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It wasn’t enough that Harry S. Truman had to manage the Cold War with the Soviets and the race between the two superpowers to complete testing on the Hydrogen bomb… now the president also had flying saucers to contend with. He quickly assembled a group of people that included Dr. Vannevar Bush, who had headed up the atomic bomb program, as well as a number of leading scientists including Edward Teller and J. Robert Oppenheimer to study this issue.

The first secret task force to investigate the ET phenomenon was organized under the name Project Sign and evolved into Project Grudge a year later. A low-level disinformation project named Bluebook was created to fool the public. Meanwhile, “Blue Teams” were trained to recover the downed ETVs, later evolving into Alpha Teams under Project Pounce.

How did these extraterrestrial propulsion systems work? Were there weapons on board? In the wake of World War II and the burgeoning Cold War, there was a real concern about falling behind the Soviets. What if these new technologies were leaked out? To say we were facing a quantum leap in technological capability is an understatement, and of course, we wanted it for ourselves. National Security demanded that this entire matter be kept quiet at all costs. No cost was spared in doing so.

But there was one very large and busy fly in this ointment: The ETs were flying over the skies of America, sometimes in formation and before thousands of witnesses.

How do you hide that?

The answer is―the mind hides it. In an Orwellian twist, it was found from past psychological warfare efforts that if you told a lie often enough and the lie is repeated by “respected” authority figures, the public will believe it. One of the masters of psychological warfare during WWII was put in charge of this diversionary tactic in the late 1940s. General Walter Bedell Smith helped coordinate the psychological warfare components of this ET problem and launched the big lie: UFOs, even though thousands of people had reported seeing them, did not exist.

For every sighting which made its way into the public eye, there would be an official denial and worse, ridicule of the observers them-selves. Harvard Astronomer Donald Menzel was trotted out to tell the world that it was all hysteria, that UFOs were not real; that it was all embarrassing nonsense.

While all this denial was going on, an interstellar species was being “interrogated” in a top-secret underground bunker.

The surviving extraterrestrial from the first Roswell crash, was referred to as an EBEN―which is short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. It had a chlorophyll-based internal anatomy and it processed food into energy and waste material in the same manner as plants. We learned a lot from EBEN, all of which was compiled into what became known as the Yellow Book.

Unfortunately, the EBEN became ill in late 1951. Several medical specialists were brought in to treat it, the team headed by a botanist. Realizing the ET was dying, the United States began broadcasting radio signals into deep space in an attempt to demonstrate peaceful intentions to a superior entity. The group tasked with overseeing this project―code named SIGMA―was the National Security Agency, created by secret Executive Order on November 4, 1952. The NSA was assigned to monitor all communications, both human and extraterrestrial, while maintaining secrecy regarding the UFOs’ presence. Both the CIA and NSA were given authority through a series of National Security Council Memos and Executive Orders.

On June 2, 1952, EBEN died. Steven Spielberg’s movie, E.T. was loosely based on these events. Truman contacted our allies to warn them about what happened. He also reached out to the Soviet Union. It turns out their top-secret weapons bases were also being buzzed by Extraterrestrial Vehicles (ETVs).

President Truman and the other leaders he alerted decided that maintaining secrecy was more important than sharing the information with their respective governing bodies and risking a leak. A new world order was necessary, one that operated without oversight.


Phillip Corso Jr. is the son of Colonel Phillip S. Corso, Sr., U.S. Army Intelligence who served on President Eisenhower’s National Security Council. His father personally saw deceased extraterrestrials from the Roswell crash in 1947 and a UFO craft at an air base. While working in R&D, Corso Sr. was given fragments of extraterrestrial technologies from various crashes to seed industry with these technologies.

My father knew from the reports that the Roswell ET had passed away. It simply turned from blue to brown and died like a fish out of water.

Now I’ll tell you something about the ET. My father often spoke of a room in the Pentagon, like a jail door, and you slid it back and you went in there and you were not able to take any pencil, paper, recording device―you simply viewed documents and you came out with whatever you could store in your head. Once or twice he led me to believe that there was something else that was kept in those rooms that would give information. He had a thread also that was from the clothing. He says that the ship’s skin and the alien’s silver suit were similar materials.

And yes, absolutely, Dad was aware of other crashes. He says that the Germans told him they had a crash and that most of their technology and their advance materials and research came from that. This was part of a team that he worked with every day. And he said that there was another crash in Corona, New Mexico of a very similar type ship.


Lieutenant Colonel Charles Brown, U.S. Air Force: After returning from World War II an Air Force hero, Colonel Brown worked in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. He was assigned to work on Project Grudge where he was responsible for investigating UFOs.

I’m a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force. I spent approximately 23 years in military service, and the latter seven years as a Senior Foreign Service Officer. I started training as a pilot in July of 1942 and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant pilot in April of 1943, then trained as a B-17 pilot aircraft commander. I went to Europe and arrived there in early November of 1943 and commenced combat as a B-17 pilot on 13 December 1943. I flew my 29th and last complete mission on the 11 April 1944. Combat during this period was fairly severe. I just completed a survey of my missions, and every time we went into the air, we had casualties. And I was very fortunate to complete all of them.

Because of my counterintelligence training and police work in an outfit called Air Force Office of Special Investigations, and because I was one of the few pilot-trained investigators, I ended up doing a lot of investigations of aircraft, unusual aircraft accidents, in which sabotage was suspected. As a result, I became acquainted with some outstanding scientists and worked with the Air Technical Intelligence Center on a project called Grudge. We were given the responsibility of investigating what became known as unidentified flying objects.

My job was in District D-05 of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where we received these worldwide reports. My job was to hand carry these reports over to the technical center and coordinate them with the project officer and answer any questions from an investigative viewpoint that I could assist on. I did that for approximately two years until the fall of 1951.