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Sallie Anne cooed:

"My, my."

Landry added wryly:

"How about if I set up a sampler of all three of these-uh-teas-for us to nip at-?"

Landry commenced to boil a copper pot of water over a gas driven stove intended to look like an ancient hearth.

Sadie Mae estimated the size of his growing hard-on and almost barfed at the thought of having it stuck into her.

Wherever he shot that cock up-it would surely come out the other end.

She would have to remember to keep her body bent a little bit in order to avoid being skewered, Her cunt simmered.

Landry yanked down several unmarked dark glass bottles from the refrigerated chamber off to the side of his wet bar and drew out two three long glasses full of citrus juice and sharp alcohol.

As Landry escorted the ladies along with their drinks down a hallway lined with masks, they passed small cups of the herbal teas among themselves. Breathing quietly.

Sensing the earthy vapors of their drinks sinking into the lining of their nostrils. Smarting through their blood.

Sadie Mae advanced first into a dimly lit cool room rimmed by glassed-in cases within which were arranged the remains of great civilizations.

Cultic cock-and-balls of rigid obsidian. Boobs sculpted from smooth alabaster.

Keisters of plaster lacquered over and pussies cut from gemstone-and more"That's a toothpick?" Sadie Mae pointed toward a small pointed stick.

"Lancet," Landry said with looming rictus thickly cast over his mein. "Used to prick the pricks of Maya kings and labia of their ladyfriends who reigned as queens. They were all kin, by the way. In those days-"

"I get the picture," Sallie Anne said, twitching her hips.

Sadie Mae felt herself flush.

She started to think of herself as exposed. Floating naked over those other two in the room. As if she were stoned.

She took a gape at the empty cup in her hand. Licked out the drops from the rim and side and then she groaned.






Landry looked at Sallie Anne and together they stepped toward Sadie Mae.

"Hey! I'm dizzy."

Sadie Mae made sure her tube top and miniskirt herky-jerked around and up and down as she threw herself onto the floor in a heap.

"Her clothes are in disarray," Landry brayed. "It's dangerous. She may suffocate!"

Sadie Mae felt Landry and Sallie Anne slide her away to the side of the room across the cool flagstone flooring.

Her discomfort evident, Sadie Mae allowed them to rearrange her vestments.

Then whined like a kitten when Landry's thumb chanced upon her niblets.

"We should strip her," Landry said with no apparent inflection.

"If you say so," Sallie Anne blew; "Guess you know what to do."

Together they rolled Sadie Mae's top over her shoulders and down her arms.

"Her flesh is still warm," Landry observed with lack of emotion.

Sadie Mae's skirt swished down her legs, joined by her underpants.

"She likes the lacy stuff from France," Landry said with a glance.

He picked up her gains by the toes.

"Pull her over this way," he said, not relaying the slightest evidence of motive.

Behind them, Sallie Anne espied a small votive altar in a recess off to one side of the gallery. Long limber tubes tipped with metal nibs dripped from the sides of a wide-mouth ceramic beaker modeled in the form of a smooth nude equipped with vestiges of all sexes. From.its size Sallie Anne estimated the container could hold several gallons.

Green froth topped off the jar. Legs of syrupy amber liquid drifted down the sides.


Landry lifted Sadie Mae from the floor with her legs encircling his head.

"Is she dead?" Sallie Anne said.

"Not by a long shot. She just might have gotten an overreaction to that juice. She'll come to. But when she does-"

"Omigaaaaawd!" Sadie Mae chewed lewdly through rudely screwed lips, "I waaaaant it! Fuuuuu-uck me! Crudely!"

Landry pulled his rictus in tight. Eyes bright, he hoisted a tube toward Sadie Mae.

"Take one, Sallie Anne," Landry commanded. "Run it up her ass."



Sadie Mae flailed away with her legs and arms Snapped at the air like a rabid bitch.

Hips twitched.

Clit sang.

Snatch cringed… -

Anus urped.


Mae warped her spine felinely as Sallie Anne twisted a rounded tubular tip into the rictus of her anus.

"Nobody said this was going to be, painless," Landry said aimlessly.

He guided Sallie Anne's wrist as she slid the nib in and out of her sister's ass. Whipped the nib out. fast.


Avoided a blast from. Sadie Mac's chasm.

Landry launched the end of another tube running from the tub of fermented jungle enema into the-yammering sphincter.

"That went into her real nice," Sallie Anne said wisely. "Let's drink to that."

Landry put his arm about Sallie Anne and looked back over.his shoulder at Sadie Mae, whose hardbody belly was slowly inflating with liquid draining from the enema jug.

Smugly, the two of them strolled through the door and down the hall.

Sallie Anne held Landry by the balls. She pulled his penis upward and saw the rictus of the underside of his cockhead spread with growing infusion of erectile blood.

Dense gore pulsed into Landry's prick.Ballocks blew up from prunelike wrinkled wads to inflated pods the size of avocados.

Sallie Anne twirled Landry around her little finger. Frigging him up his rectum.

Twanging his banger like a plectrum. Strumming his underbelly.

His jelly jumped.

Ballocks began to pump scum.

Feeling jizzom about to blow, Sallie Anne stowed Landry?s pronghorn betwixt the frothing rictus formed of the rim of her hard-raunched double-layered labile cuntgrin.


Landry was.

And then out just as fast.

When his penis was all juiced up, he ran it ticklishly out and up the slit of her snatch. Stabbing her clitoris.


Screwed into her bellybutton while thumbing her mutton and suckering nip.

He played with her tits hovering his hiney over her face.

Fucked her tits diagonally while Sallie Anne twirled her tongue inside his asscrack. Shellacked the backside of his ballsack.


Jacked a few whacks with her fingernails to his pecker. Impaled his tail with her digits and twisted them around.

Landry staggered across the floor, dragging Sallie Anne like a damp limp shawl hanging off the back of his haunch.

Landry's eyes brightened and died like coals in the night when he saw Sallie Anne's weak warped smile piled with curdled jizzom.

He admired the way his come hung from the side of Sallie Anne's jaws like the wattles of a turkey gobbler. Sallie Anne opened her mouth to speak and a long lariat of jizzom looped from her yip like mozzarelia from a hot slice of pizza.

The strand of jizz drooped nearly to her boobs before snapping off onto her comecaked pussy. She drawled loosely:

"Fuck me, Landry. Fast. Fuck me in the teeth. Fuck right up my ass. Then run your rattler sidewinding into my snakepit."

"As you like it," Landry pandered in candied syllables through his by-now lockjawed approximation of a death-grin rictus. "As a professional, I do anything for a client."

Landry fucked Sallie Anne quickly.

Stuck his dick down her throat as he poured out another round of drinks.

Slinked his prick into her anal wrinkle before stinging into her hive.

"You didn't come, Landry love."

"Saving it up for later. I want to hold off so I can shoot off a few times in rapid succession-back there in the-uh-confessional."