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Philip S. Corso, Sr., U.S. Army Intelligence. Colonel Corso served on Eisenhower’s National Security Council. He personally saw deceased extraterrestrials from the Roswell crash in 1947 and a UFO craft at an air base. While working in R&D, he was given fragments of extraterrestrial technologies from various crashes to seed industry with these technologies.

I wasn’t at Roswell in 1947. In 1947, I had just come back from Italy where I had been Chief of Security in Intelligence in Rome. I was an MI-19. When I came back, I was stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. One night I was first duty officer. First duty officer means that I was in control for that night and I checked all the guards, all security areas… I checked the whole post.

So I went to the veterinarian section where I knew the sergeant of the guard. He informed me that five trucks were passing through from New Mexico en route to Wright-Patterson Air Force base, and did I want to see it? I went back and there were five or six crates. I lifted one up and here’s this body floating in fluid. First, I thought it was a child because it was so small. The head was different, the arms were thin, the body was gray, so right at that moment I figured I don’t know what this thing is. I looked at it for about ten to fifteen seconds, not much more than that. I put (the lid) back down and said, “Sarge, get out of here now. I’m the duty officer and I can walk around here but you might get in trouble for coming back here.”

The extraterrestrial, he’s a little different. When this being enters our world he is wearing a skin-tight suit. His skin is atomically aligned and his suit is atomically aligned. That is to repel radiation and harmful effects― even cosmic radiation. Since he doesn’t breathe air, the ones that come alive in this world will have a type of helmet on them. Since he doesn’t speak, he has no vocal cords; he will have something that intensifies a transmission so he can communicate.

The one craft I saw was at one of the air bases. The craft is really almost a biological type of structure because the extraterrestrial fits in it.

Ten years later, I was down near Commando Range in New Mexico, in White Sands at the Army and Missile firing range, right near Trinity site. I had Pencil-beam Radar which locked on the target and the boys told me these objects were going about 3,000 to 4,000 miles an hour. Then, I was four years at the White House and I kept getting reports. I had all the clearances so I’d get them, even code reports I’d get. One time I did get a report that the NSA was getting signals from space, which were not just space noise, or unscrambled, or something you couldn’t read―they were really very perfect and looked like something was guiding a real message. But we were never able to decode it. This was a very coordinated message. It wasn’t space noise or mumbo jumbo or anything like that, or just noise coming in. It was a pattern.

General Trudeau pulled me in. He had organized a research and development project. At first, when I reported in, I was a special assistant. Then he created the Foreign Technology Division about a week later and put me in charge of it.

I started getting the autopsy reports of ETs (from the laboratory at Walter Reed Hospital) and I started getting other crash reports and the artifacts from the crashes. We didn’t leave any copies there. All copies had to come back to us because it was our lab―we financed it all. So we started getting proof that a crash really happened here. Of course, I kept it quiet for 35 years; I had an oath with General Trudeau and I didn’t reveal names.

[Our deepest gratitude goes to James Fox for sharing this interview.]


Gordon Cooper, Mercury-7 astronaut and the last man to solo in space.

These objects [UFOs] kept coming over, flying in the same kind of formation in which we flew our fighters while we were in Germany. They would come over and do the same maneuvers that we made [in our F-86s] except every once in a while, one of them would go zip, and make a maneuver that you can’t do in a conventional fighter. We couldn’t get to them. They flew higher and went faster. They weren’t just random. They were flying fighter formations very definitely under control.

They were saucer-shaped, double-saucer-shaped, and metallic looking. It didn’t have wings on it or anything. It was pretty much the same shape as the ones we saw in Germany. Each one of them had a pilot in it. and were very definitely in communication with one another because they would make a turn or maneuver that had to be coordinated.

While at Edwards Air Force Base, I was having some of the cameramen film precision landings. A saucer flew right over them, put down three landing gears, and landed out on the dry lakebed. They went out there with their cameras… towards the UFO. It lifted off, put the gear back in the well, and flew off at a very high rate of speed and disappeared.

At the time this happened I was involved in research and development and doing very classified projects at the task center. I knew that we didn’t have any vehicles [like that] at that time. I am 99.9 % sure that the Russians didn’t have any of that type either. At that point in time there was no doubt in my mind that [the craft] was made someplace other than here on Earth.

[Our deepest gratitude goes to James Fox for sharing this interview.]


A.H. is a person who has gained significant information from inside the UFO extraterrestrial groups within our government, military, and civilian companies. He has friends at the NSA, CIA, NASA, JPL, ONI, NRO, Area 51, the Air Force, Northrop, Boeing, and others. He once worked at Boeing as a surface technician.

I worked at Boeing Aircraft Company at Long Beach, California as a surface technician for both the commercial side and military side of Boeing (formerly McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Company). I was introduced to General Curtis Lemay, a four-star General and Chief of Staff of the Air Force.

I drove down to Newport Beach where he lived; we sat down and talked in his den. I asked him what percentage of all the UFO sightings remained unidentified? He replied that 35 % of them could not be identified. When I asked him why not he said, “Because the craft were too damn fast. We couldn’t catch them.”

And then I asked him about the Roswell crash, if that really occurred. And he looked over at me and shook his head yes, that it did occur, and that it wasn’t the military’s. I was particularly interested in the strange writings that were found inside the craft and if they were ever deciphered, and he said no, they were not deciphered while he was in office.

“I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth.”

―President Harry S. Truman
April 4, 1950―White House Press Conference


The Truman Years 1945–1953


• Phillip Corso, Jr., son of Colonel Phillip Corso, Sr., U.S. Army Intelligence

• Lieutenant Colonel Charles Brown, Project Grudge

• Sergeant Clifford Stone, U.S. Army Retrieval Unit

• Master Sergeant Dan Morris, NRO Operative/Cosmic Clearance

• Don Phillips, U.S. Air Force and contractor at Lockheed Skunkworks and the CIA

• Graham Bethune, Navy commander pilot with a top-secret clearance

Commentary from Steven M. Greer, M.D.

The downing and retrieval of ET spacecraft outside of Roswell was only the beginning. Between July of 1947 and December of 1952, the military’s EMS (Electromagnetic Scalar) weapon brought down thirteen extraterrestrial spacecraft; eleven of them in New Mexico and one each in Nevada and Arizona. Two other crashes occurred in Mexico and one in Norway. Sixty-five bodies were recovered, including the one ET from the first crash that was kept alive for three years.