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Uzuri, who was not entirely blind said, “Their father loves me the way Taka loves you--completely. He will be pleased to know he has a son.”

“Two sons,” Elanna said.

“Togo and Kombi.”

“I wish you’d had a daughter. It’s going to be hard when their mantlement comes.”

Uzuri looked at her intently. “Can I trust you?”

Sarafina shook her head ever so slightly in disapproval, but Uzuri either did not see it or did not care. “They have a future. Not here, but they do have one. But tell no one--it’s our little secret.”

“Not even my husband?” Elanna said.

“Especially not your husband,” Uzuri said. Then realizing how it might sound, she quickly added, “He’d give anything for a son. I don’t want to rub it in--you know how melancholy he gets. And Lannie, this must be hard on you too. I’m so sorry.”

Elanna nodded. “As long as I have my Taka, I can get by.” She was on the verge of tears. “I can understand how some people might dislike him. I know there are a few that wish to harm him. Love hasn’t turned me into a complete fool. But Uzuri, there are times when we are alone when he can be beautiful and gentle and witty and so full of love. Under all that fear and rage, there’s a little cub that just wants to feel safe and loved. And no matter what he ever does or ever becomes, my destiny is to love him and protect him from all the hate in the world. They all think I’m crazy to feel that way about him. You don’t think I’m crazy, do you?”

“No, hon.” She thought about Ugas, and for one moment she could understand what Lannie saw in him. “How’s Sarabi taking this?”

Tears ran down Elanna’s cheeks. “We hardly speak anymore. This little talk is more than I’ve heard from everyone else for the last moon. Only Taka ever speaks to me anymore. My own sister will turn her head to keep from looking in my eyes. Oh gods, Uzuri, I’m all alone in the world! What would I do if something happened to him??”

“It’s unfair,” Uzuri said. She patted the ground with her paw. “You’re not that alone. Come here, Lannie.”

Elanna laid by Uzuri quietly, with her side along the ridge of Uzuri’s back while she nursed her cubs. She felt her breath come and go, and felt the gentle tenor of the pulse in her neck. She listened to the cubs feeding and to the soft sounds they uttered to each other and to their mother. Her stress began to work itself out and in a few minutes, Elanna got up much improved and kissed Uzuri’s cheek. “I’ve been carrying on like a mad jackal. Someday Aiheu will reward you for being my friend. Can I come back sometimes?”

“Any time you want.”

Elanna hurried back to her husband. Full of peace and love, she snuggled alongside his warm body and nuzzled his dark mane.

“My, you’re in a good mood,” Taka said, fondling her with a paw. “Your fit of depression seems to be lifting.”

“And it’s not coming back, I think.” She nuzzled him again. “Uzuri’s children are quite beautiful, aren’t they?”

“I have yet to find out,” he said crossly. “I couldn’t even get near her today. You’d think those lionesses had never seen a cub before. I shall have to make a formal inspection in the morning.”

“Good. That means I have you all to myself tonight.” She began to groom him lovingly and nuzzle him until at last he had to smile.


The next morning, Sarafina came in to see Uzuri. “Here he comes,” was all she said or needed to say. Uzuri felt her stomach tighten up with fear as the long-dreaded confrontation approached.

Taka entered her cave. “Good morning, hunt mistress.”

“Good morning, sire.”

Taka approached the twin cubs and looked at them. He smiled and touched each of them with his tongue. “You are blessed, Uzuri. Twin sons.”

Uzuri nodded as Taka sat down, his tail flicking back and forth.

“I was young and fresh like them once,” he said. “Before I was marked, and life took it’s toll on me, there were people that thought I was cute. Remember, Uzuri?”

“You were a cute cub. I remember.”

He fondled her sons with his paw. One of them reached up and swatted at him and Taka had to laugh. “Look at them. They are too young to know I’m ugly. When I kiss them, they don’t want to slink away and rub it off in the grass.”

“You don’t look that bad. People are just afraid. Afraid of you and afraid of the hyenas. Maybe you have this unique kind of thing with them. Maybe they like you. But they don’t like us. They make it painfully clear that all we’re good for is hunting. Don’t take my word for it--just ask them.”

“It’s too late to change that now.” He sighed and his shoulders sagged. “I will never live to see them gone, just as I will never live to be forgiven for bringing them here. I don’t think they like me any more than they like you, but they bow and scrape before me, seeking favors. They’ll kill me when they get the chance. Every time I pass one of them, I wonder, ‘will it be you?’ And every night the same dream reminds me that each day may be my last.”

“Oh gods, how awful!”

He examined her face carefully. “So you’re not amused by my plight?” He purred. “You have a kind heart, just like your mother had.” He put his paw on hers and gave her a gentle pat.

Uzuri was surprised. She met his glance directly, and the kindness in his eyes was genuine. While he was in such a good mood, she sought her heart’s desire.

“Sire, when you were born you weren’t breathing. I saw Rafiki breathe life into you with his own mouth.” She put her other paw on his. “Can’t you find it in your heart to forgive him? It would mean a lot to me. Please?”

He heaved a sigh. “Of all else, I could forgive him. But for trapping me in this life of pain, I cannot.” He winced at the thought. “And what’s worse, I am too much of a coward to undo it. If I could just go to sleep one night and never wake up....” He sighed as a tear rolled down his cheek, then kissed the cubs once more. “I do tend to run on like a fool, don’t I?” He rose and turned. His shoulders slumped under the weight of the world as he trudged away.

Sarafina hovered protectively near Uzuri and her cubs. “Phew, thank the gods that’s over.”

Uzuri looked at Sarafina and sighed. “Will things ever be well again? There’s some kind of curse on this place--I can feel it.”

“That’s why you wanted Rafiki back, isn’t it?”

“One small reason, Sis. One reason among many.”

“You’re rather fond of him, aren’t you.”

“Aren’t we all.”

“But you especially.”

Uzuri looked at her from half-lidded eyes. “Where’s this leading?”


Uzuri purred. “There’s so much goodness and kindness in his heart. Of all the people I’ve ever known, he’s the most like Aiheu. He loves everyone.”

“That may be. But he adores you.”

“Come on, Fini!”

“You can ‘come on Fini’ till Pride Rock crumbles to dust. I’m telling you that monkey thinks the sun rises and sets just for you.”

“So he adores me! What’s wrong with that?”

Sarafina smiled sweetly. “If he wasn’t a mandrill, I’d say he’s sweet on you.”

“Fini, you should be ashamed of yourself!” She laughed. “He’s just very demonstrative.” A troubled look came across her face. “That’s just part of being an ape,” she said as if she were trying to convince herself. “Ask anyone.”