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Richard Doty was a Special Agent for Counterintelligence for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). For over eight years, he was specifically tasked with the UFO/Extraterrestrial issue at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, and also at Nellis Air Force Base (the so-called Area 51), and at other locations.

The Roswell crash didn’t actually happen at Roswell; it happened southwest of Corona, New Mexico. The second crash site was discovered in Horse Mesa west of Magdalena, New Mexico. The Roswell crash site was located in June of 1947. The second crash in Magdalena wasn’t located until about 1949.

As part of my briefing, we were shown a 16mm movie of the [Roswell] recovery. Obviously, the movie was classified. The film showed military personnel recovering ET bodies at the site, as well as the craft. And one live extraterrestrial was found at the site. We were told the surviving ET went to Kirtland Air Force Base and then on to Los Alamos for some time. The movie didn’t fully explain exactly what happened to that extraterrestrial, although it did explain that it died, I believe in 1952. The bodies of the [deceased] extraterrestrials were placed in a deep freeze and sent to Wright-Patterson field in Dayton, Ohio.

The craft was more or less an oval or egg-shaped craft. It wasn’t saucer shaped. The creatures were about four feet [tall]. Some of the creatures were mangled; were heavily injured and their bodies were torn apart. But two of the bodies were pretty much intact, and if there was an autopsy, they didn’t discuss that. They didn’t appear to have any ears. They had an indentation for a nose; very big eyes. They had a really tight-fitting suit which almost looked like they were nude. Their hands had no thumbs; just four fingers with suction devices on the tips. And one of them had a head apparatus on it―maybe a helmet or some kind of ear phone or communication device.

A number of different objects were found in the craft, including a rectangular piece of what they first assumed was Plexiglas, which they kept for years before they figured out it was the energy device for the craft.

They also showed us the recovery of the craft in 1949 in Horse Mesa. That craft crashed at the same time the 1947 craft crashed, but because of the remoteness of that location, it wasn’t located until a rancher found it on his property two years later. By that time, the bodies had decayed, but the craft was the same type that was found near Corona, NM.

In regard to a timeline and the location of these crash sites, nobody has it right. One of the frustrating things for the people who have been briefed into this program is that there is not much out there that’s factual. The UFO community misinforms itself. Ninety percent of the people who write these Roswell books have never been in the military, worked for the intelligence community, or held a security clearance, and they’re just relying on second, third and fourth-hand information, which only serves to misinform the rest of the UFO community. The July craft actually crashed in the end of June and the recovery project went into July. Some people have tried to present the facts correctly, but they have been ridiculed and their information has not been believed.

Because the Horse Mesa crash wasn’t discovered until 1949, people think it was an entirely different craft. In reality, it was the exact same type as the Corona craft. In the movie, they showed sketches of the craft together, and it definitely appeared they crashed together. I believe the EBEN (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity) that survived probably explained how it happened, but I was never briefed in exactly how he explained that the two crafts crashed.

The crafts were approximately 35 feet by 42 feet. The vessel didn’t have any actual levers or avionics that we would identify as a flight control system. Eventually, over time, they figured it all out. The creatures would put their hands on controls and they’d have this headset on, and this headset would somehow control or help them control the aircraft. They took the crafts to Wright-Patterson where the top scientists could reverse-engineer these crafts to figure out how they worked.

In 1981, there was an Air Force scientist who passed away, and had left behind an old army footlocker full of autopsy photographs of the ETs that died in the Corona crash. We went out to recover his stuff and they appeared to be autopsy photos. The organs were out and I said, “This doesn’t look like a heart… this doesn’t look like a lung.” What we found out was that these EBENs had just one organ that was made up of a heart and lungs. It was just one organ. And they had a couple different stomachs for different digestive reasons. And they had an organ that would take every single bit of moisture out of whatever they ate and fed the body; so they didn’t really have to drink a lot of fluids.

On the bottom of each photograph was a case number and the date. And the dates were September of 1947, and the case wasn’t a case number that I recognized. I eventually got a briefing by a scientist who was a medical doctor. He was from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, DC and gave us basically Anatomy 101 of the Extraterrestrial. And he confirmed these were the autopsy photographs from Corona.

They had eleven different lobes of their brain. And where their spinal cord met the brain, it had two little bulbs on each side which they could never figure out what they were. The eyes were very sophisticated and the optic nerves went into different places in the brain from humans.

As for reproductive organs, they were all male. I think the EBEN once told them that there were females, but there weren’t any females on any of these crafts. The males had a reproductive gland in the body… I guess it came out at the appropriate time.

Their muscles were extremely fibrous, especially their leg muscles. They weren’t bulky, but they were strong. They were fibered, which I guess gave them more strength than our muscles. They didn’t have any ears, but they had a canal with an organ or gland―a little bulb out of which they could hear. But they didn’t have vocal cords like we have. I read a briefing that was fascinating to me; it said that when this creature was found, he couldn’t communicate other than hand signals. When he was taken to a medical facility at Los Alamos and examined, the physicians didn’t know what they were examining. Eventually we were able to communicate through sign language. Later, someone figured out how to do an operation on the vocal cord or insert something in there so it could talk; so it could make sounds. I found out years later they communicated telepathically.

This EBEN that lived, he had an Air Force captain that was assigned to him and the captain was a linguist. He was also an intelligence officer and was able to build a really good rapport with the EBEN, communicating far more than anyone else could. He actually lived with this EBEN for three or four years until it died.

I heard that this EBEN went to several different facilities. I know he went to Fort Detrick, Maryland, to Wright-Patterson, and he went to Huntsville Redstone Arsenal. Those are the only bases I actually know of.

We did a field investigation of a scientist who died who had highly classified information of alien autopsies at his home. He had photographs, autopsy reports, detailed transcripts of the autopsies dictated from doctors who had performed them. This man was somewhat of a mystery but was originally an Army Internist. He should not have had those materials in an unsecured environment, but I saw them all.