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Anna tore off the oversize apron she normally wore when she was working. Bunching it together, she passed it off to Clarissa and said, “I have to go. Will you tell Mateo I’ll be back?”

“Going to Sam?” Clarissa asked softly.

“Yes,” she said, frantic now to see him. She had to know why he’d done this. Had to know if he felt even half as much for her as she did for him.

“Good for you, honey,” her stepmother told her, reaching out to pat her cheek. “You go on. I’ll tell Mateo. But come to the house for dinner tonight, all right? I know your father will want to share this with you. We can celebrate.”

“I will, Clarissa,” Anna said and impulsively kissed the woman’s cheek.

Hopefully, she thought as she ran out the door, there would be a lot to celebrate.


Sam cursed as he jammed his thumb on the undercarriage of the Bentley. Should have known better than to be out here working, he told himself as his thumb throbbed in time to his heartbeat. His mind wasn’t on the work and that was a recipe for danger.

But as he’d given his staff two weeks off, he hadn’t been able to face going into an empty building. Instead, he turned and went into the small office off the garage. He stood in the doorway, staring at the painting Anna had completed what now seemed like a lifetime ago.

The illusion of the ocean view was so clear, so real, he half expected to feel a breeze sliding through that painted-on window. Then his gaze dropped to the hidden snake peeking out of the flower vine. He scowled as he realized that he’d deserved to have her immortalize him like that. Damn it, he cared for her and he hadn’t told her. He’d let his own suspicions drive her away when all he really wanted was her. Here. Now.

“This isn’t helping,” he muttered, trying to find something to do. Something to occupy his mind so it wouldn’t automatically turn to-

“I thought I’d find you here.”

He went still as a post. Her voice came from behind him and he’d hungered to hear it for so many days, he wanted to just take a second to enjoy it. But when she didn’t speak again, he turned around to face her.

Her long, auburn hair was pulled into a ponytail and she was wearing paint-stained jeans and a black sweatshirt, also decorated with splotches of paint. Her eyes were locked on his and Sam thought he’d never seen anything more beautiful.

Behind her, he could see that the promised rain had finally arrived. The sky was gray and trees were bending in the wet wind.

“I went to your office first,” she said.

He just looked at her. He couldn’t seem to get his fill. “I closed it until after the holidays.”

“Yeah, I saw the sign.” She walked closer, the heels of her boots tapping in tandem with the rain.

It took everything Sam had not to go to her, wrap his arms around her and hold on. He wanted her with an ache that had only gotten more overpowering over the last few days. And he knew unless he had her in his life, he was doomed to misery.

“You’ve got paint on your cheek,” he said.

She shrugged. “I’m working at Corzino’s.”

He nodded and wondered why they were suddenly being so damn polite.

“I know what you did,” she said and walked close enough that he could smell her. The scent of her shampoo mingled with the sharp scent of paint and he almost smiled. Because to him, that was the essence of Anna.

“And?” he asked, staring down into her emerald green eyes.

“And, I want to know why,” she told him softly.

“You know why,” he admitted, his blood stirring, his body quickening. She was so close and he’d missed her so much.

After his meeting with Dave Cameron, he’d known that he’d have to face Anna. But he hadn’t been sure what her reaction would be. Hell, she was a hard woman to predict, which was only one of the reasons he was crazy about her.

She watched him through guarded eyes. “I hope I do. Why don’t you tell me?”

Grumbling now, he admitted, “I did it because I love you, okay? You wouldn’t answer the damn phone and I knew you wouldn’t see me. So this was the only way I had to tell you.”


“It’s not the only reason,” he told her, talking fast now that he had her here and it was so important to make her see what he was feeling. “Your dad’s a good man and it’s a good business decision for both of us, but you’re the main reason I did it, Anna. I did it because of you. For you.”

When she didn’t say anything, he added, “I don’t expect anything from you. You don’t have to do anything. Hell, I don’t even expect you to believe that I love you, but I do.”

She still wasn’t talking, and Sam suddenly couldn’t stand still under her gaze. He grabbed her, giving into the instinctive urge clawing at him. He pulled her close, stared down into those green eyes of hers and said, “I’d do anything for you, Anna.”

He loved her.

Anna sighed, grinned up at him and threw her arms around his neck, holding on for all she was worth. “Oh, Sam, I love you, too. I love you so much.”

“God.” He buried his face in the curve of her neck and swept his big hands up and down her spine, as if reassuring him that she was once again in his arms.

He kissed her, long and deep, and Anna felt her world right itself again. Fires burned inside her and she knew that with him in her life, she would never again be cold.

“You could have said something,” he accused, when he finally broke the kiss long enough to look down at her. “Did you have to let me keep babbling?”

She grinned and leaned into him, arching her body into his. “Sorry. But after you said you loved me, I sort of zoned out.”

“Is that right?” His voice was low and almost seemed to rumble along her nerve endings.

“Yeah, it is. I do love you, Sam,” she said, staring into his eyes and letting him see everything she was feeling. “And what you did for my dad-you didn’t have to.”

“I know that,” he said, and bent to kiss her again. Once. Twice. “I wanted to do it, not because I had to but because I knew it would make you happy.”

“You make me happy, Sam. Just you.”

“I’m making that my mission in life,” he told her. “Because I never want to be without you again, Anna.”

“Never,” she whispered and sighed as he kissed her again and again.

At last, though, he pulled back and pointed at the mural. “This is the first time I’ve come in here since you left,” he admitted. “I couldn’t look at that painting without thinking of you. Couldn’t look at that snake without remembering that I’d let you go.”

She laid her head on his broad chest and smiled at the steady beat of his heart. “I’ll paint over that snake,” she promised.

“No,” he told her. “Leave it. It’s a good reminder to me.”

“Of what?”

“Everytime I see it, I’ll remember how close I came to losing you, and that’ll make me appreciate what we’ve got together even more.”

Tears filled her eyes as she smiled at him. “Tell me what we’ve got, Sam.”

“Everything, Anna,” he said. “Marry me and we’ll have everything.”

“Yes.” She didn’t have to think about it. Didn’t have to wonder. Didn’t have to ask herself if she was sure. It didn’t matter if she’d met him two weeks ago or two years ago. This was the one man for her. The man she would love for the rest of her life. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

One corner of his mouth tipped into that delicious half smile she loved so much. “Just what I wanted to hear.”

His hands swept under the hem of her sweatshirt to cup her breasts and she groaned at the contact. He tweaked her nipples through the lace of her bra and Anna sighed in pleasure.

“I know a great way to spend a rainy day,” he said.

She sighed, and almost surrendered before she remembered, “Oh, I can’t! I have to work. I told Mateo and-”