The position was growing more uncomfortable as she worked lower, so crawling over him, she pushed his legs apart and knelt on all fours between his thighs. Her face hovered over his loins, and she continued the gentle skinning back and forth over his lust-hardened cock, her lips a bare inch away from its swollen tip. The fourteen year old girl opened her moistly parted lips and exhaled, her hot breath flowing over the excited throbbing head with a maddening slowness.
Laurie's tongue flicked but, the tip coming into lewd contact with the smooth warmth of his cock-head, and she licked around the pulsing flesh as he moaned and twisted from the cruel teasing she was subjecting him to. The tip of her slowly searching tongue found the tiny opening of his gland, and darted teasingly into it. It was already moist from the hot droplets of seminal fluid seeping through from his rising excitement. The sharp pungent taste and odor of his pre-ejaculate caused her mouth to salivate and her nostrils to flare slightly. One little hand dropped to the base of his thickened penis, while she cupped his sperm-bloated testicles gently with the other, grazing her nails tantalizingly over their leathery sac. The young girl tightly grasped the throbbing hardness and skinned back his foreskin with her thumb and forefinger until the large red pulsating crown stood alone and naked. She began planting moist, warm kisses on it, beginning at the tip and tracing a wet path down its full trembling length to the base, and then damply back up to the tip again. She played longer than she knew she would, not being able just yet to bring herself to take it all in her mouth.
But Will Ross could stand no more. With a gurgle deep in his throat the older man reached down, tangled his fingers in her roan hair, and thrust his powerful loins up with the strength of a bull. Laurie resisted for a moment, but it was useless. The thick spongy head rammed inside, crushing through her soft, pliant lips, between the whiteness of her teeth and into the warm moisture of her mouth. She could feel his stiffly pulsating shaft of flesh rub the full length of her tongue, almost embedding itself deep in her young throat.
She closed her eyes to keep from choking as hot saliva abruptly filled her mouth, causing her to drool from the corners of her penis stuffed lips – ovalled now around the protruding banana-like cock.
"Ohhh, God, girl! Your mouth is like wet velvet," she heard him murmur as he began a slow rhythmic undulation up into her face. "Tighten your lips and suck harder," he ordered, his voice coarse and thick with passion.
Laurie did his bidding, feeling at the same time the lewd excitement growing wildly in her own body. She sucked demoniacally, swishing her little tongue with a heated vengeance around and around the throbbing cock-head fucking in and out of her tightly ovalled lips. She sucked to end it, her head bobbing like a cork on the stormy seas of his pumping loins. The masochistic joys of being used, of being abused like a dirty whore, permeated her nakedly kneeling body and resulted in wave after wave of wanton pleasure to surge through her excited young cunt and mouth. She heard him moaning in lewd delight and also heard the submissive mewling sounds that came from her own lips locked tightly around his long pistoning penis. The young redhead couldn't have stopped herself now if she'd wanted to, for the excitement had inundated her with seething, blinding passion, and she sucked the thick hammering cock up in her mouth with increasing hunger while her buttocks writhed in complete wantonness and her passion-flamed pussy throbbed with an intolerable hunger and need.
Ken Chester stood just outside the ring of light cast by the flickering fire, his attention torn between the oral couplings to both the left and right of him and the aching need of the bulging hardness in his pants. Jesus Christ! He couldn't believe it! Everything seemed to have gone to hell in a bucket during the short time he had waited to return. He couldn't begin to understand what had instigated this salacious pagan spectacle which was greeting his eyes, but then he really didn't give a damn. The only thing that mattered now, was to join in on the fun.
Laurie's nakedly rotating buttocks captivated his attention the most and he hastily covered the distance to the blanket, stripped, and knelt behind her without either she or Will Ross being aware of his presence. With the first tentative probe of his warm liquid tongue against the, wet hair-lined crevice up between her thighs, she tensed, but his whispered words of gentleness dispelled her fears, and she relaxed, relishing the thought that at last her own burning need would also be quenched.
His tongue was a fiery probe of moist delight as it coursed over her smoothly rounded buttocks, snaking into and along the soft furrow of passion-drenched flesh. Then his teeth were nipping her perfectly formed ass-cheeks, bringing tiny gasps of pleasure-pain from her cock-stuffed and sucking mouth. She wriggled her hips in an effort to escape, and in answer he savagely pulled her naked ass-cheeks back up until they were waving helplessly in the air, and then stretched them cruelly apart with his thumbs. She could feel his long slippery tongue licking at her sensitive anal crevice as he kneaded her buttocks, causing a strain on the tight rubbery ring of her anus. It hurt, and she felt lewd and obscene, as if her whole soul, not just her loins, was nakedly exposed to all the world as the sex-crazed young man hovered over her eagerly trembling buttocks from behind and tongue-fucked her tightly-puckered little anal hole. But she didn't care any longer. Nothing was important any more as long as she had release!
There was pressure against her ankles, and she did not resist as she felt her legs pulled wide-apart. His outstretched middle finger suddenly poked at her anus, and she jerked automatically from the sudden, shooting pain. His tongue had felt wickedly delightful there; this, though, was something else!
"Relax," Ken Chester hissed at her from behind. "Relax and open your ass."
Laurie gasped and pleaded silently for a second, and then resigned herself to be used as the ranchhand and would-be writer crouching behind her desired. She sucked hard on Will's hotly pulsating cock in her mouth as he dug at her cringing little anus again with his middle finger, insinuating it slowly and methodically into the heated depths of her rectum. Without warning, he thrust his finger deeper, and she cried out… but the protest died in her cock-filled mouth as she saw the lust-filled eyes of Will Ross glowing up at her.
Ken's thick finger began to grind it around and around into her tightly constricted anal passage with greater force now. The naked fourteen year old girl jerked her buttocks involuntarily to escape the cruel probing, but her quivering only drove his finger deeper and deeper up into her rippling rectal depths.
"Go get her, son," the impatient older rancher goaded. "Fuck her in the ass. Now!"
Ken pulled his finger from her rectum with a lewd sucking noise and clasped his impatiently throbbing cock in his hand. He had never felt such excitement in his life, and his body shook as he looked down on the nakedly helpless girl stretched beneath him, so vulnerable and open. His eyes were frenzied and wild as he heatedly pulled at his long hard penis, stroking its shaft rapidly to bring it to its full power. He wanted to go as deep in her rectum as he could and let her know she had been fucked by the best cocksman around.
He lowered himself down onto her back, his hands fumbling between her defenselessly open buttocks, pulling her tensed and trembling ass-cheeks wider apart. She could feel the full cringing length of her quivering anal slit, the jerking head of his lust-swollen cock insinuating itself in a maddening tease as he searched for her tightly puckered orifice. And then his blunt tip nudged her pain-clenched rectal muscle. The pressure grew… grew… intolerably, until the kneeling redheaded girl was sure she was splitting back there. With a lewd groan, Ken suddenly rammed forward.