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"Y-Yes sir," Antoine replied, getting to his feet.

"Meantime, boys… see that Ma'm'selle Novak is properly taken care of eh?" the czar advised his underlings. "Make sure she doesn't want for anything… anything."

The one called Axel grinned. "You bet, boss," he said. "You bet."


Axel was a gaunt, hollow-chested man with a skull-shaped face, lead colored eyes, knife-like mouth and huge, brutal hands. He seldom smiled or changed expression; his was a mask of inbred, unfeeling cruelty. His cohorts were both ugly men in their own right, McShea being the larger with heavy, powerful shoulders, a large, ruddy face, thick lips, a bulbous nose and little mean eyes, while Poulette was wiry and small of stature, with a pointed, bird-like face, vicious bulging eyes and a gruesome manner of speaking through his yellowed, clenched teeth. Ginny Novak knew and feared all three; they were Larreau's enforcers. She had seen some of the horrible results of their work… girls who had violated an order, or crossed the czar in one way or another; if they lived they were usually disfigured, maimed, or at the least, completely broken mentally.

She lay on the bed staring up at them in sheer horror; Larreau had thrown her to them as one might toss a bone to a pack of wild dogs, while Antoine had absolutely denied and deserted her, running off with his tail between his legs to humbly accept his punishment… the cowardly fool. Oh, dear Christ, it was over for her; they'd kill her once they'd satisfied their perverted lusts… she knew it, she knew it!

Axel walked to the bed and gaped down at her naked loveliness, while McShea and Poulette crowded in at the foot and opposite side.

"You're a stupid cunt," the gaunt one said. "And like all stupid cunts… you never learn."

"She likes to fuck," McShea said, grinning evilly. "And when a broad likes to fuck, her pussy does her thinkin' for her, eh, baby?"

"Maybe she'd rather suck than fuck," hissed Poulette. "Let's find out."

Ginny jerked her eyes from one to the other, eyes wide with terror, while her small white teeth nibbled helplessly at her lower lip. Suddenly, her breath caught, wadding in her throat as she watched Axel lean over her, his huge hand reaching down between her legs at her crotch.

"Open 'em," he ordered.

She was too frightened to refuse and she spread her smooth white thighs apart to him, exposing her slightly opened, moist pink slit, still wet from Antoine's attention, to their vile, salacious eyes. She gasped painfully as he dug into her with one thick finger, thrusting it right up into her cunt to the palm of his brutal hand and routing the sensitive, velvety flesh mercilessly.

"Augghhhh, please… please don't…" she pleaded, pressing her buttocks down into the mattress in an effort to escape his torturous invasion between her legs.

McShea sniggered, his ugly face twisted in a lewd grin as he watched his cohort's thick finger drubbing into the pink-fleshed hole in her sparse, blonde-covered loins. Christ, she was a sexy looking slut all right… the old man's private fuck, too… damn, he was really going to enjoy this one.

"You know what happens to people who cross the boss, don't you?" Axel sneered down at her, but Ginny didn't answer. "Well… it's up to us to decide just how much punishment you've got coming. So, for openers, we're all going to fuck you… or maybe these boys have other ideas of a few things they'd like to try on you." Poulette and McShea laughed softly, menacingly. "Me… I've wanted to get my cock into you for a long time, bitch, but there was no way as long's the old-man wanted you… now, that's all over, eh?"

Ginny felt him jerking his finger out of her and she sighed with the relief from pain, but she continued to lay as if petrified as suddenly they all started to undress. Panic seized her then; abruptly, she tried to scramble and bolt from the bed. McShea caught her from behind, twisting his hand in her long blonde hair and yanking her backwards across the bed. She screamed and Axel struck her with his open palm, back and forth, a half-dozen blows across the face, breasts and stomach. McShea caught at her arm, wrenching it cruelly up behind her back, forcing her over onto her stomach. Poulette came up on the other side of her and together, he and McShea pushed her shoulders tightly down, then knees wedged her own apart with a rough pressure as one of them moved in close behind her.

"Up, bitch! Kneel up!" Axel charged her, grasping her hips.

There was nothing to be gained by cooperating she reasoned; they would do whatever they intended anyway. In the end, she would probably wind up dead. She lay flatly on the bed in defiance, crying now, but in rage as much as fear. The hands holding her shoulders fast moved away, temporarily freeing her, then her arm was being thrust inhumanly upward behind her back once more and she was being hauled up and backward to her knees. She cried out, continuing to struggle against them, but she was no match for their strength.

"Fuckin' bitch!" snarled Axel as she swung her smooth rounded buttocks back and forth in a futile attempt to evade whatever he had in mind.

"I hope she throws it around like that when I get into her," McShea said, chuckling lewdly. "I'll fuck her silly."

Poulette had begun to squeeze, twist and pull at one of her full, hanging breasts, while McShea thrust her arm up further between her shoulder-blades, forcing her face down hard against the bedcover, and her swaying hips up higher into the air.

Ginny gasped with the pain as, suddenly, there was a thick invasion… a brutal probing at her naked loins from behind… as if the end of a baseball bat was being burrowed into her fear contracted vagina. She screamed, begging him to stop, but in vain. The tears gushed down her cheeks and the impalement continued, until she felt her thighs pressed wide apart, the heavy weight of his loins battering against her buttocks, shoving her face hard into the bed with the fierce pain racking her unwanting passage. The sensitive channel felt as if it were ablaze, and his massive prick ramming into it made her think of a leaden weight studded with burrs. She was in agony; her back throbbed from bending in her obscene position. Now, there were hands and more hands pawing her body, mauling her breasts and clutching at her bottom. Good God! Someone was shoving a finger right up her anus… her still smarting rectum, sore beyond reason from Larreau's sodomy of the night before.

Hissing wails of breath tumbled from her lips. Her cunt felt as if it were being steel-wooled into raw, bloodied meat… but then not quite so bad as it began to moisten with her own lubricating juices; however, simultaneously, his penetration increased, until she felt as if her whole passage and belly were being split open, as if she were being ripped from her anus to her breasts, the latter, of which, were being squeezed, pulled and knurled viciously.

Kneeling behind her obscenely spread and presented buttocks, Axel gritted his teeth and fucked in and out of her with dynamic lunges that began from his toes and quivered up through his strong, lean thighs to reach the apex of sensation in his long, rock-hard cock pummeling into her, ramming and splattering her flesh in every direction, blazing a trail of entry as if his lust-inflated shaft were an auger tunneling into her soft, vibrant body. His hands clutched at her satin-smooth white flesh, squeezing and punishing sadistically, hurting her and making her cry out and writhe with the pain, fear and degradation.

His balls swung wildly, alive with a mounting pressure ever building, while his cock tingled and pulsated. He ran his hands over the tormented flesh which, unwillingly but helplessly, was at his mercy. He jerked her buttocks apart, spreading them open obscenely, exposing the little wrinkled, inflamed hole of her anus, and he shoved his thick finger into it finding little resistance. His cock was battering into her to the last fraction of an inch, the sheath of her cunt still snug around his rigidity, its clasping, milking folds raising foul obscenities of delight to spew from his knife-like lips.