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Governmental efforts to establish peaceful contact began and ended in 1954 when President Eisenhower actually met with extraterrestrial beings near Edwards Air Force Base (Muroc). I have a document sent to me by a European Ministry of Defense that quotes a first-hand witness who confirms this meeting took place.

Any further communications were most likely hijacked by the military industrial complex who did not want to disclose anything about UFOs and ETs to the public. Like a bull-in-a-china shop, they took over Majestic-12, isolating future presidents and congress from technologies that should have led to major advances across the globe.

What the military industrial complex could not do is stop civilians from initiating their own contact with the extraterrestrials. The ultimate disclosure is millions of people making OPEN, peaceful contact and documenting it on social media!

By 1991, we had developed the CE-5 Initiative, a set of protocols that invites extraterrestrials to interact with us openly and within the framework of universal peace. Since then, thousands of people have learned, initiated, and experienced direct contact with extraterrestrials in small groups around the world, serving the role as civilian ambassadors in real-time peaceful and open communication.

Civilians establishing contact.

Not the U.N.

Not the State Department of the United States or the foreign ministries of European or any other nations on Earth.

And most definitely not the secret government… a cabal dominated by the military industrial complex that have been profiting off the secrecy since 1947.

How did an unfunded civilian coalition manage to establish lines of communication between multiple extraterrestrial species where the Oval Office could not?

It begins with consciousness.

In order to succeed in establishing peaceful interspecies communication, it was first necessary to ask and answer several key questions:

• How does one travel through vast interstellar distances and get someplace within a biological life form’s natural life time?

• How does one communicate to one’s home world across such vast distances in real time?

If an extraterrestrial life form is from a star system 1,000 light years away (a light year defined as the distance a beam of light travels in a year while moving at a speed of 186,000 miles per second) it would take a thousand years to arrive at Earth and another thousand years to get home again. That’s two thousand years to make a round trip journey―the approximate time which has elapsed since the birth of Christ. And a thousand light years’ distance is relatively nearby in our galactic neighborhood, the Milky Way, which is estimated to be 100,000 light years across.

Now let’s consider communications. Using radio, microwave, TV or any other electromagnetic signal currently en vogue now on the Earth, it would take this ET a thousand years (at the speed of light which is how fast EM signals like radio waves travel) to communicate back home once he arrived here and another thousand years for the ETs’ home planet to answer back.

Again, two thousand years.

Obviously, any star-faring civilization must have developed technologies which operate outside of the current twentieth century Earth gadgets in use today.

Therefore, it’s safe to assume UFOs of extraterrestrial origin simply are not using our current technologies―and if we try to detect and understand them purely from within the tidy box of current scientific knowledge, we are going to be sorely disappointed. Indeed, we will miss 99.9 % of the data, and the discovery will be hidden by the fog in our own limited vision.

There are two important events that occurred during my childhood which led me to understand how advanced civilizations travel trans-dimensionally across our galaxy and communicate. The first event, which I briefly recounted in the Introduction, was my initial UFO sighting which occurred as a nine-year-old boy in Charlotte, North Carolina. During the weeks that followed the event, I experienced a series of lucid dreams and night encounters with beings who were definitely not from Earth.

Seeking more knowledge, I began studying Sanskrit and reading the Vedas, the ancient sacred literature of India. I learned about meditation and the concept of transcendence, which fit quite comfortably into my psyche. When I could find free time, I’d take long bike trips out to the countryside. I’d lie in a field and practice meditation. At times, I’d find my consciousness leaving my body to observe other parts of Charlotte, or to visit other areas of the world. During several out-of-body experiences, I even “ventured into space.”

This first event and its accompanying education taught me how to look beyond the self-imposed limits of our physical third dimension and use the limitless consciousness within us.

The second event gave me a peek at what awaits us on the other side.

When I was seventeen, I suffered a serious wound to my left thigh. A horrible infection developed in my leg and spread throughout my body. I became septic, which means my bloodstream was infected, and I broke out in a very high fever. I was spiraling toward death, not fully understanding the severity of my condition. It brought me to a near-death experience… and I found myself suddenly released from my body.

My consciousness was carried out into the depths of space―a place where I already felt at home, and I experienced what I now understand to be “cosmic consciousness,” where my individuality became faint as it merged with the unbounded pure infinite Mind… there was no duality. This lasted for what seemed to be an eternity―there is no sense of time in this state of being. I could see all of creation, the vastness of the cosmos, and it was beautiful beyond words. From our limited third dimensional perspective, I had died, and yet there was nothing frightening about it―only infinite awareness, joy, and the perception of an endless perfect creation.

Eventually two brilliant scintillating lights approached out of the stars. They appeared as brilliant points of light… pure, conscious energy. As they came near, I entered a state of oneness with them. It was incredibly beautiful. Communication existed, only non-verbally. Imagine instead of saying the word, “apple” the actual image of the apple is received. And within that conscious image is the pure idea form of the apple itself―its essence. That is how information was being transmitted to me, and I am convinced it is how ET civilizations communicate instantaneously over great distances. But it is also facilitated with very advanced electronics.

This near-death experience not only altered my life, it prepared me for the challenges still to come. [See Part 3: The Road to Disclosure.] I learned that death is not to be feared, that in fact there is no death―only an inter-dimensional transformation from one state into another… a state that is accessible to our extraterrestrial visitors and to each of us.

* * *

The beings currently visiting Earth from other planets, while no doubt different from humans physically and in more profound ways, are nevertheless conscious intelligent beings. All sentient beings in the universe are bound by a conscious intelligence―the highest common denominator on which a sustainable relationship between diverse life forms can be based. As humans, we are conscious and awake; other higher life forms are conscious and awake. We may share very little else in common, but this universal constant is shared by all intelligent, conscious beings, whether human or extraterrestrial.

Consciousness, or universal conscious intelligence then is the first cornerstone of the foundation of interplanetary unity.