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“Don’t be so dramatic.”

“Hey you, listen to me! Avina was every bit as good as you, but gods, the horror of her face, the horror! I’ll never forget that face as long as I live! I can see that happening to you. I have nightmares about it!” He put his arms around her neck and waited a moment for his heart to stop pounding. Then he took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and began to speak to her fatherly. “I know we all have to die sometime, but I don’t want you to be frightened and in pain when you die. I don’t want you gasping out your life with your ribs stove in like Beesa’s.” He kissed her on the cheek and gave her a pat. “When the time comes, I’d want you to lay your head in my lap and drift away quietly. I would give you something for your pain. Then I would wait for Minshasa to come for us. I want it said that they found us together.” Rafiki turned away quickly, wiping his eyes. “I’ll get your Garu root now.”


The mandrill did not turn around. He began soaking the Garu root in water. “I’ll just be a moment.”

“Rafiki, if you think it’s best for Makaka that I step down, I’ll do it. You are the person to train him, and I can’t be selfish and spoil his chances. And Misha would make a fine hunt mistress. I’m sure I could talk her into it.”

Rafiki took in a deep breath and let it out. “Please, Uzuri?”

“I’ll do it. For Makaka.”

“Oh thank God!” Rafiki bent over and began to cry uncontrollably. “Thank God! Thank God!”

Uzuri quietly stalked over and nuzzled him.


Uzuri, having pledged to take care of Elanna, is playing with Makaka when suddenly Makaka says, "We're being watched." They are by the baobab at the time.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Uzuri."

"Where are they?"

"It's a lioness. I don't know her, but she knows you. It's coming from...." He began to scan a small region of brush and trees at the edge of the savanna. As if she knew the jig was up, Elanna came stalking out into the open.

"Lannie! I thought you were dead!" Uzuri started forward.

"Don't hurt me!" Elanna said, starting backward.

"Hon, I won't hurt you. I'm your friend, remember?"

"Well, I was hoping you wouldn't hurt me." She came toward Uzuri and nuzzled her desperately, "Oh Uzuri, I've been so alone!"

"Not any more, dear. Not any more."

"But I can't come back. The others--they hate me. I just know it. They'll never let me stay." She started to cry. "Uzuri, I don't know what to do! I've been alone for the longest time. I can't stand it anymore! I tried to join Mabongo's pride but his wife is insanely jealous. She tried to kill me!"

"Oh honey tree!" Uzuri nuzzled her again.

“It was in the hunt. She said it was an accident, but I know better! I almost ended up like Avina!”

"Poor thing!” She stroked Elanna’s cheek with her paw. “You remember my sons Togo and Kombi, don't you?"

"Yes. How are they?"

"Well Kombi's a king and Togo's his Prince Consort." Uzuri smiled. "Their father died, but his death gave them a new life. Life is like the wind--if you don't like the way it's blowing, wait and it will change." She kissed Elanna's cheek. "They will be glad to take you in, my dear."


"Yes, and you could have a fresh start...." She frowned. "No! Your home is here, and you're going to come home where you belong."

"But they all hate me. They'll never forgive me for marrying Taka."

"I think they will. Don't you want to see your sister Sarabi again?"

"Oh gods, I'd give anything to see her. But it will never work!"

"I don't want you give anything--just the effort to trust me and come back. Give it a try."

"But facing all of them alone...."

"You're not alone. I will be with you."

"Why are you so good to me?"

"Because I love you, and because I promised Taka that I would look after you the way you asked me to look after him."

"How is he? What happened to him?"

"He died like a real lion. You would have been proud of him."

"You are good, Uzuri. So good to me. If it's the two of us, I will give it a try. It can't hurt."

"The three of us," Makaka said.

"The four of us," Rafiki said. Rafiki threw his arms around Elanna's strong neck. "First Simba came back from death. Now my Lannie. God has been generous."

Bravely, hopefully, the four friends headed for Pride Rock.


Makaka looked anxiously toward the mouth of the cave. He was not used to being excluded from Uzuri’s presence, but Uzuri had a few words for Rafiki alone. And since she was so old and in such pain, Makaka was used to granting her every whim whenever possible. Later he planned to pour out many things from his heart--that is, if he could figure out where to begin.

Her last bout with fever had not been going well, and he resented every moment he could not spend by her side. Anasa tried to comfort her husband as well as she could, but though she was an accomplished shaman in her own right, she could not work miracles. And she thought it would take a miracle to bring the smile back to his face.

Gur’bruk and Kambra came to the cave, and they were allowed in at once. Rafiki ushered them in as if they were expected, but asked Makaka to be patient a while longer. Makaka went back to Anasa with a light flush of anger clouding his eyes.

Inside the cave, Rafiki sat bent over with age. In his lap was Uzuri’s head. She was too old and sick to pretend anymore, and when Rafiki put his hand down to stroke her cheek, she took his fingertips in her mouth and gave them a gentle squeeze between her teeth. Tears welled up in Rafiki’s eyes.

“Gur’bruk, Kambra, would you stand over there for a while?” Uzuri said hoarsely. “Be polite and don’t listen in, OK?”

The hyenas nodded respectfully and went to sit in the corner. Uzuri looked at Rafiki. “Honey Tree?”

“Yes, my dear?”

A tear began to roll down her cheek. “It must be hard to love someone the way you loved me and feel so helpless.”


“Don’t pretend with me. A female knows these things, whether she’s a mandrill or a lioness.” A smile came to her face. “I thought you were such a fool, wanting to die with me. I didn’t understand then. You weren’t foolish at all. You were just in love.”

“You can’t die, Honey Tree. You mustn’t think of dying.”

“Now you ARE being a fool.” She coughed so hard that her whole body shook. “Don’t worry, my dear friend. Death is but a doorway to the world of Ka, and we will go through the door together. I’ll wait for you in the east. Then we’ll be together forever.”

“Forever,” Rafiki said, his tears splashing on her soft cheek. “That’s a long time to put up with me.”

“I’ve had practice.” She coughed again, this time weaker. “Maybe we won’t be so different on the other side.”

“How are you feeling, old girl? Did the herbs help you any?”

“I can’t tell,” she gasped. Her face clouded with pain. “No, they didn’t! Do you have anything stronger?”

Rafiki looked up helplessly. “Kambra? Gur’bruk?”

Old Gur'bruk came and looked deeply into her eyes. “What color are my eyes?”

“Don’t you know?”

“Come on, Uzuri. What color are they?”

“Well...hazel. No, brownish green...or green. Yes, green. Or is it the light in here? Now they look blue.”