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My husband told me I had finally gone over the edge. Friends said, “You have really gone too far this time. There is not going to be a war in the Gulf, nobody is talking about a war in the Gulf.”

I said, “There is going to be a war and I am going to sit here and wait for it to start.”

And it happened right on schedule.

As part of the Gulf War, we in the public were told that the United States had been very successful in shooting down Russian Scud Missiles. We were rationalizing new budgets based on that success. In fact, we found out later it was all a lie that had been used to appropriate more money to make more weapons.

Von Braun’s next enemy was asteroids. He kind of chuckled the first time he said it. After asteroids, it would be what he called the alien or extraterrestrial threat, and that would be the final scare.

Over and over during the four years that I knew him he would remind me, “Remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We are going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it is a lie.” He was too afraid to tell me the details; I am not sure that I could have absorbed them if he had. But there was no question that that man knew and was on the inside because he had a need to know, I found out later.

Finally, von Braun told me was that there is an accelerated effort in place… that there are people who actually believe that Armageddon should happen so we have to have these wars.


Richard Doty was a Special Agent for Counterintelligence for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). For over eight years, he was specifically tasked with the UFO/Extraterrestrial issue at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, and also at Nellis Air Force Base (the so-called Area 51), and at other locations.

In regard to false I&W (Indications and Warnings) and hoaxing ET events that were made to look alien that were not, yes… OSI did that. There was a special group out of the 7602nd Air Intel Wing at Fort Belvoir who came out and did that. They had these people that had some sort of defects―anatomical defects that were brought in to fool people into thinking they were aliens. I can’t give any specifics because it’s still… the program is so classified. And they’re probably still doing it. I wouldn’t doubt that they’re still doing it. There was a highly-classified operation that occurred in Tacoma, Washington in maybe 1986 or 1987. It was at a naval base in Seattle. I think it was Whidby Island Naval Air station.

There were these civilians who managed to get onto the base and they saw something they weren't supposed to see. So this group came out and went into their home and scared the dickens out of them―they staged an alien event. That and some of the other things that we did in recruiting people are the most sensitive subjects.

The staged alien events. It’s sensitive, very sensitive.

As far as planned false flag… that’s pretty classified… pretty hush-hush. I don't think I should talk about that.

Commentary from Steven M. Greer, M.D.

Richard Doty was very uneasy discussing the issues around the false flag event, but he did confirm it.

A false flag event where humanity appears to be under attack from extraterrestrials admittedly sounds preposterous… until one considers the following:

1. The military industrialists running these USAPs have financed a fleet of ARVs (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) which only an expert could tell apart from the real thing. These man-made UFOs are being kept at Edwards Air Force Base, Nellis Air Force Base, Dugway Proving Grounds, the Pine Gap facility in Australia, and many other top-secret subterranean bases paid for with taxpayer monies.

2. The military industrialists running these USAPs have also created programmed life-forms that look exactly like real ETs. These “biologicals” possess integrated circuits in their neural complexes, the implants of which were made by EG&G and others. These manmade “aliens” are currently being kept in the subterranean base in Dulce, New Mexico and the Pine Gap facility in Australia and other places, again paid for with taxpayer monies.

Far better to alert the public now about the cabal’s intentions than after Act One of an alien-themed false flag event occurs, and manmade UFOs are destroying major cities with electromagnetic weapons. It’s doubtful any mainstream news source would dare to suggest, during the height of mass hysteria, that WE are, in fact, the “evil aliens.”

A fake Independence Day?

Why would anyone in their right mind want to launch a phony alien invasion, start the biggest war in this planet’s history, and kill millions (more like billions) of people in the process?

First, these people are not in their right minds, they are sociopaths.

Second, war is extremely profitable, and it controls a populace― especially a terrifying assault of this nature.

Third, because the religious fanatics among them want to engage the Second Coming.

How do we stop it before it happens?

We expose it NOW.

Space-based weapons are already in place―part of a secret parallel space program that has been operating since the 1960s. ARVs are built and ready to go. Space holographic deception technologies are in place, tested and ready to fire. And the mainstream media is a pawn, now taking dictation from the right hand of the king.

If there was a real threat from outer space, we would have known about it as soon as humans started exploding nuclear weapons and going into space with manned travel. That we are still breathing the free air of Earth, given the galactically stupid and reckless actions of an out-of-control, illegal, secret group, is abundant testimony to the restraint and peaceful intentions of these visitors. The threat is wholly human. And it is we who must address this threat, rein it in and transform the current situation of war, destruction and secret manipulation to one of disclosure and an era of sustained peace.

War in space, to replace war on Earth, is not evolution, but cosmic madness. A world thus united in fear is worse than one divided by ignorance. It is now time for the great leap into the future, a leap that moves us out of fear and ignorance and into an unbroken era of universal peace. This is our destiny. It will be ours just as soon as we choose it.

[See Secret File: Unidentified Special Access Programs; Pawelec testimony; for information about implants that can be used as part of these false flag events.]


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To Ensure the Future We Want…


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1. Sign up for our free email newsletter for information and breaking events at: www.SiriusDisclosure.com

2. Share this book and the movie Unacknowledged with others. Host a screening of the movie at your home, community center, etc.

3. Contribute to the work of Disclosure and Free Energy at: www.SiriusDisclosure.com If everyone simply contributed $10 we would have enough to fund a research lab and bring Earth-saving free energy to the world

4. If you or someone you know is a military, intelligence community, or government contractor with knowledge of programs and operations dealing with the UFO/ET and Free Energy/Anti-gravity subjects, please contact us in full confidence at: Witnesses@SiriusDisclosure.com You CANNOT be prosecuted for coming forward since these USAPs are being managed illegally and outside of required constitutional oversight. [See UNOD memo in Part 3: The Road to Disclosure.] If you have government documents or materiel related to the UFO/ET subject contact us so that these items can be disclosed to the public.