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I shouldn’t have been surprised. I had the worst habit in the universe of just blurting shit out of my mouth without thinking. I liked to blame the fact that my mom, brother, and yia-yia were the same way. Hell, even Sonny said whatever came to mind and he wasn't even on the right side of the family.

Some families passed on traits like bad eyesight, receding hair lines, stuff like that. My mom's side of the family passed on diarrhea of the mouth. Add that onto the fact that Will and I used to catch each other with the same joke every chance we had, and it was inevitable.

So I blurted out the dumbest crap I could have said in a mix of a snicker and an amused laugh that everyone in the parlor could hear. It was instinct.

“That's what she said.”


Friggin’ silence followed.

Three seconds of quiet time filled the shop. Even the low buzzing noise of the gun was strangely absent in my words’ wake.

And then they all—Slim, Blake, Blue, and the customer at Blue’s station—burst out laughing and howling. Laughing and howling at the same time.


Blake pressed his forehead against the divider while his shoulders shook. Meanwhile, Slim covered his face with both of his slender artist hands as his chest vibrated.

“Did that really come out of your mouth or am I imagining it?"

I face-planted the desk. “Oh God, I'm sorry, Blake.” I’d muttered. “It just...came out."

“She got you good,” one of them barked out loudly before making a noise that sounded like a cry right as it dissolved into a cackle.

“What the fuck are you guys laughin' at?” that melodic voice asked from somewhere behind me.

I didn’t have it in me to look up because I was mortified.

Mortified because I was A) an idiot, B) an idiot, and C) an idiot. I didn't know these guys and that was rude, wasn't it?

Luckily Slim managed to get something out when Blake started laughing even louder. “Blake—Iris—six inches,” he gasped.

I tilted my head over to shoot Slim the most withering look in the world. I probably looked more constipated than mad. "I said I was sorry."

“What?” Dex asked again.

Someone patted my head, which was still friendly with the lacquered black wood beneath me.

“Tell him what you said,” Slim urged me. “It’s funnier if you say it.”

I groaned.

“One of you just tell me what's so fuckin’ funny. I don’t need to hear your life story,” The Dick groaned.

With a long, amused sigh, Slim repeated the incident, snickering his way through the beginning of the six inch request.

The original four started laughing really loudly again, which made me start laughing again too because what the hell was I going to do? Cry? Maybe.

By that time, Slim and Blake were wheezing even as I heard the steady hum of the tattoo gun start up again.

“Ritz? What’d you say?” Dex asked in an exasperated tone that sounded exactly like the one he'd used when I had asked him for help my second day.

The reminder of his words the day before cooled me down insta-friggin’-ly. I was sober in seconds, blinking away the embarrassed tears that had come up when I started laughing at my dumbass comment.

“It was inappropriate, I’m sorry for saying it,” I told my boss, averting my eyes to Slim’s still covered face.

“Just tell me what you fuckin’ said. I’m dyin’ here,” he cursed, the tips of his words sounding more curious than angry.

Well, screw it. If he was going to fire me for making a that's-what-she-said joke, then so be it. If I needed to make dumb jokes to get The Dick to cut me loose from this job, then that was a loss I’d take for Team Iris. I'd just been hoping to have another job before then.

My eyes went up to land on the short, dark scruff on his jawline. From those two seconds I was staring at his face, I’d deduced that his facial hair was the same inky black as his head. Which was nice, until you figured out he was a huge asswad.

“I told Blake that's what she said." He blinked. "You know, about wanting six inches." I breathed out, darting my eyes back over to my redheaded coworker for throwing me under the bus and making me talk to my arch nemesis.

But Dex didn’t say anything in response.

Of course he didn't have a sense of humor. I guess you couldn't have a sense of humor if you were missing a soul. The thought almost made me laugh.

He just stared at me for the longest moment, his gaze intense and disarming. Those blue eyes lingered over my face before he told Slim to go clean up his station so we could get the hell out of there as soon as possible. The minute those words were out of his mouth, I sensed that Blake had walked away too.

Since that little chat, he hadn’t ventured further than four words at a time with me until Friday.

It was a little after five o’clock and the shop was dead. There weren’t any appointments scheduled until eight so I wasn’t expecting any customers to walk in until much later. I started going through the catalogues I'd found in the desk drawers, trying to get familiar with equipment. Who did show up instead, were two bikers that pulled up to the street parking like they owned the boulevard the building was on. Wearing heavily patched-up black leather vests, maybe in their mid-thirties or early forties, and each sporting some serious facial hair, they prowled in through the door looking around immediately.

WMC members.

“Hi,” I called out to them.

One of them, the older looking of the two with a belly that had a monogamous relationship with six-packs of beer, tilted his chin up at me. “Dex here?”

I nodded.

The other biker guy, pretty attractive in his own way with his dark hair pulled back in a short ponytail, winked at me. I had a feeling he was the same guy that Dex had been arguing with at the bar my first day in town. “Get him for us, sweetie?”

I wished that it wasn’t The Dick of all people they were asking for, but I nodded anyway and headed down the hall. When Dex was in, I stuck to the front desk so he could use the office. It was only when he wasn’t around or if he was busy with a customer that I slunk in to do whatever was needed that day in peace and quiet. Meaning that I had no clue what the hell I was doing and tried figuring everything out on the go.

Luckily, Dex was stepping out of his office before I made it all the way.

My focus zoned in on his so-black-it-almost-looked-blue hair that flopped out from beneath the rim of the Rangers cap on his head. “There are two people asking for you in the front.”

“I saw 'em in the camera,” he informed me. I didn’t even know there was a camera out front. Dex handed me a big manila envelope he had under his arm. “Do me a favor. Walk this over to the body shop around the corner, will ya?”

Sonny! I still hadn’t dropped by, then again, neither had he. But it didn’t matter. He still texted me at least once a day to make sure I was alive and hadn’t gotten lost or abducted in my new city.

I must have thought too long about going over to the body shop because Dex cleared his throat, raising a heavy eyebrow. This guy really thought I was an imbecile.

I wasn’t about to let him know I was excited to see Sonny by running the errand, so I nodded at his hair instead. “Sure.”

"You know where it's at?" he asked me.

Anger rose up the vertical muscles in my throat. "Yeah, I know." And then I muttered, "I'm not completely stupid."

He didn't say anything as I took the package from his hand, keeping my eyes everywhere but on his face. Not bothering to say anything else to him, I turned around to walk down the hall.

“Make sure Luther gets it, babe," he called out after me.