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Adrenaline rushed through her. She got in the car and started the engine. He did the same. Her body shook and her palms were sweating. She could barely hang on to the steering wheel.

He pointed to the end of the parking lot. She nodded. Whoever got there first won. Which meant what? What did he want? He’d said he wanted her back. Did he mean it? What would she insist on if she won? Could she really demand his heart?

He rolled down the passenger window on his car. She rolled down her window.

“On the count of three,” he yelled. “One, two, thr-”

She slammed her foot on the gas. The car raced forward, eating up the distance to the end of the parking lot. She glanced to her left to check on Cruz’s progress. He wasn’t there. She looked in her rearview mirror only to see him back at the starting line, getting out of his car.

She stepped on the brakes and came to a stop. Cruz leaned against his car, watching her. She climbed out.

“We’re racing,” she yelled.

“You are,” he yelled back and started walking toward her. “I guess you win.”

She didn’t understand. He wasn’t even trying? And then she knew. He wanted her to win. That had been his plan all along.

She started toward him. Soon they were both running. They met in the middle of the parking lot.

“Winner take all,” he said, something burning hot in his dark eyes. “You win, Lexington.”

She groaned. “Do not call me that. You know I hate my name.”

“I don’t. I love it. I love everything about you. From how you take your coffee, to the way you curl up next to me when you’re asleep.” He took her hands in his. “I love how you laugh, and your fierce devotion to everything you care about. Winner take all, Lexi. You can have all of me, if you want it. My heart, my soul. Every part of me.” He paused, as if not certain of how she would react.

“Oh, Cruz.”

She threw herself into his arms. He caught her and pulled her close. He was warm and strong and everything she’d been waiting for her whole life.

“I love you,” he said again, his voice fierce. “I need you, Lexi. Stay with me. You’re the one. You’ve always been the one, from the moment we met.”

“That’s my line.”

“It’s a good one.”

She smiled. “Yes, it is.”

He released her, then cupped her face. “Tell me I still have a chance. Tell me we can make it work. Tell me you still love me. I want to marry you. I want us to have this baby and maybe a couple of others. I want Kendra in our lives, and C.C., although maybe we could get a dog, too. Lexi, please. Say yes.”

It was the most perfect moment in her life. She knew then that even when she was eighty, standing in her kitchen, looking out on a perfect spring morning, she would remember everything about this time. She would feel the same sense of hope, of love, and she would smile, because loving Cruz was the best part of her.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I’ll marry you and we’ll have babies and even a dog. I’ll love you forever, Cruz.”

“Winner take all?”

She raised herself up on her toes and kissed him. “We both win this one.”

