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I grinned at him again and pulled on his two middle fingers. "You have an appointment coming in soon."

He flipped his grip, rubbing my fingers between his fingertips. "I didn't forget." He looked around. "Blake here?"

"In the back." He'd gotten to Pins an hour late but that was our secret.

The poor guy had left his sunglasses on when he came in, only bothering to wave a greeting. There was something wrong but I didn't want to push him when he seemed like he needed space. And his sunglasses said exactly that.

Dex ran his fingers through my ponytail before disappearing down the hallway a minute later.

I worked the rest of the day setting up new accounts on a couple of social media websites that I thought would be a good idea to branch into. When I had the chance, I called one or two more places that had come up in the motel search. Regardless of whether Luther knew people who could help or not, I didn't want to rely on that. Anything was better than sitting around waiting for things to fix themselves.

It wasn't until a few hours later that Dex came and sat on the edge of my desk that he confirmed the offer of help. "Lu knows a couple of guys in a riding club close to Dade county. He says he'll call 'em tonight."

I held up my hand for a high-five. Dex looked from my outstretched hand to my face and back again. I wiggled my fingers. "Don't leave me hanging."

He shook his head, and friggin' finally slapped his palm against mine weakly.

Jerk. "I owe him big time," I said.

He gave me a small, amused smile. "Don't worry about it."

"I do. That's nice of him. He doesn't have to help us."

Dex raised both of his eyebrows. "He's sweet on you, and everybody knows he wishes Son was his kid instead of Trip."

It felt like half the ceiling came crashing down. "Uh, what?" Trip was his son? Trip was Luther's son?

No, no, no, no, no, no. Hadn't I been making faces and saying mean things about Luther at the bar when I'd been sitting with Trip? I had. Oh god, I had. Remorse flooded my stomach, making it bottom out. I rarely spoke badly about people and the one time I did, I did it in front of his son. Why?

"What? You didn't know that was his pa?"

"No!" Oh boy, I couldn't face Trip again. Ever. "I talked shit about how gross it was that Luther messed around with younger girls with Trip, Dex. I feel terrible."

What did he do? Assure me that it was fine? No, he laughed. Dex tossed his head back and laughed.

"And he even said that Luther messed around with girls younger than his son. Ugh." I moaned. "I'm such an idiot."

He laughed even harder, reaching out to pull on my hair. "It's fine, Ritz. Trip wouldn't say shit. It's not like he's crazy about his pa doin' that anyway, but that is funny as hell."

"They don't even look alike." They didn't. Trip was blonde and tall, and Luther wasn't as tall and he definitely wasn't blonde. And, and, Trip had these really strong, handsome features that his dad just... didn't.

"Nah. He looks more like his ma," Dex explained slowly. "Why do you think that Lu's lettin' them both be gone so long?"

It all made complete sense now, and I felt like a major jackass. Never again would I say anything mean about another person out loud, damn it.

Well, unless it was my dad.

I groaned at the realization. "I wish I would've figured that out before opening my big mouth."

Dex smiled, both of his eyes widening as he nodded. "Sometimes it takes everybody a long time to figure out what's in front of 'em, babe."

Ain't that the truth.

~ * ~ *

"Did you find out what your dad was calling for?" I asked Dex from over a bowl of veggie pad-thai.

He was digging a cut of chicken from his own bowl, a small crease lining his forehead at the question. "Yeah." He chewed thoughtfully until finally looking at me. We'd originally started sitting on opposite ends of the couch but over time, he'd scooted over to end up on the cushion next to mine. "Ma finally served him with divorce papers."

I almost spit out the noodles in my mouth. "Hasn't it been a really long time?"

Dex nodded, the look on his face as incredulous as the one on mine I could only assume. "Fourteen years. I've been tellin' her for fourteen years to lay his ass out but she kept blowin' it off."

"Why?" It took all of a split second to realize how much of a hypocrite I sounded asking that. Hadn't my own mom stayed married to a man that left her? Yeah, she had.

He shrugged but it wasn't casual. By the lines of his shoulders, it seemed like there was something about what Debra was doing that genuinely bothered him. "I've been tellin' her since I was a kid to divorce his worthless ass. And all this time she kept spewin' this ridiculous shit about marryin' under the eyes of God and promisin' to stick by him forever." He snorted at his bowl. "Bull fuckin' shit."

Oh lord. That sounded exactly like my own mom.

It felt so personal to admit that to him but then again, wasn't he telling me this out of trust? Didn't I owe him the same and more? "My mom used to say the same thing.  It drove me crazy. I mean, anybody would've been lucky to be with her, but she was so hung up on my dad. I didn't see a problem with it at first but after a while...after I saw how much it pained her...I didn't get why she wouldn't let go of him. Maybe I’ve blown it out of proportion but I don’t think you leave someone you love because you don’t like having responsibilities."

Dex nodded slowly, his eyes still down on his plate. "I know, babe. Trust me. I know. If my pa cared about anybody else half as much as he cared about himself, then all of our lives could’ve been a lot easier. Ma knows that but she kept holdin' on to those dumbass beliefs." He snorted. "And she doesn't even go to fuckin' church unless it's Easter or Christmas. It's stupid as shit."

I wasn't going to disagree with him.

"I used to think that if my mom would've gotten over my dad maybe she would've... I don't know. I always just thought that her being hung-up on him made her even sicker. But I'm glad your mom is at least doing something about it."

His face softened just a bit and he sighed. "Me too, babe. Pa's losin' his mind but he doesn't fuckin' get it. He's never gonna get it."

Another moron member of the Widowmakers. Go figure. Maybe it was just something with the older members?

I poked Dex in the hard muscle of his thigh. "Let me know if there's anything I can do for her. I can screen her phone calls if she wants." I smiled at him.

He snorted. "And hang up on my pa? I'd be all about that, honey."

I poked him again but this time he caught my finger in his fist. "I’m sure you would.”

He grinned. "Don't think anybody's ever hung up on him before but me."

"And you? Has anyone ever hung up on you?" I asked.

"Nope," Dex answered a little too proudly.

"There's always a first for everything."

When his grin grew a little too wide, a hint of lewdness crossing his eyes, I realized the interpretation he chose to pick up on my words and groaned.

"I know all about that, babe."

I made a face. "Shut up."

His laugh was louder than the movie playing on the television, and way more entertaining. "You gonna sleep with me tonight?"

The thought both scared and excited me, but it probably scared me more. "I don't know." I paused. "I talked to Sonny earlier and he wasn't exactly happy or mad when I told him that I...uhh...you know."

The jerk raised both his eyebrows. "No clue. What?" he egged on.

I rolled my eyes. “Are you ignoring his calls, too?"

Dex shrugged. "I don't need to talk to him to know what he's gonna say. I don't really give a shit what he wants."