‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘I found him in the den about half an hour ago and called the police. He usually comes into the yard to see me at a quarter to six. When he failed to turn up, I thought he might have overslept after all the excitement of the last two days.’
I didn’t exactly think that getting arrested constituted ‘excitement’.
‘I went up to his room but he wasn’t there and the bed was still made. So I looked for him in the office and then in the den.’ She shook her head. ‘Pretty bad. I could see straight away that he was dead. The back of his head is missing.’
Her matter-of-fact description made me feel quite queasy but Juliet seemed perfectly fine and she had actually seen the carnage. Shock affects people in different ways and I suspected that Juliet was currently shutting out the trauma. In time, she might need help to cope but not yet.
I took her arm and sat her down in the passenger seat of my car. Then I went to the back door of the house. A young uniformed policeman politely informed me that no one was allowed in. He said that his superiors were on their way, together with the Scene of Crime Officer, and nobody, not even his superiors, could enter the house before the SOCO arrived.
‘Ah,’ I said, ‘is it a crime scene then?’
‘Maybe,’ said the policeman. ‘All suspicious deaths are treated as if they are crimes until we know otherwise.’
‘Very wise,’ I said and retraced my steps to my car. I sat down in the driver’s seat.
‘Juliet,’ I asked, ‘is Bill still in the den?’
‘Yes, I suppose so. That policeman was here pretty quickly but no one else has arrived. I mean, there’s been no ambulance or anything.’
‘I expect the policeman will have called one.’
‘Suppose so.’ She appeared to be going into shock, staring straight ahead and hardly listening to what I said.
‘Juliet!’ I called loudly to her and she slowly turned her head. ‘Stay here in the car and I’ll be back in a minute and take you home.’ She nodded slightly.
I picked up my camera from the glove box, jumped out of the car and, avoiding the policeman by the back door, made my way round the house to one of the windows of the den and looked in.
Bill was indeed still there although I couldn’t see him very well as he was sitting in an armchair with its back towards the corner of the room between the two windows. I could, however, see his right hand hanging limply down. In the hand was a black revolver, now pointed harmlessly at the floor. I took some pictures.
I shifted round to the next window but it didn’t give me a much better view of Bill. However, it did allow me to see and photograph a large red stain on the wall above and behind his chair. The room was well lit by the early morning sunshine and I could see that the stain was dry and there were no shiny droplets in the rivulets running down the cream paint. Bill had killed himself some time ago.
But why? Why would he kill himself after all that he had said to me yesterday? He had seemed then to be so positive and determined. Had he been rejected by Kate? Did that tip him over the edge?
And where did he get the gun?
I went right round the outside of the house looking in all the ground-floor windows. Nothing seemed to be out of place or any different from what I remembered. Except, of course, everything in this house would now be different, the disaster in the den would see to that.
I stopped by the policeman standing guard at the back door and told him that I was taking Juliet Burns home and that his superiors could find her there.
‘Don’t know about that, sir,’ he said rather hesitantly. ‘I think she should stay here until the others arrive.’
‘Well, I don’t,’ I said. ‘She’s going into shock and needs a hot drink and a warmer place than sitting in my car. And since you won’t let us into the house, I’m taking her home.’
He thought for a moment and clearly decided that it was better to let her go home than into Bill’s house. But he wasn’t keen.
‘All right, sir,’ he said at last. ‘But I need your name and a telephone number where Miss Burns can be reached.’
I gave him my name and my mobile number and drove away. Just in time, too. As we went down the road, a convoy of police cars passed us going the other way. Violent death had roused a posse from their beds.
Juliet’s home was one of four identical little cottages standing in a line right up against the Baydon road on the south-western edge of Lambourn.
‘Number 2,’ she mumbled.
‘Give me your key,’ I said.
‘It’s under a stone in the window box,’ she said. ‘No pockets in my jodhpurs so I leave it there when I go to work.’
‘You should put it on a string round your neck,’ I said.
‘Tried that but I still lost it. String broke.’
Use stronger string, dear Liza, dear Liza. But I didn’t say so.
I helped her out of the car, found the key, and took her in.
Juliet went upstairs to lie down while I made her a strong sweet cup of tea in her tiny kitchen. I took it up and sat on the edge of her bed as she drank it. She seemed to have recovered somewhat and the tea helped further.
‘Why would he do such a thing?’ she asked. ‘Now I suppose I’ll need a new job. Oh my God, the job!’ She sat up with a jerk and started to get off the bed.
‘Juliet,’ I said, ‘lie down. You don’t have to be at work today.’
‘But who will look after the horses?’
‘I’m sure Fred will work out that the horses need to be fed and watered but they won’t be going out this morning. They’ll survive without you for a while. You are staying here and that’s an order.’
I picked up her jacket from where she had dropped it on the floor and went to hang it in the wardrobe.
‘That’s OK,’ she said. ‘Leave it on the bed, I’ll do it.’
‘It’s no problem.’
I opened the wardrobe and found some space for the jacket. Juliet always gave such an impression of being an out-and-out tom-boy that I was surprised to find that she had a row of dresses hanging there, many in their designer-named plastic covers. There was also a line of fancy shoes with colours to match the dresses. In a funny sort of way, I was pleased to glimpse her feminine side. I closed the wardrobe without comment and sat down on the bed.
‘Juliet,’ I said, ‘I’ll go back to the yard and sort out any problems that Fred has with the horses. I think you should rest here as long as you can. The police will be down to see you soon enough.’
‘Thanks, Sid.’
I drove back to Bill’s place, not to the main drive but round the back, to the far end of the stables. I hopped out and went into the yard to find Fred. He was there looking slightly agitated, checking his watch. It was already ten minutes after the allotted time for the horses to go out and there was still no sign of Bill or Juliet.
‘Fred, hello,’ I called to him.
‘Oh, Mr Halley, good morning,’ he said. ‘I’m sorry but Mr Burton and Miss Juliet aren’t here yet. I can’t understand it — they should have been here about half an hour ago, at least.’
‘They won’t be coming, Fred,’ I replied. ‘The horses aren’t going out this morning. Tell the lads to remove the tack and leave them in their boxes. Give them some hay and water.’
‘But surely — ’
‘Just do it, Fred, please.’
He wasn’t sure and kept glancing towards the gate through which he still expected Bill to appear at any second.
‘There’s been a bit of a disaster,’ I went on. ‘Death in the family. The police are in the house with Mr Burton. Just tell the lads that the horses are not going out this morning. No need to tell them why.’
They would know soon enough. It wasn’t only Juliet who would need to find a new job.