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Sophie signaled and pulled into the street. “Sorry about the huge car. I wanted to bring the smaller one, but you know how Jake gets.”

“Yes.” A pang of jealousy smacked Juliet between the eyes. What would it be like to have an overprotective husband who cared so much? Sophie had been in a car accident a couple of months ago, and Jake was a bit obsessive about making sure she drove around in something close to a Sherman tank. “This way we get to stretch out, anyway.”

Loni laughed and glanced out the window. “A storm is coming. I hope the rain misses the riders today.”

Juliet followed her gaze as they drove through an intersection. A black SUV waited at a stop sign, the windows tinted. She focused, seeking the license plate. There wasn’t one.

The vehicle pulled into the road behind them.

Chapter Seven

Juliet kept her eye on Sophie’s cell phone, just in case she needed to dial for help. They arrived at the lodge within record time. While Sophie drove a big car, she apparently still believed in speed.

The black SUV had disappeared at the base of the mountain.

Maybe her imagination was going crazy. The SUV might’ve been new, or perhaps a tourist had been in town. There was no indication somebody dangerous had been tailing them.

Juliet slipped from the vehicle.

As a unit, Quinn and his brothers stalked out of the cedar-sided lodge. She swallowed. As a force, they were something to notice. All three stood well over six foot, muscled, and somehow graceful. Dressed in faded jeans, long-sleeved shirts, and cowboy boots, they were every girl’s vision of a bad-boy cowboy. Where Quinn and Jake were dark, Colton had deep blue eyes, and a myriad of colors made up his thick hair.

He grinned and kissed his mom on the cheek. “You’re late.”

Juliet flushed and shuffled her feet. The last time she’d seen Colton, she’d been naked and hiding under the covers.

He leaned in and brushed her cheek with a brotherly kiss. “Hi, Juliet.”

“Hi.” Her heart warmed.

“Get away from my woman,” Quinn growled, a slight grin tipping his lips.

Surprise filtered through Colton’s eyes that matched Jake’s lifted eyebrows. That was a bit of a claim, now wasn’t it? Juliet frowned.

“My brother is right—for once. You look very pretty, Juliet.” Quinn stepped into her space. Then he kissed her. In full daylight, in full view of his family, the sheriff grasped her chin and captured her mouth. His lips slanted over hers, while heat cascaded off his hard body. He took her under, exploring, taking his time as if he had every right in the world to do so.

Liquid lava shot through her, and reality disappeared. It came crashing back all too soon. Her hands flattened against his chest and shoved.

He paused and lifted his head. Darker than midnight and just as mysterious, his eyes focused on hers. “Did you just push me?”

The spit in her mouth dried up. She swallowed. “Yes. We’re in public.”

“I believe that was the deal.” His hold tightened imperceptibly on her chin.

She glanced around, nearly sighing in relief that everyone had gone inside. They’d probably hurried just to escape the inappropriate public display of lust. “Well, we’re alone now.”

“And?” His thumb swept along her jawline.

“We don’t need to pretend.” Irritation battled with her unwelcome desire. She needed to distance herself from the sheriff before he discovered her secrets. Or broke her rapidly beating heart.

He frowned, his large frame blocking the weak sun. “What’s eating you, darlin’?”

“Nothing.” She pushed, and might as well have been trying to shove a cement wall out of the way. “Back off, Sheriff.”

He studied her, his gaze serious. “No.”

Did he just refuse? Not the polite, follow all the rules, stickler of a sheriff. “Excuse me?” She jerked her head, dislodging his hold.

Her triumph was short lived. Quinn stepped into her, and her butt hit the car. Trapped. “I. Said. No.” He rested a hand against the roof. “We’ll stay right here until you tell me what has you tangled up.”

A roaring filled her ears. “Forget you, Sheriff.”


The low, commanding tone rippled across her skin. Her gaze lifted involuntarily, a shiver wandering down her spine. She blinked twice. Who was this man and where was the easygoing sheriff everybody thought they knew?

“Now.” He leaned even closer, his minty breath brushing her nose.

She wanted to refuse his demand. Maybe kick him in the shin. But that wasn’t who she was, or how she solved problems. So she wiped all expression off her face and graced him with a kind smile. “I apologize, Sheriff Lodge. I’ve been a bit out of sorts today, although I’m feeling better now. But I’m cold. Let’s go inside and join the others.”

His upper lip quirked. “I have a confession, Juliet. When you try to blow me off with that high-society tone, all I want to do is turn you over my knee and spank you to orgasm.”

She gasped, and her eyes widened.

He leaned even closer. “Want me to show you?”

“No.” The word emerged strangled, while a fluttering heat wandered down her torso. The man would. He’d actually show her right there outside the lodge. “No.”

“Hmmm. Then now’s your chance to tell me what’s going on.” He brushed a stray strand of hair off her forehead.

She jumped. “Um. I don’t like lying to your family.”

“We’re not.”

“Yes, we are. You just kissed me, and we’re acting like we’re really dating.” She’d stamp her foot if she were anybody else. Though a lingering panic kept her in place.

“After the other night, Juliet, we are really dating.”

She shook her head. “No.”

His eyes narrowed. “That’s not what has you wanting to kick me. I have all day, and I can wait.”

The man was impossible. A very unusual temper began to swirl at the base of her neck. “Fine. I just, I mean, I know this is temporary, and I don’t want to start acting like it isn’t.” Darn it. The words slipped out.

He cradled her face, brushing a kiss across her lips. “I’m a jerk.”

She crossed her arms. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Yes. She’d put out her lip and pout if she could. The man drove her crazy.

“Too bad.” He grasped her wrists and tugged her arms free, sliding them around to clasp at her back. “We need to discuss this further.”

Panic heated through her. No discussion. Plus, pinning her hands was the final straw. She tossed her head, and a satisfying thunk echoed when she nailed his chin. Flaring her nostrils, she glared into his dark eyes. “You’re messing with the wrong woman here. Back the heck off.”

Anger flashed across his face. She’d never seen him mad, and panic had her mouth opening to apologize.

His mouth took hers, shoving the words back down her throat. Then he took. Hard, raw, even angry, he kissed her with a passion that weakened her knees until they trembled. His hands and body kept her trapped, while his mouth destroyed any resistance she might’ve mustered. With a low sigh, she kissed him back, lost in the electricity generated by a man much more dangerous than she’d realized.

They both breathed heavily when he lifted his head.

She licked her bruised lips, enjoying the flare in his eyes. “I’m sorry I hit your chin.”

“I’m sorry I made you feel like this was a short-term, one-night stand.”

But it was! She breathed out. “Okay. We’re good now.”

“Somehow, I don’t think so.” He frowned.

“You are the most stubborn person I’ve ever met.”