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Andrew McAllister

Unauthorized Access

For Brenda




Tim Whitlock plastered an automatic grin on his face when he came across Rob Donovan pushing the up button for the elevator. After so many years of hiding his seething resentment, Tim’s smile was second nature.

“Hey buddy,” Rob said, “what’s going on?”

The young men were both two years out of college and stood a shade over six feet tall. Tim had straight sandy hair that was swept to one side, while Rob gelled his short, black hair so tufts of it stood up here and there.

“Not much,” Tim said. “How about you. You up to anything tonight?”

Rob seemed to hesitate, but then he just grinned and said, “I’ll tell you later.”

Tim was fairly confident Rob’s plans for the evening didn’t matter much. They were almost certainly going to change.

The elevator doors opened and Rob gave Tim a half wave as he stepped inside. As soon as the doors slid shut Tim quickly doubled back to Rob’s cubicle. His heart was racing but he did his best to plant a relaxed expression on his face as he looked around to see if anyone was nearby.

He saw no one so he stepped into the cubicle and pulled a Ziploc bag from his pocket. The bag contained a shiny metal USB memory stick. Using the bag to make sure he didn’t leave any fingerprints, Tim opened the top drawer of Rob’s desk. He hesitated for a moment, but then took a steadying breath and with trembling fingers he dropped the memory stick near the back of the drawer, where it nestled among a litter of pens, erasers, and push pins. He closed the drawer and exited the cubicle, relieved that no one saw him.

Tim joined the end-of-day crowd riding the elevator down from the office tower. The main branch of the First Malden Bank occupied the ground floor, conveniently close to the bank’s headquarters on floors four through nine above. Tim and Rob both worked on the fifth floor.

When Tim reached the lobby, he turned left and walked into the branch. Five people were waiting to use the ATMs. Tim joined the line. He tapped his leg nervously and tried not to think about what he was doing. His tongue felt like it was stuck to the roof of his mouth.

He looked anxiously at his watch. Four-fifty-two. There was still time if the people ahead of him didn’t take too long. The hidden software examined Tim’s checking account every afternoon at five o’clock.

Another wave of acid roiled up from Tim’s stomach. He had been putting off this moment for the last four months. Every morning during that time he left his apartment intending to stop at an ATM and transfer the magic amount into his checking account. Twelve dollars and thirty-four cents. One, two, three, four. A few buttons pushed on an ATM keypad and his life would change forever.

Every time he arrived at the bank, however, the inner voice spoke up: What if it doesn’t work?

Tim hated that voice.

What if you get caught and go to jail?

The fear was too much for Tim, so every day he walked past the bank machines in the lobby without stopping — and promised himself the next day would be different.

But now Tim could wait no longer, because earlier that afternoon his boss had announced a new project. Their team of software developers would be working on a new release of the Account Management System. Once the system upgrade began, someone might discover the surprise Tim had taken such risks to hide within the current version of the software.

Tim took a deep breath and jammed his hands in his pockets to keep them from trembling. He closed his eyes and reminded himself why he was doing this. He had been waiting since high school to settle the score with his good buddy Rob Donovan, lifetime president of the Let’s Screw Tim Club. This was the one and only chance Tim would ever have to get even, to reclaim the life that should have been his all along. His insider access at the bank gave him the perfect opportunity, and there was no way in hell he was going to waste it.

No, today was the day.

* * *

Rob felt a surge of pure ambition as he pushed open the polished wooden door into the ninth floor office suite of Stan Dysart, President and CEO of the First Malden Bank. This was not a case of money lust, but more akin to what the early settlers must have experienced as they gazed in awe for the first time upon the vast expanse of the Great Plains. Walking into the understated elegance of this temple to financial achievement always gave Rob a sense of limitless possibilities, a feeling that he could accomplish anything if he was willing to bear down and put his mind to it.

With this thought quickening his step, he strode into the reception area to find the familiar figure of Mary sitting behind her desk.

“Oh good, you’re still here,” she said. “I wasn’t sure if my message would catch you before you left for the day.”

Rob flashed a grin at her. “How could I resist an invitation from a pretty lady like you?”

“Aren’t you full of it today,” Mary said, although Rob’s words brought a tiny smile to one corner of her mouth. It wasn’t every day that someone so young and handsome waltzed into Mary’s office and flirted with her.

She flushed slightly as she picked up her phone receiver and punched a button.

“Rob is here,” she said.

Mary nodded to herself and put down the receiver. “He said you should—”

The inner door was yanked open from the other side and the head man himself stood framed in the opening. “Rob, come in.”

“Thanks Mary,” Rob said, and followed Dysart into his office.

“Sit down,” Dysart said as Rob closed the door behind them.

Two tan leather chairs and a matching love seat guarded three sides of a glass coffee table in one corner of the sumptuous office. A framed seascape hung on the wall over the love seat. Dysart’s massive ebony desk was on the opposite side of the room in front of a row of plate glass windows, which offered an impressive view of the tumult of downtown Boston. Rob settled into one of the leather chairs.

Dysart hustled over and sat on the love seat. Even in crossing the room, Dysart’s trim body exuded a level of energy that would put most other fifty-five-year-olds in bed for the rest of the day. His salt-and-pepper gray hair was one of the few signs of his true age.

“I’m glad I caught you,” Dysart said. “I have a meeting with John Kelleher first thing tomorrow morning and I plan to talk to him about you.”

Rob raised one quizzical eyebrow. Kelleher was Rob’s boss, the bank’s Information Technology Director.

“What about?” Rob asked.

“You remember what we talked about a couple of years ago when I offered you a position at First Malden?”

“Sure.” Rob thought for a moment. “You told me there were plenty of opportunities and I should work hard and—”

“I said I’d take care of you, make sure you went places.”

Rob felt a thrill pass through his body. This was sounding better by the moment.

Dysart shifted forward so his elbows were on his knees. He looked at Rob with great intensity.

“What I’m about to tell you is strictly confidential,” Dysart said.

“Of course.”

“You ever hear of Grantham Savings Bank?”

Rob nodded. “They’re in New Hampshire … and Vermont, I think.”

“Exactly. We’re in the early stages of determining whether we want to acquire Grantham and merge our operations. This is a critical step for us because there’s no place in today’s economy for a bank of our size. Our overhead costs are always going to be too high until we reach a critical mass. And I’ll tell you one of the biggest culprits.”

He pointed an index finger at Rob.