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As discussed in Part 2, in 1990 I founded CSETI―the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence―a grass roots movement that by-passed governments in order to make peaceful contact with these civilizations as citizen-diplomats, much like Physicians for Social Responsibility were citizen diplomats to the Soviet Union during the darkest days of the Cold War.

An early successful CE-5 experience happened in February of 1992 with a group of about fifty people on a beach near Pensacola, Florida. Two of our participants were Air Force pilots, one was a colonel. That night we vectored in four ET craft and they materialized and were filmed―it was actually quite close, but the night cameras back then were not very good.

The story ended up on the front page of the Pensacola paper. Among the thousands who read the article was John Petersen of the Arlington Institute. Considered to be one of the top futurists in the world, Petersen’s book, The Road to 2015: Profiles of the Future was awarded Outstanding Academic Book of 1995 by CHOICE Academic Review and featured a section on humans reaching out to extraterrestrials.

Also reading that article was the former head of Army Intelligence and a member of the MAJIC cabal. Suddenly, I found myself flying on the radar of some very serious national security guys.

About a month after the close encounter in Pensacola, I was invited to attend a conference in Atlanta. Being naïve, I thought it was just a UFO convention. When I got there, I realized many people in attendance were part of MJ-12 [See Secret File: Majestic-12], including the former Head of Army Intelligence, the NSA, DIA―a lot of Intel spooks. They were very confrontational, asking me, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I said, “Well, you can read about it, I don’t have any secrets.” I told them I was developing protocols and a team to make contact with these civilizations outside governmental channels because the government was broken. They informed me that it was none of my business and not to do it. My response was, “Try stopping me.” We kind of had a “mano a mano” in a hotel room until three in the morning.

A short time later a senior official at the CIA flew a trusted emissary down on a private jet to visit me in North Carolina. This man’s family founded the California Institute of Technology, one of the most prestigious universities in America. He said, “Dr. Greer, do what you were planning on doing and don’t give up. Someone’s got to do this because it’s completely out of control; moreover, someone’s going to have to spearhead a contact protocol―right now, the system is completely dysfunctional.” I told him that I was only a country doctor and I was just doing this ad hoc between ER shifts and raising four children. All the time I’m thinking, “Why is this guy asking me to do something? Why don’t they just do it themselves?”

That was my initiation into this weird ‘down the rabbit hole’ world of secret projects.

A few months later William Jefferson Clinton was elected 42nd President of the United States. Almost immediately I was approached by people who were friends of his who said, “This is something that the president is very interested in.” Webster Hubble, who was third in command at the Justice Department prior to being convicted of some other problems, wrote in his book that Clinton wanted to know three things when he took office: Who really killed Marilyn Monroe; Who killed Jack Kennedy; and What is this UFO stuff? Apparently they made inquiries into the subject and were not happy with the answers they were getting, meaning they knew they were being lied to. At about that time some military people who were in favor of disclosure approached me. These people had had UFO experiences either on battleships or at strategic air command facilities where nuclear weapons were being kept and they offered to assist me.

One of these men was a naval commander… very connected up in the Pentagon. When he showed up at my front door, my first thought was that he was a spy. Turns out he was a totally stand-up guy who did everything he could to set up a number of the deep background briefings that I did at the Pentagon. We decided to have a meeting to discuss how to put together a team that would brief the right folks in government and encourage them to end the secrecy. You have to understand, this was back in 1992-93, when I actually thought we had a functional constitutional government. Since then I’ve learned it’s all window dressing, that there’s a parallel governmental process that operates completely independent of the people we elect.

Anyway, we had this meeting and it was decided that we should contact certain key people in the U.S. government to―in military speak― de-conflict the CSETI contact teams from Air Force and other military operations so that they didn’t interfere with us and we didn’t interfere with them. That was my whole purpose of the meeting, to make sure we weren’t caught in the middle… to prevent an accidental shooting. It seemed that, whenever and wherever we were doing our CE-5, we’d have a run-in with military jets, helicopters, and all kinds of stuff coming in to our contact sites… and we still do to this day. All I wanted was to keep my people safe.

My military advisor met with Admiral Cramer, the Head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff at that time. After speaking with him he decided we needed to have a meeting with the Intel people at Wright-Patterson, the air force base where the Roswell remains were sent. This was in September of 1993. While that meeting was being set up, two more influential individuals reached out to me. The first one was Boutros Boutros-Ghali via a friend of the U.N. Secretary General. The second was Laurance Rockefeller.

Laurance was the philosopher king of the Rockefeller family. David Rockefeller was the money guy with Chase Manhattan, and his nephew, Jay Rockefeller, was Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Laurance knew what we were doing was really working―he had sent his people to our CE-5 protocols where ET craft would appear and then disappear. He invited me out to his ranch―the J.Y. Ranch in Wyoming, which is where the Clintons vacationed. I was asked to go there in September of 1993 to share information about our CE-5 initiative.

It was an eclectic crowd. Billionaire Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace was there, along with people of various backgrounds from the UFO sub-culture… some friendly to what we were doing and some incredibly hostile. I found out later that the unfriendlies were working for the intelligence community.

At some juncture over the weekend, I was asked what else I was working on. I said, “We’ve initiated a project to brief senior government officials in the Clinton Administration and the Pentagon and members of Congress so that we can terminate secrecy on this issue and get the government to change policy because we understand that the incoming president is favorable to that idea.”

Well, you could have heard a pin drop. Laurance Rockefeller asked what I was doing next, and I said, “I’m going straight over to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base after this meeting to brief the colonel over this Foreign Technology Division of the Air Force, and then, in a couple of months, I’ll be briefing President Clinton’s CIA director.”

Laurance Rockefeller and his guests were in a state of shock. Laurance wanted to be involved, but only from behind the scenes. He offered to host the president and first lady at his ranch so that Laurance could show them the best available UFO photos and evidence we had collected.

Meanwhile, the U.N. Secretary General’s wife attended an event where I spoke about ETs and UFOs. Mrs. Boutros-Ghali was so taken by the subject that she wanted to arrange a meeting at the U.N. so I could brief a lot of the diplomats and friends of hers who were supportive of ending secrecy and making peaceful interplanetary contact. Again, our objective was to provide accurate information to world leaders, the president, his advisors, and the key people in Congress. We even gave them the perfect cover story as to why this information had been kept so long from the masses―that world leaders were simply waiting until the Cold War was over, not wanting to throw into the mix the fact that Earth was being visited by interstellar civilizations, and that our scientists had in fact reverse-engineered many of their technologies.