As one, the band practically races out the back door. What the hell just happened? Tate shrugs and Evie laces my hand in her own.
“Rock stars, right? This is your night, girl. Don’t let it get you down.” Disappointment settles over me, but not the way it should. I understand that Trent needed to leave, it’s not as though he left with some girl. Their music is important, something they’ve worked years for, so it doesn’t bother me. What does bother me is that I’m the only one here without a date and I’ll be sitting next to an empty chair at our table.
“I’m fine. Really. Let’s enjoy the night.” Absently, I sip from my glass. Gross! I spit the contents back into the glass. “But first, tequila!”
Evie laughs and leads me to the bar. I catch Jon’s worried expression. Screw him. This is my night. I’m not his date. I can drink whatever and however much I want.
Smile in place, charm turned up, and drink in hand, I mingle my way through the rest of the evening. It’s nice hanging out with Marc, Steph, and Jason outside of work hours, but after the long week we’ve all had it’s not surprising when they all decide to leave before dessert.
Sitting at a round table with Evie and Tate to my left and Jon and Carly to my right I feel like the odd man out. The waiter brushes by, leaving a dish of three mini desserts in front of each place setting. The cheesecake and cannoli are amazing but I don’t care much for the tart.
“These are really good.” Carly attempts to make conversation. Jon nods politely but he’s been silent most of the night.
Tate whispers something in Evie’s ear and she giggles.
“Oh, God! Get a room, you two!” I blurt.
“Actually…” Tate wears a giant grin and Evie’s eyes light up. “We are going to head out.” He stands and pulls Evie into a tender hug. He only has eyes for her. “I booked a room here tonight,” he adds.
“Oh goodie, loud sex! Be sure and scream out those orgasms, you crazy kids.” I may have had one too many drinks.
“Gross. That’s my brother.” Carly scrunches up her nose.
“Get used to it, sis!” Tate winks and she laughs.
“Hey, I’m just glad I don’t have to put in earbuds tonight and pretend I can’t hear you two getting it on.” Carly chuckles and Evie’s cheeks turn a bright red.
“Oh my God, Carly, I’m so sorry. I thought we were being quiet!”
“It’s fine. Really! I just thank God for Dr. Dre and his headphones.”
“Evie, you couldn’t be quiet if you tried. Besides, I love how unraveled I make you.” Tate whispers more words we can’t hear and Evie’s eyes spark with desire. Great. Lovely. Looks like everyone’s getting some tonight except for this lady.
We wave our good-byes as Tate drags Evie away and I’m officially the third wheel. This night sucks.
“So, I guess I better call a cab.” I came here with Trent and I don’t want to spend any more time on Jon and Carly’s date. I unzip my clutch to retrieve my phone.
“You can ride with us.”
“Yes, that’s silly. You and Jon are going to the same place. Ride with us.” Carly agrees.
I don’t want to ride with them. I also don’t want to wait for a cab. Carly makes the decision for me when she reaches over to take my hand.
“You ready to go? Or do you have official artist business to finish up? We can wait as long as you need.” Her eyes are kind; a soft smile plays at her lips. I don’t have the heart to be a bitch to her.
“Nope. No business. I’m ready when you are.”
We stand and I follow the couple out to valet. Jon walks with his hand barely touching Carly’s back. It’s sweet and gentleman-like. It sparks envy. I want his touch.
The car ride is awkward. I’m in the back of the crew cab. Carly and Trent don’t talk much. They would be such a boring couple. Their sex would probably be boring. Now, Jon and I… different story. Our sex was amazing. Not that I’ll ever tell him that.
“Let me walk you in.” Jon parks the idling truck. Carly reaches for the door handle.
“No, that’s okay. I’m good. Thank you, Jon. It’s nice every once in a while to dress up and feel pretty. Hang out with other adults. I had a nice time.” Yuck. Why didn’t he just walk her in? A gagging sound releases from the back of my throat. Now I’m stuck listening to this from the back seat.
“You okay back there? Don’t throw up in my truck.” Jon laughs from the front seat. I should throw up. Make him clean it up. That would give me some sort of vindication for listening to their endless chatter.
“I’m just dandy, thanks for the concern!” I say sweetly but they ignore my reply.
“Well, you looked more than pretty tonight. You’re beautiful, Carly.” What the hell? Is he going to make a move with me in the back seat? This is ridiculous.
“And it was so great to see all the money being raised for the new in-patient unit. You know, working in the hospital, I don’t always get to see how much people truly care about our work. It was really cool to see that tonight.” Oh, yes. It’s not enough she’s beautiful and nice. Don’t forget she saves children’s lives. I feel a headache coming on from all the alcohol. I breathe a sigh of relief when she pulls the handle and pushes the door open.
“Goodnight, Carly, I’m glad you were able to come out tonight.”
“’Night, Jon. Thank you again. Goodnight, Kate. Congrats on the debut.”
I mutter my thanks and Carly finally hops from the truck. Jon waits until she’s inside the door and waving before he backs out. I take the opportunity to hike up my dress and crawl through to the front seat.
“Jesus, Kate. I have car doors.”
“Really? Do you, now? Pray tell, what are these doors that you speak of? How do they work?”
“She speaks! I knew it was too good to be true.”
“Fuck off.”
“Why such a sour mood? Tonight was your big night. Didn’t it feel amazing to have all those people appreciate your art?” He’s being sincere and it pisses me off.
“I’m just disappointed.”
“Oh, why’s that?”
“Because I was really looking forward to getting laid tonight.” I sass. His hands grip the wheel and his jaw clenches.
“Really? After a night like tonight that’s all you’re thinking about?” Well, now I am. I study his hard features. The passing streetlights illuminate his strong jaw, furrowed brow, sharp eyes.
“I’m sure you’re thinking the same thing. Sorry to crash your hot little date. I’m sure you could’ve hit that tonight.”
“A little respect, Kate. Carly’s a nice person.”
“Yeah, she’s also got a nice ass and great tits.”
“Not the only woman with a beautiful body.”
“So, what’s the problem, then? Because she’s nice you don’t want to fuck her? Nice people fuck too, you know?”
“You kiss your mother with that mouth?”
“No. Actually I don’t. Hey, I’ve been thinking.”
“That’s never good.”
“Would you ever pose for me?”
“What? Nude? Hell, no.”
“Why? It’s nothing I haven’t seen before, and you’ve no need to be embarrassed. Believe me, I’d know.”
Jon guns the engine after the next stoplight, and sends me flying forward against the seatbelt.
”Drive much?”
“You’re a smart-mouthed little thing tonight, aren’t you?”
“Maybe you like it.”
“Maybe I do.”
SWINGING MY TRUCK INTO THE empty parking space, I kill the engine and reach over, releasing Kate’s belt with the click of a button and then my own. With my other hand I grip her neck, pull her across the center console and slam my lips to hers.