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It all started with a plan to visit the local mall in the next city near our venue at Fort Carson, Colorado. Gordon, one of the cast members, acquired a rental car and asked Natalia to accompany him. His obvious plan was to get Natalia alone, but she requested my company. Gordon was not happy about the idea of a trio; however, if he wanted time with her, it had to include yours truly.

He picked us up near our rooms, and the three of us drove to the local mall in a town outside of the military installation. We shopped until our stomachs cried out for the food we smelled permeating from an upper scale restaurant attached to the mall. The three of us ate on the back patio nestled perfectly in the mountains. We had a wonderful time laughing and drinking the evening away until we realized the servers were folding chairs in preparation to close.

Giddy from dinner drinks, we decided we should visit a local bar to finish out our fantastic evening. A club would have been more my scene, but I was willing to try something new. They were ecstatic about my willingness but disappointed with my clothing.

Natalia pinched at my shorts and pulled the fabric out to wave it back and forth. “Girl, you cannot go into the bar with those shorts on. You look like a skinny person who used to be fat. The top is cute, but the shorts should be shredded.” She giggled and flapped the material some more so Gordon could see what she was talking about.

Gordon asked, “Did you buy anything at the mall to put on? The shorts are too big,” He was trying to be polite about it.

“Fuck you guys! I like these shorts. It’s all I have, so whatever,” I defended myself.

Natalia shuffled through her bag from the mall. “Here, I’ll put this skirt on and you can wear the one I have on because it matches your shirt.” She ripped the tag off of the new skirt with her teeth and handed it to me so she could toss the bag out in the nearest garbage can.

“Oh, hell no! I don’t wear skirts. Especially a fucking mini. Are you kidding me? It’s just a bar.” I pushed the idea and the skirt back to Natalia.

Gordon chimed in with enthusiasm, “Yeah! Put on the skirt. You will look hot!”

“Gordon, I cannot dance in a fucking skirt. Let’s just go. Who cares?” I pleaded with both of them. They laughed as they pushed me from the patio to the restaurant bathroom and forced me to wear Natalia’s skirt, which was so tight it changed my natural gait and pissed me the fuck off.

“Guys, I can’t walk. I hate you,” I said, right before Natalia and I posed for photos with Gordon’s camera. I tried to sit in the backseat of the rental but couldn’t get comfortable no matter which ass cheek I leaned on, so I lifted the entire skirt around my waist and placed my shopping bag over my legs in embarrassment. “You guys suck. I am so fucking uncomfortable,” I pouted.

Gordon tried to adjust the rearview mirror with hope of catching a peek, but I flipped him off with a smile on my face. He laughed and reset the mirror for the road.

The drive was short and the bar was already packed by the time we arrived. I continued to tug at the skirt, even after we sat down at the only open table. Natalia leaned over to me and whispered, “See, people think you look hot in that skirt.”

“No, Natalia, they think I’m a prostitute,” I said sarcastically. Gordon handed us our drinks as Natalia threw her head back in laughter and tossed her long brown hair behind her back.

We didn’t stay long, but it was enough to throw back a few shots before we headed back to base.

Gordon drove, Natalia was in the passenger seat, and I was seated in the back, definitely the third wheel. It’s a bad combination for any group in their mid-twenties. When booze, dudes, and women get together, the guys always want more. In my experience, even sober in a high school cafeteria, boys saw sexual pleasure in girls innocently sharing ice cream. Connie and I didn’t see anything provocative in passing a cone back and forth, but the boys did. They wanted to see us lick the cone at the same time.

Why did we do it and let them take a photo? Because it boiled down to money, and there is absolutely nothing sexual about cold hard cash. Gordon was no exception to the Horny Guy Rule. He wanted to see us kiss about seven minutes into the drive.

I wanted to kiss her but certainly not for his pleasure. With a little coaxing from Gordon, she unfastened her seatbelt and leaned over the armrest for a smooch. It was all done in fun, but then she became more serious and leaned in for a second, more sensual one. Apparently, it was so good she squealed with laughter as she fumbled her way to the backseat for more. Gordon fought off her chunky heels as he tried to stay on the road without getting kicked in the eye.

Natalia was doing it to impress Gordon, of course. She would kiss me, then report to him that I was a good kisser and tasted like licorice, courtesy of whatever mixed drink I had from the bar. She reported that my boobs were small yet firm and that my nipples were very hard and how she wanted to lick them.

She pulled down my tank top to expose my right breast and flicked my nipple with her tongue like a man in a porno. She made sure Gordon could see us through the rearview mirror. Then Natalia turned to me and sucked on them, as if she was finally doing it for my pleasure. But, of course, Gordon had to fuck it up and say some shit, just like a man would. “Why don’t you go down on her?”

Natalia immediately sat up and adjusted herself to a proper, seated position. “I don’t give, honey, I just receive.”

I tucked my boob back into my shirt. “What?!”

Natalia explained what that meant while she feverishly searched the bottom of her purse. “Look, I was only with a girl once, and I don’t do that. Ew. I only receive. So gross.” She opened a pink compact and blotted her nose. “But I love making out.” Natalia snapped the compact closed and tossed it into the bag. She leaned into me. “You are a really good kisser.”

My intent was to make a liar out of her, but the car stopped, so we stopped. We had no idea where we were. Gordon could have driven deep into a canyon and murdered us both, we were that oblivious. Instead, he explained that we were at the Garden of the Gods, which provided a beautiful view at night.

Like drunken nymphs, Natalia and I followed him through the pathways until we found a suitable spot for viewing, which turned into a suitable spot for sex. At one point, Gordon tried to lean in for a kiss but was surprised when my arms pushed hard enough to make him stumble backward. “I don’t want you. Don’t touch me, okay?”

“So what can I do?” he asked.

I pointed to Natalia. “Her.”

The beautiful, bold moon lit everything perfectly as she gave me oral. The rocks dug through the material of my shirt, which remained on my body. Natalia’s shirt was pushed around her rib cage; her bra barely hung onto each shoulder. Gordon was fucking Natalia from behind, with his hands on her scrunched mini skirt. I tried to look at her without him in the picture. Natalia’s long brown hair and tits pulsed with every one of Gordon’s thrusts. They seemed to be millimeters away from popping out of her bra. They were so round and perfectly shaped, they almost looked paid for. I wanted her bouncing boobs to be my last image before this whole debacle ended, so I closed my eyes and reopened them to the twinkling stars. Staring completely numb is a total understatement.

What the fuck was I doing? I tried to let her tongue make me feel good, but Gordon was pumping so hard that poor Natalia struggled to keep her mouth over my clit. She began fingering me, but that turned into fast jabs with every one of Gordon’s thrusts. I made sex sounds in the appropriate places like the ladies in the pornos, but it hurt. It was like Doug-sex without lubrication, only worse. It burned; it stung.