us hope, so that we may live…”

I wept as I saw that this and this alone―the spark of hope within the soul of this child―propelled him forward to live. Amid the suffering and against all odds, only the driving force of hope sustained him. Then I saw my own childhood―desperate at times and lonely, not knowing how I would survive and not knowing how to go forward. And this thought was repeating:

“Let us hope, so that we may live…”

And so I saw at times that this was literally all that I possessed: The spark of hope, somewhere in the crevices of my soul, keeping me going ―even to today. Hope. Next I saw all who dwell on Earth now, at this time of great change, challenge and difficulty, and this singular thought was repeating:

“Let us hope, so that we may live…”

And I saw that this was the indispensable quality to which we all must hold: Hope, which will carry us forward together to the fulfillment of the promise of humanity. While we may not live on hope alone, surely we cannot live without it. So throughout the coming days of trials, changes and the transformation of life on Earth, we can turn within and hear, and never forget:

“Let us hope, so that we may live…”


A.H. is a person who has gained significant information from inside the UFO extraterrestrial groups within our government, military, and civilian companies. He has friends at the NSA, CIA, NASA, JPL, ONI, NRO, Area 51, the Air Force, Northrop, Boeing, and others. He used to work at Boeing as a surface technician.

From all of the contacts that I’ve met, my final conclusion about this is that the reason why our government is afraid to release this information about UFOs and ETs is because of religion. This would probably destroy how we see ourselves.

For example, the information that we have managed to collect regarding the face on Mars, which I know for a fact is real, would have a great impact. I have another contact at NASA, JPL that I haven’t mentioned. I can’t mention too much about it because he is still working there. This person that I know is very high up in NASA. He said they know it’s a face. They know that it was carved by somebody other than us. In an imaging area, they know for a fact that the face on Mars is real and that it was not made by windstorms or trick of lighting or anything like that. They know for a fact that the face on Mars was made by an extraterrestrial race that came here to Earth about 45,000 years BC. They set up civilization here on Earth and went back and forth from Mars to our planet, Earth, to give us information and to further the race that they created, which is us. This is a shock to the human populace. And I think it’s the big reason why NASA and the governments―especially the United States―are refusing to release this information―because one thing will lead to another and somebody will come to the conclusion that we were created by an extraterrestrial race. This would be shocking to everybody here on Earth and this is what they are afraid of releasing. And that’s my final conclusion regarding this investigation and who the aliens are. I really feel that the aliens that were on the planet Mars came here and set up our civilization as we now know it and they created these grey extraterrestrial aliens to watch over our planet to make sure that we don’t blow up their creation and their planet…


Sergeant Clifford Stone, U.S. Army, has seen living and dead extraterrestrials himself in his official duties on an army team that retrieved crashed ET crafts. He has been given access to black ops bases and secret access projects.

I am prepared to state that I have been at locations where craft of unknown origin, that did not originate on the face of this planet, were there. I am prepared to state that while I was there, we saw living and dead bodies of entities that were not born on this planet. I am prepared to state that we had what they referred to as “interfacing” with those entities. I am prepared to state that they have a school to try to indoctrinate people. I never went to that school. I always refused.

I am prepared to state that when I got out of the service in 1990, that they held me for two months so that I might better reconsider to stay in and not get out. I am prepared to state that I had orders that stated that I was supposed to get out on December 1, 1989, and that they revoked those orders. Once again, in violation of law they held me for two months pending approval of my retirement, which had already been approved. The purpose of that was to try to convince me to stay in.