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He leans closer. “I’m going to watch out for you and Chad, whether you believe me or not. Not to destroy him or you. Not to get the secret everyone wants from him. But to protect you both, and my place in the CIA. Along with my focus on you and Liam, I will keep everyone else from watching. And that’s why I’m here. That’s my wedding gift to you, Amy. Lara. Be happy.” He stands and walks away, the doors chiming behind him. He’s gone for now, with the promise he will never be gone for long.

I’m still sitting there stunned when Liam appears above me, and the instant my gaze meets his, he goes down on one knee. “What is it?” he asks.

“Jared was just here.”

He curses. “Did he threaten you?”

“No. He apologized, and swore he’s protecting us and Chad. And I know it’s crazy, but I think I believe him.”

“I’m not quick to believe anything where Jared’s concerned, but I hope you’re right. Either way, if he approaches you again, he won’t like the response he gets.” He stands and pulls me to my feet. “You okay?”

“I’m better than okay. Did you get everything set up?”

“Signed, sealed, and delivered on Wednesday.”

“That’s fast—and on Christmas Eve.”

“I made it worth their while. So how about we hit the bank and get you all set up, and then we’ll get that eggnog?”

“And chestnuts. My dad roasted them one Christmas around a campfire in Egypt. It’s going to be my way of remembering him every year.”

Tenderness fills his eyes. “Eggnog for my mother and chestnuts for your father. I like it.”

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and we head for the door. When we exit, I know Jared is watching—but maybe, just maybe, that’s not a bad thing after all.

“WAKE UP, BABY,” Liam murmurs near my ear, his breath tickling my neck.

“Let’s sleep,” I murmur, snuggling deeper into the blankets. “Come back to bed with me.”

“It’s Christmas Eve,” he says.

Instantly awake, my eyes pop open and I sit up to find two gorgeous red packages at the end of the bed. “We can’t do gifts now. It’s not Christmas yet.”

“Says who?” he asks.

“Me. We have to wait.”

He sets a small box on my lap. “That’s our rings.”

“Oh my God, I can’t wait to see!” I tear off the ribbon and paper, excitedly opening the box and staring down at the two white-gold rings nestled in black velvet. My ring has the loops of an infinity symbol etched in diamonds on one side, while the other arches to fit my engagement ring. His has the same infinity loops etched on one side and engraved in black.

“They’re absolutely perfect. I love them both.” I shut the lid. “My turn.” I throw off the blanket and get up, pulling a beautifully wrapped green and white package out from beneath the bed. “You open yours now.”

“Not yet,” he says. “You still have another package. Actually, a couple of packages.”

I shake my head. “You open yours first.”

Shadows flicker in his eyes, a hint of discomfort I recognize instantly. “You aren’t used to getting presents,” I say. “Well, get used to it. You’re with me now, and every Christmas Eve morning from now on, you will be getting gifts.”

He arches a brow. “Every Christmas Eve morning?”

“We’re creating traditions, and you just started one.” I climb back on the bed and push the package closer. “Open it.”

After only a moment of hesitation, he reaches for the package and methodically starts unwrapping it. I laugh and yank one side open. “Hurry! I’m dying here. I can’t wait to see what you think.”

That gets a smile from him and he rips off the paper, then stares down at the black leather box and gives me a curious look.

“Open it,” I urge.

Almost tentatively, he lifts the lid and takes out the black leather picture album inside, then opens it to stare down at the dedication to Alex in the front. He flips the first page to a picture of the first building Alex designed.

“Every design he did is in there. And in the back are yours.” His chest rises and falls, his lashes lowering to become dark half circles on his cheeks, and I watch the way his lips firm above his goatee. “Derek helped me,” I explain, trying to read his reaction. “I told him his help was his gift to you this year. I really wanted it to be special.”

Still, he doesn’t move or speak, and suddenly I’m afraid I’ve hit some nerve that’s hurt him. “Liam—”

He sets the package aside and presses me to the bed, the sweet weight of him settling on top of me. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”

I curl my fingers around his jaw. “Oh, good. I was starting to worry it upset you.”

“How could something so amazingly thoughtful upset me?”

“I’m so glad you like it. And since you do, this seems like a good time to propose another tradition I’d like to start.”

“And what would that be?”

“I lick your tattoo every Christmas Eve morning.”

“Only if I get to lick you anywhere I like, first.”

“Okay,” I tease. “If that’s what it takes to get what I want.”

“I’ll try to make it as painless as possible for you,” he vows, sliding down my body to press his lips to my belly, his tongue flickering around my belly button. I close my eyes and sigh with pleasure. Sometimes the most unexpected traditions are the best.



IT’S TWO IN THE AFTERNOON BY the time Liam and I shower and grab a bite to eat and nearly three when we snuggle onto the couch in his office, me to work on my book and him his design for Chase Electronics. I’m cozy in light blue sweats and a tank, my hair a bit of a mess, my feet bare. Liam is pure perfection to me in faded jeans and a plain white T-shirt. I’ve torn down the walls he’s lived behind¸ and the man beneath the starched shirts and custom suits is gentle, thoughtful perfection. He’s the best gift any woman could want on Christmas Eve, and the next few hours are absolute heaven.

By early evening, we’ve moved to the couch in the living room, gazing at the lights that seem to dance across the Hudson River. I’ve tuned in Christmas music on the radio and Liam has filled our glasses with eggnog topped with sherry. We’re contemplating roasting the chestnuts when Liam’s phone rings.

I hold my breath, willing it to be the one thing that would make this day absolutely perfect: hearing from my brother. Liam listens a moment to whoever has called, says, “Come on in,” and places his cell on the table. “Tellar has something to give us.”

“He must have gotten the Super Bowl tickets you sent him,” I say. “That was an amazing gift.”

“Like you said, he gave up a lot to be with us these past few months.”

The garage door buzzes and Liam and I stand to greet Tellar, only to find Derek, Dr. Murphy, and Coco with him.

Derek announces, “You wanted to leave us out of the wedding, and we’ll accept that, but we’re celebrating it tonight.”

Liam’s arm wraps my waist and he leans in and whispers, “Are you okay with this?”

“Yes,” I say, warmed by the sentiment, glancing up at him. “Are you?”

“As long as it makes you happy.”

“It does.”

Dr. Murphy hugs me, her long red hair tickling my cheek. “How are you, Amy?”

“I’m good,” I promise. “I’m glad to have you back.” I give her slim-fitted white dress a once-over and note the glow in her cheeks. “You look stunning.”

She gives me a wicked smile. “I have Michael to thank for that.”


“An island fling, honey. It did me good. We’ll go to lunch and chat after the holiday.”