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“GIRLS, ENOUGH!” Henry was becoming quite aggravated at the behavior of all four of his daughters, especially in front of company.

Mable looked over to Sam and reached a hand out to her which Sam willingly took. “It’s not always this bad dear, really.”

“Nope, sometimes it’s worse,” Brooke admitted, then smiled and winked when Sam looked up at her to see if she was serious.

“Well, Mom, thanks. Dinner was great but I need to get back to the hospital.” Terri said as she walked over and hugged the older woman. “Sam, it was… ah… interesting to say the least. Please, come back and join us again.”

“Yeah,” Brooke seconded readily as she waited in line. “I have a session at the studio in an hour so I need to go set everything up.” The blue eyed woman hugged her mother, depositing a kiss on the older woman’s cheek as she did so. “Thanks for dinner, Mom. It was great.”

“You’re welcome,” Mable said as she stood with one arm each around Terri and Brooke, looking somewhat short compared to her daughters.

“Thanks again for dinner, Mrs. Gordon.” Sam began. “I think I’m going to enjoy having C.C. as a roommate this year.”

“You can have her!” Randi, Terri and Brooke all offered at the same time.

“Hey, at least I have someone to sleep with,” C.C. countered as she stuck out her tongue at Brooke and Terri.

“Excuse me. I’m married, thank you very much. I have someone to sleep with that I can actually have sex with,” Terri defended herself.

“Yeah, but not on duty nights at the hospital. What is that on call schedule this year, Terri… every other night?”

Terri grumbled out her answer. “It will get better. Besides, when was the last time you got some, Chase?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” C.C. placed an arm around Sam’s shoulder. “So, roomie, what’s it going to be tonight…” she paused, wiggling her eyebrows for effect, “…blondes, brunettes or redheads?”

Sam looked up to see the tilt of Brooke’s head as she studied her, waiting for her answer. “Definitely, brunettes,” Sam answered, noticing a slight wink and the subtlest of upturn to the corner of Brooke’s mouth.

“It was nice meeting you, Sam. Please don’t let her warp you too much. You seem like a nice girl just the way you are,” Brooke admitted as she walked over closer to her, the attraction being too great to stay away.

“Well, some things just can’t be helped.” Sam could feel the heat of a blush start as she tried to conceal her embarrassment.

“Oh yeah? Such as…?” Blue eyes looked at her intently.

Sam just smiled at Brooke as C.C. tugged on her arm and asked, “Ready to go?”

Sam looked at C.C. “Yeah, I’m ready.” The roommates moved toward the front door with C.C. in the lead.

It wasn’t more than a step or two before Sam decided to answer. She turned to Brooke and began to walk backwards to the door, “Maybe next time we can talk about that. Bye, Brooke.”

Brooke nodded her head and smiled. “Okay, next time.” The woman’s shoulders sank slightly as the blonde left her sight, the smile fading from her face. Brooke thought for a moment before resuming her steps to the door. Well, if there was any highlight to tonight’s dinner, I’d say that it was Sam.

Chapter 3 Clueless

“…Oh, no. Not me…I’ll be a rainbow in your eyes…”

After an evening of dinner and family fun at the Gordon’s, the roommates returned to their dorm. Anticipating the start of classes the next morning, they looked over their schedules and set their alarms, hoping that the start of a new school year would not be too intrusive of a beginning to their lives as seniors on campus.

With a towel wrapped around her head and her nightshirt on, Sam returned from her shower only to find C.C. sitting cross-legged on top of her comforter, looking over the campus newspaper. The tired blonde sat down on her own bed then reached over to her nightstand, pressing the play button on the cassette player.

Sam unwrapped the towel from her hair. “Do you mind?” She asked her roommate, nodding her head in the direction of the music filtering through the speakers, the familiar rhythm of the drums bringing a smile to the blonde’s face.

“Not at all. Go ahead.” The long brown hair of the girl swayed with the movement of her head as she recognized the beat. If the truth were known, C.C. rather enjoyed hearing the songs once again. They had not graced the Gordon home since Brooke all but banned them after coming home from that last tour. For a brief moment, C.C. wondered what the reason had really been.

“So…anything interesting in there?” Sam asked as she rubbed her hair with the towel.

“Not really. Just the normal early semester bullshit about returning to classes and whatnot,” C.C. answered.

Sam grabbed her own copy and began to thumb through the pages. Her eyes lit up as one announcement in particular drew the gaze of her green eyes. “Ooh. Clueless is playing this weekend. I’ve always wanted to see that movie.”

“You’ve never seen it?” C.C. asked in disbelief. Inwardly, she cringed. She had never been a huge Alicia Silverstone fan herself, but she remembered that Brooke loved that movie. The brunette let a smile creep onto her face as she began to formulate a plan. “Well, maybe we can check it out,” C.C. offered.

“Really?” Sam’s eyes grew wide in amazement. “You wouldn’t mind? I’m sure you’ve probably seen it already.”

“Once or twice, but it’s been a while,” C.C. shrugged her shoulders. “We’ll figure it out later in the week, okay?” She glanced over at her roommate, and by the look on Sam’s face, she knew her answer.

“Great.” The determined smile was almost infectious. “Thanks, C.C., I really appreciate it.”

“No problem.” She placed the paper on the shelf of her nightstand, then nodded her head in the direction of the computer the two girls shared. “I’m just going to check my mail before turning in. Do you need anything on the computer before I do?” The computer belonged to C.C. but she made sure that Sam knew she was welcome to use it whenever she needed.

“Nope. Thanks.” Sam shook her head as she watched C.C. walk over to the desk and log onto the Internet, pulling her first e-mail up to read.

The young blonde busied herself with her hair as she waited for her roommate to finish, then she said what had been on her mind for the last few minutes.

“I really want to thank you for letting me tag along with you to dinner. Your family is very nice, and they really made me feel welcome.” Sam couldn’t believe what a great time she had. She was nervous at first but the closeness of C.C.’s family soon made her feel right at home. Actually, she felt more at ease at their house than she ever did in her own home.

C.C. turned around as she waited for the next piece of e-mail to download. “Oh, you’re welcome, Sam. You’re more than welcome to go with me any time you’d like. I go home quite a bit and I’m sure everyone would love to see you again. Terri even said so, herself.”

Noticing the far away look on Sam’s face, she guessed that Terri wasn’t the sister that the blonde had on her mind. “Brooke seemed to like you,” C.C. added as an afterthought as she turned back around to face the computer screen. She pulled one leg up under her as she began to read her mail.

“Really? How do you know?” Sam asked, wondering why C.C. turned their conversation down this particular path.

The girl tossed her brown hair and merely rolled her eyes as she turned around towards Sam. “Please, you’re kidding, right? I’m closer to Brooke than the others. Not that I don’t love them, too but,” C.C. paused for a second in thought, “I don’t know, Brooke and I have always been tighter. Randi and Terri are the same way. I know her and take my word for it, she likes you.” C.C. watched for a moment as Sam mulled this information over, biting on her bottom lip as she did so.