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At Ward Road I got off and moved to the 'right' side of the highway, no sense in running head on into another car, not that I saw any moving vehicles on the road. I did see a couple on some of the side streets as I drove by. The hair on the back of my neck started to stand up when I saw the Wadsworth street sign. As my piece of shit car reaches the top of this little hill I see the blue two door. It was all pretty much over, I tried not to look, but how can you not look. The man was gone, probably totally eaten or a crawler and blue eyes had turned, she was munching down on one of her kids….I don't think the kids were going to come back…there were only parts of them left…guess that's a good thing right? She stared at me as I rolled past, no screaming this time, other than the screams in my head. I couldn't look away from her, those blue eyes had slightly changed. Before there was panic there, now, well, now the panic was gone and was replaced with something else. Something calm and…"

"And what?" Hank asked, breaking into Kevin's monologue.

"…evil. Anyway. I can see her in my rear view mirror and she's standing there, licking her fingers, watching me drive away, next thing I know BAM" Kevin smacks his hands together, "I rubbernecked my way into the side guard rail, twisted the old lady's car around and slid to a stop, but I thankfully I didn't kill the engine. I backed up and got back on the road, some of the zoms started coming my way, but she didn't. Nope, blue eyes just stood there, guess she already had enough to eat.

"When I made it back to the next major exit, where that zombie had thrown the dough-nut tire at me I was surprised to see a couple of zombies standing about a quarter mile in front of it, just around the corner, I had time to wonder if they were still trying to catch me when I came back to the wreck site. Someone, something, had been busy, alls sorts of shit was piled on the 'clear' side of the road, along with maybe a dozen zoms all working pulling more crap off the wrecks to block the good side of the road. Maybe twelve of them had half lifted a little Corolla up onto the center guardrail and were trying to push it the rest of the way over. I hit all the shit in the road and I think I ran over that god damned donut and it twisted under the car, it didn't really stop me but man there was a bad grating and scraping sound after I got by, I was almost to Federal Boulevard when all the idiot lights came on and the car just stopped. Turned off, like and I coasted it up the off ramp to try and find someplace to hide. Not a lot of luck, as soon as I started slowing down, near the top of the off ramp I got the attention of three zoms near the head of the ramp."

"I just had an image of all the people on the highway, staying in their cars, waiting to be torn out by a zombie mob. I knew the car was no defense. I grabbed one of the cokes, the bat and was out of the car before it slowly ran into the first of the three zombies. I had physics in community college, I know how mass works, that of the car versus that of the zombie was no contest, the car, even going so slowly won, the zombie got pushed into another stalled car, practically squished in half, didn't kill it, but trapped it. The other two were too slow, one of them was a bit faster, I don't think I could have outrun it, not over the long haul. I tried, I ran across the overpass towards the Village Inn and gas station on the other side of the highway, but it was keeping pace with me so I turned and made a stand. It tried to tackle me, but side stepped and smashed it in the back of the head, didn't kill it though, it started to roll away from me and I followed, smashing it or the pavement with every roll. Eventually it ran into the side of the guardrail and I got it then. The other zombie had already given up and was looking at the highway again. I moved to the gas station, at least I was on the same side of the highway as my car now, and only had to go about a mile to where I left it.

I headed off, keeping in lawns and near houses trying to avoid being seen, but I came across a mob of them on the side street, near a bar. I ducked into the back yard of the nearest house and tried to get in the back door. I tried to bust it down, you know, Rambo style, only I bounced, hurt like hell too, a fucking door! I got mad and was going to give it another try when I saw the guy, he had an old gun, maybe a shotgun, pointed right at me. He was an older guy, a brother, he had short grey hair, was a bit overweight and had on thick glasses, what my mom would've called coke bottle glasses, whatever the fuck that means. He said, "You one of them?"

I shook my head and said, "No! Could you let me in?"

The old gray hair looked me over, looked at my bloody bat and said, "Show me your arms and legs, I wanna see that you aren't bit up before I let you in."

I pulled off my shirt and pulled my jeans up as far as they would go, which is pretty far as they are a couples sizes from being tight, the oldster nodded and took the bar off the door. Like a big old piece of wood, like you see in old movies with knights and shit. He let me in and said, "I'm Alvin." His gun was pointed away from me and he offered me his hand, even before he had the door barred again. I shook it and said, "Kevin, thanks!" Alvin re-barred the door with his hunk of wood and motioned me to head down some stairs into his basement.

I got downstairs and into an old cellar, not much like a basement at all. The whole area consisted of one rather large room with old brick walls, there were two doors in the far wall across from the stairs, between them sat an old refrigerator, probably fifty years old. There was also couch that looked like it came from a dentist office, a desk with one new looking office chair on wheels, a coffee table stained with rings and a television stand with a decent television, probably high def, but small. The mix of old stuff and new stuff definitely did not go well together. I looked back at Alvin and he shrugged, "It's worked so far, figure it will work for both of us for awhile yet."

I sat down on the couch and Alvin sat across from me on the desk chair which wobbled as he sat down. That is when I noticed the bandage on his leg. He saw me looking and got kind of weird, he said, "Yeah, it's what you think it is, so far I haven't changed though, don't feel it in me and, and, my wife, she got bit up and was dead in an hour. She got it worse than me though, and lost a lot of blood. Me? I feel fine."

I didn't say anything to the old guy, but I was already making plans to get out of there, that is when I heard something walking around upstairs. I got scared then, real scared and the old man he never quite put his gun down, in fact it was pointed right at me, he said, "Nothing to worry about, she won't come down here, she never did when she was alive and right now she is too stupid to get through the kitchen door."

"Right now?", I asked the old man.

"Yeah, maybe she will get better, I have seen a few smarter, faster ones, the one that got her was that way, I put it down though, not soon enough. I brought Shandra back here and cleaned her up good, but she 'died' quick, I saw her turn, her eyes, her eyes they were, so blue, 'Betty Davis' blue we used ta call it. You know that color?"