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I have never seen someone turn as red as this girl is turning. “Um, I have a boyfriend, but thanks.”

“Okay, so maybe not Janice,” Ashley quickly jumps back in, “but someone else. Not me. I’m taken.” She interlocks her fingers with mine, making my love for her grow more and more every second.

“Whatever, Ash. You’ll come around.” Casey gives her his classic smirk.

I can’t take it anymore. Before I know what is happening, I feel my fist connect with his face.

“Todd!” Ash screams, and I hear an “Oh my God,” which I’m pretty sure came from Janice.

I don’t think Casey thought I would actually do it. I didn’t think I would, either, but I needed to shut him up.

My hand is killing me, so I try to open and close it to ease the pain shooting through it.

“What the fuck?” Casey asks as he holds his jaw, his face full of shock and anger.

“You know exactly what. Someone needed to wipe that smirk off your face.”

“You seriously have issues, man. Ashley and I are just friends. I was just messing with you,” Casey spits out.

I feel my body stiffen, and I start to lunge again, but Ash pulls back on my arm.

“Stop, Todd. It’s not worth it. This is what he wants you to do. Just stop it.” Her eyes are locked on mine as she wedges her way between us.

I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head. She’s right. What am I doing?

“What the hell is going on in here?” George shouts as he pushes through the door. I didn’t see Janice leave, but she must have gone to get him, because she is now cowering behind him.

“Todd? Casey?” George looks back and forth between the two of us. “What is going on?”

Casey drops his hand from his chin, and his eyes connect with mine, a quick, nonverbal understanding passes between us.

“Nothing,” he says to George, sounding surprisingly convincing. “We were just talking, catching up.”

George’s tense shoulders drop when he sees everything is under control, but then he glares at both of us. “Well, let’s not ‘catch up’ in the break house anymore. Understood?”

“Yup, we got it,” I say, feeling my stress fall away.

“Okay, let’s go. I’ve got to lock up,” George says to the entire group. He gives a quick smile to Janice, who gives him a shrug.

Once George clears out, Ash shouts, “Seriously?” to all of us then turns to Janice. “You had to get George?”

“Well, someone had to. They were going to kill each other,” she responds with a nervous laugh.

“Who, us?” I say with sweet sarcasm. “No, Casey and I go way back. Right, Casey?” I give him a smile.

“Yeah. Way back.” He runs his hand back over his chin, his smirk planted back on his face.

I lock my fingers with Ash’s. “Remember what I said.” I give him one last glare mixed with warning before we turn to leave.

“Bye, guys,” Ash says to both of them.

I turn back. “It was nice meeting you, Janice.” I give her a bright smile and try not to laugh at the stunned look on her face.

Once we are in the parking lot, truly alone, I whisper to Ash, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to get that carried away.” Then I make sure to have my lips brush her earlobe as I pull away because I know it drives her crazy.

“I can’t believe you hit him.” She gives me a smile that sums up everything I love about her.

“Yeah, I guess we’ve got a lot in common.” I grab her other hand as I lean her against my car.

“Yeah, we’ve had a lot of ‘misunderstandings’ lately.” She steps up on her tiptoes to kiss me with a smile.

I could stand here forever with her, but I know they are right behind us.

“Let’s go before they come out.” I walk around to open her car door. “Oh, and hey, I would be careful with that girl Janice. Getting George? Not cool.”

She gives me a smile. “She was just nervous. She’s not used to you two like I am.” I feel her fingers tighten around mine. “Thanks for picking me up.”

She has a way of making me forget everything.

“Anytime.” I smile deeply.




Chapter 5: The Rescue


The boys won their first two football games. I say won, but tonight, they killed the other team. Johnny got to play in the fourth quarter because we were up by so much. The team looks even better than last year, if that is possible.

Next week is homecoming, and I can’t believe how much has changed since last year’s homecoming dance. Of course, I must have done something horrible to the Karma gods since, this year we play Casey’s school for our homecoming game.

Thankfully, there have been no Todd/Casey fights in the afternoons since the first day, and hopefully it stays that way. They have both been keeping their distance, while I have been making sure I’m ready to go as soon as practice is over, waiting for Todd in the parking lot so there is no reason for him to come in.

I hear my phone buzzing on my dresser and walk over to check it as I slip on my pajama bottoms, seeing there’s a text from Todd.

Come to the window.

A smile instantly forms on my lips as I pull my curtains back. There’s Todd, two stories down, standing under my window, still wearing his jersey from the game tonight.

I open my window and yell down, “What are you doing?”

He starts to laugh. “Shh.” He holds up his phone and gestures to type on it.

You are not very good at this.

Ha. Ha. Funny, I type back. What are you doing?

I’m rescuing you.

I give him a smile out of the window as I type back, From what?

He smiles up at me once he hits send. From a boring life.

I automatically start to shout back down, but he holds up his phone then points to it with a crooked smile that melts my heart. I would go anywhere with him, do anything.

How? I type back.

Climb down … ledge to tree.

I stare down at him like he has lost his mind. There is no way.

I’m scared of heights, remember????

I see him start to laugh as he reads my text. Then he types something back and looks up with a smile.

You can do it. One step at a time.

I close my eyes and look at the big tree branch that is inches away from my window. As a kid, it always scared me. I knew it was going to break through my window, wrap itself around me, and take me in the middle of the night. Thinking back now, I realize that sounds ridiculous. However, when you are eight, and it’s pitch black in your room, it seems totally possible.

My phone buzzes in my hand, but instead of reading his text I look down at where Todd is standing. He has such a hopeful smile. I just wish he wasn’t so far down. I glance back at my phone to read his latest text.

I love you.

Everything melts away: my fear of heights, my worries about my parents being down the hall, the fact that I’m breaking every one of their rules. I have a boyfriend who loves me, and I love him more than anything.

Screw it. Who cares if I fall to my death? At least he will be there to catch me, hopefully.

Ok, I type back and then throw on my sneakers because I’m all for spontaneity, but there is no way I am climbing out of my window wearing flip-flops.

I quickly shut my lights off and prop my pillow under my comforter. I seriously doubt this will fool my parents, but I have seen it in movies, so it’s worth a shot. I already said goodnight to them; therefore, they shouldn’t come in. Regardless, taking extra precautions never hurt anyone.