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8. Ky fights hard to suppress the Void, even without Eliyana around. In the end, he proves love is stronger than any Elixir. Ky has faced many hardships and much pain, but rather than falling prisoner to the darkness, he chooses to do what is right. Compare and contrast him with Joshua. In what ways have each succeeded or failed in reaching his ultimate goals?

9. Joshua has certainly undergone quite the transformation throughout the series. How do you feel about his final sacrifice? Do you believe this proves, in the end, he truly did love Eliyana more?

10. Eliyana comes to the realization that she had the power all along to create a Mirror within herself. Is there a difference between self-love/acceptance and arrogance/pride? Discuss the differences and what they look like. Name three things you love about yourself, and three things you wish you could change. How would it transform your perspective and behavior if you accepted your flaws rather than criticized them?


The Reflections weren’t built in a day, just as a novel takes far longer than a few months to write. This story is my heart. I’ll move on to new worlds, but nothing can ever take the place of this debut series. So many souls have earned far more than a “Thanks” from me. It is here I’ll leave their names, hoping in some small way this will show them how very much they mean to me.

First, my King. You gave up your life so I might live. To You be the Honor and Glory. Any and all talent I have comes from You.

My husband. You met me when I was in the worst of places. Stayed with me through it and continue to show your love each day. You are my fairy tale. As you wish, my love.

My girls. Oh, my girls. You are my favorites. Thank you for showing me unconditional love and for always being patient. I couldn’t ask for better mini-me’s.

My parents. Mom, who is no longer with us, but forever lives in my heart. Daddy and Mama Jodi, who go above and beyond for me every day. My Aunt Terri, who has been a mother to me in so many ways, and continues to love me like her own. Without you all I might go crazy. I love you with all of my heart.

My new family, Jen Mom, Paul Dad, and Madisyn. Tosh, Erika, Hannah, and Asher. I love being a part of your big beautiful family! Thank you for accepting me and for cheering me on. Love you guys.

Jim Hart. My agent. I forgot to thank you in Unraveling, so you bet your favorite novel I’m going to give you a double, triple “thank-you” here! You stay behind the scenes, always watching out for me and answering my questions. There’s no one I’d rather have on my team. You’re stuck with me, sir. I’m so proud to say your name every time someone asks who represents me.

My partners in crime, Mary Weber and Nadine Brandes. You are two of the most amazing women I have ever met. I love you both dearly and am blessed to call you friends and publishing sisters. Thank you for taking time to listen to my Voxer rants, surprise me by flying across the country, and talk me down from my constant ledges. Without you girls my world would be gray. Thank you for making everything colorful.

My editor, Becky Monds. You make everything okay, even when it’s not. I love you. Thanks for putting up with my constant extensions.

Jodi Hughes, answerer of all questions, etc. . . . You bring light and encouragement to my days. I love you.

Amanda Bostic. You make me cry with your loving kindness and encouragement. I love you.

The team at HCCP. As always, you amaze me with your astounding awesomeness. Paul Fisher and Allison Carter, you both work so hard to make my books seen. Kristen Golden, you make sure my stories get into the hands of Fiction Guilders. Kristen Ingebretson and the design team, my covers never fail to make jaws drop thanks to you. Matt Bray, your social media graphics are fantastic. Matthew Covington, my readers drool over your maps. Kayleigh Hines, you never fail to help me with the business side of things. Julee Schwarzburg, you catch everything and I am continually amazed by your attention to detail. Jolene Barto and my audiobook team, and my narrator, Hayley Cresswell, you bring my stories to life. Cat Zappa, I know you are working hard to make my stories even more visual. To all of you and those I have failed to name, thank you for your countless hours of work on these novels. I am truly astounded I can call Thomas Nelson my publishing family. There is no place I would rather be.

To the folks at ECPA for being so warm and welcoming. It is an honor to even be considered for your prestigious awards.

Kayla Kunkel. I couldn’t have finished this book without you. Thank you for being my friend and for making my work days better.

My friends for life. Elizabeth VanTassel, bringer of joy. Christen Krumm, forever my first reader and helper of social media things. Neysa Walker, your voice never ceases to make me smile. Becky Dean, critiquer and encourager in one. Shannon Dittemore, most inspiring mom-slash-writer EVER. Carolyn Schanta, soul sister no matter the miles between us. Brooke Larson, my most gracious sister and friend and (now) fellow reader and coffee drinker. Janalyn Owens, you are a light in the darkness. Karine Krastel, my sister and introducer of leggings (you were right). Lauren Brandenburg, getting to know you more this year has truly made a difference in my life. Each and every one of you ladies have touched me. You will never know just how deeply you have blessed my heart.

My first editor, Deirdre Lockhart. Did you ever think I’d make it this far? Thanks for helping shape me in my early author days.

My fangirls (and boys) and dear friends. Too many of you to name, but I’ll sure try. Deena Peterson, Gabrial Jones, Valeria Hyer, Laura Pol, Damian Last, Steven Mannasse, Betsy Haddox, Emilie Hendryx, Hannah White, Ingrid Corbin, Nancy Kimball, Ari’El Soukkaseum, Kristy Neufeld, Trina Ruck, Hope Ortego, Abby Woodhouse, Mandi Alva, Sophia Springer, Ann Springer, Sarah Springer, Alexis Goring, Stephanie Warner, Austin Ryan, Sage Marie, Elizabeth Newsom, Ashley Schaller, Emileigh Latham, Savanna Kaiser, Galaxy Adventurer, The Bookish Menagerie, Rissi JC, Bookish Babblings, Carrie from Reading is My Superpower, Bookworm Mama, Moriah Reads, and the countless other authors, BookTubers, bloggers, and bookstagrammers I am failing to mention. Each and every one of you have taken time to encourage me and build me up, writing reviews that make me cry happy tears and shooting the most lovely photos of my books I have ever seen. From the bottom of my book-loving heart, thank you. I see you. I appreciate you. This is me hugging you and throwing a random dance party in your honor.

And to you, the person I have forgotten (because I KNOW I must have forgotten someone as I always do). Thank you for your heart and humility. Whatever you did, it didn’t go unappreciated. If I didn’t mention you it just means that you perform quietly and graciously behind the scenes. You are amazing! For whatever you have poured into this book or me, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

About the Author

Photo by Emilie Hendryx

Once upon a time, Sara Ella dreamed she would marry a prince and live in a Disney-style castle. Today, she is winner of the ECPA Christian Book of the Year Award for her debut novel Unblemished, which released to magical applause: “a stunning journey into a fascinating new world of reflections” (RT Book Reviews). Sara spends her days throwing living room dance parties for her two princesses and conquering realms of her own imaginings. She believes “Happily Ever After Is Never Far Away.”