• Anomalous beeping or high pitched tones which have an omni-directional component, as if heard from all directions at once. Often these occur after projecting over radio waves the CSETI beeping tones which are routinely transmitted from the site.
• Anomalous electromagnetic effects (EM) on equipment, cars etc. Often, equipment will fail with a close approach of an ET craft, as happened in Mexico in 1993 when an 800-foot, whisper-silent triangle approached the group, and all camera and other electronic equipment failed. Other manifestations include setting off radar detectors, laser detectors, car electronics dimming down or browning out, electrostatic energy on peoples’ skin or clothing. On multiple occasions, my compass has rotated counter-clockwise around the dial as a counter-clockwise rotating craft has approached. The compass changed magnetic north to almost due south (off 160 degrees) and remained that way for nearly three months.
• Fast-walker interactions. Frequently the group will experience multiple objects which initially appear to be satellites―but which interact with directed thoughts or signals. For example, a high-flying object will, as soon as a thought command is given, stop or change directions abruptly. Satellites do not back up, make right hand turns or descend suddenly and get brighter while interacting with people on the ground. These types of events have been witnessed by hundreds of people during multiple CSETI research events.
• Material interface phenomena. These phenomena can occur when ET objects are just on the other side of the crossing point of light and matter―and begin to “bleed through” into our dimension. Frequently the team will observe sudden strobe-like light discharges all around us. The form of an ET craft or even an individual will appear faintly and then will form as if within a shimmering electronic hologram. During these close encounters, participants have reported being lightly touched by someone, only to see a faint shimmering glow. During prolonged events of this type, an unusual time/space dilation or contraction will occur: time seems to stand still―or proceed very quickly and the space around the group becomes more defined. These types of encounters can be fleeting or have had durations lasting over two hours.
Example: In 1998, while in England near Alton Barnes, a very large circular craft would pop into our CE-5 circle and disappear within seconds, the object descending around our group in a scintillating, sparkling glow so that we were―in a sense―inside the ship. Shimmering ET life forms were spaced between each person! During the phenomena, the temperature within the setting rose at least 10–15 degrees Fahrenheit. All participants saw the object and the life forms. None of them were fully “solid” material, having emerged only partly within our dimension.
• Lucid dream state interaction with ET craft and/or persons: Because the ET technological reality allows them to move seamlessly between the higher dimensions, it is not unusual for individuals to experience a detailed interaction during the dream state. It is my opinion that the most common way in which ETs have interacted with individual humans is in lucid dreams and not material contact. While material contact has occurred, it is risky for the Interstellars. Once it is appreciated that the astral spectrum is the preferred field through which ETs must pass for interstellar communication and travel―and that it is the same spectrum activated or used in a lucid dream―it is easy to see why so many people report this type of experience.
• ET craft can transfer through solid matter: On more than one occasion we have observed solid-appearing craft (daytime sightings) pass directly into a mountain without crashing. This is accomplished by a frequency shift in the material of the craft so that it can mesh or pass through matter of traditional density without actually affecting either. A frequency phase shift allows one solid object to pass through another without interacting. Remember that most of what we call “solid matter” is not solid at all―it is mostly space. This phenomenon has been reported for decades and has caused some to dismiss such accounts as “ghost-like” or poltergeist. Actually, it is only another expression of ET technologies operating on a more profound or subtle level of existence which can alter the frequency of matter (they can also alter time/space relationships as well through similar means). Covert military sources have testified to the fact that, since at least 1953, human secret projects were materializing and dematerializing objects and transferring them across defined spaces.
[See the book: Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History by Steven M. Greer, M.D.]
This list could go on much further, but what is described above should give the reader a sense of how unusual manifestations of ET technology may be. From the above, it is easy to understand why ET events can be confused with astral phenomena that are not ET but have components of the same manifestations. No wonder the literature is filled with confusing accounts of ETs, angels, ghosts and strange phenomena of all stripes, all lumped in together. Of course, modern man would look like something supernatural to people a few hundred years ago: imagine showing up at a church meeting in Salem Massachusetts in 1692 with a cell phone, a hologram, a satellite TV and a Range Rover. You would be burned at the stake as a witch forthwith!
Still, it is important to keep in mind that the cosmos contain many levels of existence. There are astral and causal worlds and beings which are not ET. And yet there are ETs which interface with and utilize aspects of the physical cosmos which are in those subtle realms. It should also be remembered that not all ETs may be so advanced. Given the billions of galaxies each with billions of stars, it is likely that some ETs are the equivalent of human cave men while others may be at our level of evolution and yet others are millions of years more advanced than we are today.
But know this: ETs whose technologies are far more advanced than radio signals and internal combustion engines do exist. They are here and may be all around us. Let us open our minds and our eyes to the extraordinary opportunity that hovers right in front of us beyond the veil―through the crossing point of light.
[Suggested reading Extraterrestrials and the New Cosmology, by Steven M. Greer, M.D. Found at www.SiriusDisclosure.com under Papers.]
If you wish to join a CE-5 group, find a team near you by going to the networking app at www.ETContactNetwork.com The CSETI training app, with a full CE-5 training program, is available at your app store. Read more about it at: www.SiriusDisclosure.com/ET-contact-tool
The Road to Disclosure
From Country Doctor to
Providing Briefings for Presidents
“The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated very seriously.”
FILE: Steven M. Greer, M.D
• Founder: The Orion Project
• Founder: The Disclosure Project
• Founder: CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
For the record, my goal was never to brief presidents and CIA directors, and I certainly didn’t expect to have to deal with threats on my life, let alone see harm come to people I cared deeply about. I was working full-time as an emergency and trauma doctor in a North Carolina ER and I loved my work. Using meditation to establish peaceful contact between humans and these visiting Interstellars… my only intention was to show our visitors that there was far more to the human race than the military establishment that was shooting them down. [See Secret File: Roswell.]