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We have contact with aliens, not originating from some foreign country, but from some other solar system. And I have been a party to that. I’ve worked it. I’ve been there. And I know some of the things we do are really, really, really, really terrible. They are not hostile toward us. We are the enemy in this instance―but we are the enemy, I like to think, for the good reasons. We are concerned about what some other country might do. I have concluded that I am fighting against the clock. That I have but a short time to try to convince people that we are moving down an avenue where we are going to militarize space. Once we militarize space, we will have a whole new avenue of technology open up to us.

We want to acquire this technology. We want to make this technology part of our own technology. As a result of militarizing space, we are going to acquire new technologies and we are going to evolve new technology that is going to lead us into interstellar travel. As a direct result, we will become a threat to them unless we spiritually grow also.

But I feel that if we do not grow spiritually, we are forcing the situation where the entities will eventually make themselves known. And they will make themselves known. And no power on Earth can stop that from happening. The ET’s will do this in order to stop us from going out into space as a threat. If this should happen, it will happen to an unsuspecting world population and that can create some very serious problems.

I believe that the intelligence community had good intentions when they classified information dealing with UFOs. I believe that they asked some very serious and hard questions: What impact would it have if the peoples of the world knew that they were no longer alone in the universe, that they had intelligence that was visiting this planet? And I think that the intentions were good there. As intelligence agencies among nations, naturally you want to go ahead and acquire the technology for military application. So you want to try to keep some of that knowledge as confidential as possible by classifying it as high as you possibly can― keeping the information open to only a small handful of people, i.e., Special Access Programs. However, I believe that while it was full of good intentions in keeping this information classified, it is [now] hurting people.

I do not believe that any government has the right to try to make individuals who merely see UFOs look crazy. I do not believe that any government has that right, knowing that the psychology of specific individuals may lead to a tremendous amount of mental depression, ultimately leading―in many, many cases―to suicide or self-destruction. When we see these types of things coming about, we have an obligation to reconsider our thoughts and positions. I would suggest that we need to break down the walls of secrecy, that we must be responsible in getting the truth out. We must be responsible in how we get that truth out. And we must be truthful.

This issue doesn’t just deal with the United States. It is a truth that the entire world has to be informed about. And that truth is that man is not alone, that we have people from other planets, from other solar systems coming here. How many bodies have been recovered? Don’t know. How many crashes have occurred in which we only got debris because the ETs came and did their recovery before we got there? Don’t know, but it has happened. When they had problems, just like we send out a distress call, they send out a distress call, which is something that a lot of people don’t think about; it’s a question that’s never asked. But here again we think of them as something intangible like that stuffed animal there. But they are living, breathing creatures as mortal as you and me. They think, they have loves, they have likes, they have dislikes, they have social culture.

This is so important to try to make people understand that this is the case. I want to put the human factor back into UFOs. And when I say the human factor, I mean that these are real people. You can call them entities. You can call them creatures. But you sometimes find yourself wondering: who are the more real people, them or us? And these are things that really need to be brought out — the fact that they are just like you and me. We need to seek out the similarities, not the differences and come to a greater understanding. Because eventually, in the not too distant future, we are going to have that final contact that is going to open new doors.

And it is not a scary story. You will learn that the ET’s have a perception of God. You find they have families. You find they have cultures. You find that they have likes and dislikes. You look for those things that are similar among us, not the differences. And that is the way you start on the path to truth. The problem that we have right now is that we look at them as something to talk about; something to marvel at and be amazed at.


Don Phillips, U.S. Air Force, and contractor at Lockheed Skunkworks and the CIA worked with Kelly Johnson at the Lockheed Skunkworks on design and construction of the U-2 and the SR-71 Blackbird. He was in the Air Force at Las Vegas Air Force Base during a major UFO event.

Are these ET people hostile? Well if they were hostile, with their weaponry, they could have destroyed us a long time ago or could have done some damage. I know that some of the technologies came from the extraterrestrial craft. And, the reason they crashed is that their guidance mechanism was interrupted by our radar and by some other equipment that we have.

Even more validating for me was that one of our contract scientists for our private concern, Light City Technologies, Inc., worked with these technologies. He worked with a couple of those technologies while he was with a very prominent intelligence agency of the United States Government.

The one person that I’ve talked to outside of the military or the government level is Dr. Greer. And, the reason for that is because he takes the professional approach, which is more in line with the way we were in the military.


The evidence and testimony supports the following:

• That we are indeed being visited by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations and have been for some time.

• That UFOs/ETs represent the most classified, compartmented Unacknowledged Special Access Programs within the U.S. and many other countries.

• That those projects have, as warned in 1961 by President Eisenhower, escaped legal oversight and control in the US, the UK and elsewhere.

• That advanced spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin, called extraterrestrial vehicles (ETVs) by some intelligence agencies, have been downed, retrieved and studied since at least the 1940s and possibly as early as the 1930s.

• That significant technological breakthroughs in energy generation and propulsion have resulted from the study of these objects (and from related human innovations dating as far back as the time of Nicola Tesla) and that these technologies utilize a new physics not requiring the burning of fossil fuels or ionizing radiation to generate vast amounts of energy.

• That classified, above top-secret projects possess fully operational anti-gravity propulsion devices and new energy generation systems that, if declassified and put to peaceful uses, would empower a new human civilization without want, poverty or environmental damage.

Implications for the Humanity and the Environment

We have identified insiders and scientists who can prove, in open Congressional hearings, that we do in fact possess classified energy generation and anti-gravity propulsion systems capable of completely and permanently replacing all forms of currently used energy generation and transportation systems. These devices access the ambient electromagnetic and so-called zero-point-energy state to produce vast amounts of energy without any pollution. Such systems essentially generate energy by tapping into the ever-present quantum vacuum energy state the baseline energy from which all energy and matter is fluxing. All matter and energy is supported by this baseline energy state and it can be tapped through unique electromagnetic circuits and configurations to generate huge amounts of energy from space/time all around us. These are NOT perpetual motion machines nor do they violate the laws of thermodynamics; they merely tap an ambient energy field all around us to generate energy.