5. If you or someone you know has an operational free energy system ready for Disclosure (Look under New Energy on Sirius Disclosure toolbar for our criteria.) contact us immediately at: energy@SiriusDisclosure.com
6. If you have direct access to a member of congress or your parliament or other high officials in government, educate them on this issue. Even the simple act of sending a copy of this book and a DVD of the movie Unacknowledged to your member of Congress, Senator or other government representative can lead to a major response. It takes a lot of snowflakes to make an avalanche… education and persistence are the answers!
7. Network with others in your area and form a team to locate more government whistle-blowers who are willing to come forward with the truth.
8. Join a CE-5 group. Contact a team near you by going to the networking app at: www.ETContactNetwork.com Buy the training app with a full CE-5 training program at your app store. Read more about it at http://www.SiriusDisclosure.com/ET-contact-tool/ Disclosure is millions of people peacefully welcoming extraterrestrial civilizations to Earth, making contact and documenting it for the world to see. You can find people in your area and join or form a CE-5 Contact team with the app. If everyone became an activist and worked to end illegal secrecy, Disclosure would happen today.
Thank you for your help and support!
―Steven M. Greer, M.D.
CONCEPT AND PROPOSAL: by Steven M. Greer, M.D.
For over a hundred years, advances in electromagnetic systems have allowed for the creation of over-unity (more output than manmade input) power generation via the zero-point-energy (ZPE) field and quantum vacuum. These have been suppressed by way of a number of means, both legal and illegal. To date, no inventor, corporation, research team or university has been able to surmount these obstacles. [See the sections at www.SiriusDisclosure.com on The Orion Project and ET Evidence/Energy Suppression.]
Since neither the governments of the world nor major corporations have moved decisively towards disclosing these technologies, a new private consortium is needed to achieve this goal. Much like the Internet was developed by DARPA, this consortium would develop a basic new energy technology that could then be adapted in countless ways to provide usable power that is clean, limitless, safe and essentially free. In this sense, we are stepping in where large governmental and corporate programs have failed. The need is urgent and the time is short.
Those providing funding will be able to do good by doing welclass="underline" There are thousands of applications for this technology that can be monetized via products that can subsequently be patented and sold. But the underlying technology, like the Internet, must be open-source, freely available, and massively disclosed in real time.
We need to think big: The Earth has 7.2 billion people, nearly one billion motor vehicles and a billion or more homes and businesses―all of which need power. The zero-sum game of secrecy and patents that dominate most technology start-up efforts is the wrong approach, and they have failed spectacularly in the past when ZPE is involved. We must not repeat those errors.
For this reason, a new and creative approach is needed.
We propose a radically new Research and Development project that incorporates the following interlocking strategies:
• A Multi-centered R&D Project that is connected via the Internet in real time to share results, EM frequencies, materials, problem solving, etc.
• Open Source―No intellectual property (IP) or patents will be pursued at this time, thus allowing for open sharing and feedback from the research community. There can be no hold-backs: All developments, circuits, and operational breakthroughs will be shared in real time with the public and other researchers.
• Live-Streamed: All labs will be 24/7/365 live-streamed so that the public will be invested in the process, share in the results, successes and setbacks. Any attempt to suppress a breakthrough will be neutralized by this and the Open Source policy.
• A massive P.R./multi-media public education effort must be launched that runs simultaneously with the R&D effort so that public consciousness is raised and made ready to rapidly accept and adapt this new energy paradigm (this needs to include P.R./news, documentaries, and mass social media networking). Any radical new technology needs an equally transformative media and educational effort for the public, and not just for scientists and policy wonks.
Our chief objective is to create a robust multi-kilowatt over-unity device adequate to run a home, business or car. The ideal system would be solid state (no moving parts) using readily available components that are cost effective. Radioactive, hazardous and potentially dangerous materials will be avoided.
During Phase I of the project, we will NOT be pursuing electromagnetic-gravitic (EMG) or gravity control systems, as these pose a legitimate military and national security risk at this time. All EMG systems can easily be made into missile delivery and intercept systems that are inherently dangerous given current global geopolitical realities. The basic science research, including confirmed EM frequencies and voltages, key materials and operational plans will be openly shared with the public and the scientific community for independent verification and reproducibility―and also with the media.
Our objective is to have a fully-functioning, robust prototype within two years that would effectively replace the need for all oil, gas, coal, nuclear power, wind hydroelectric, geothermal and solar energy systems currently used on Earth. Transitional technologies that convert existing fossil fuel, internal combustion engines and the like will also be developed (such as the Stan Myer water fuel cell).
Funding can come from either a consortium of VC/Angel sources or one source. Frankly, the less funding there is committed to the effort, the riskier it becomes. Under-capitalizing such an effort leaves it vulnerable to failure on multiple fronts.
An initial budget in the $100 million to $200 million range would ensure success on the technological, strategic and P.R. fronts. While the project could succeed with less, it becomes riskier the less capitalized it becomes. Every energy and macro-economic special interest on Earth will endeavor to undermine this project, and we should be prepared.
A Board should be created to guide to project, but ultimately each lab needs a director with solid scientific and management credentials, and much latitude to pursue creative ideas. Strategically, there needs to be a controlling legal authority that adheres to the central tenets outlined above: Multi-centered, real-time sharing of data and results, full transparency, live-streaming inclusion of the public, and massive P.R. and public education.
Any attempt to alter or subvert the open-source, mass P.R. and live-streaming approach outlined above would almost certainly result in failure, and probably prove fatal for those involved. Past efforts using trade secrets, multiple patents dividing the IP into allegedly hidden technologies, and efforts to be “discreet and quiet” have all failed. We have many examples (recent ones) of fatal strategic errors being made by well-funded but misguided efforts. Covert projects and their corporate masters own secrecy and the night; we must own the light of transparency and disclosure.