The Crested Letter
I saw my uncle, Stewart Eden, for the first time when I was all of ten years old.
He came to our home in New London where our family had always lived. The old housekeeper, Mrs. Flaherty, who was all the “family” I had left, had prepared me for his coming. But she hadn’t prepared me for the way he looked.
I was standing on the porch as my uncle came unevenly up the walk. He was a huge pale giant of a man, bronze bearded, limping a little from some old scar. His voice was strangely soft.
“You’re Jim,” he said, and scratched his head. That was all. I don’t suppose he knew much about ten-year- olds, or whether I was likely to laugh or cry or hide behind the door when he came to visit. I think he suspected that if he patted my head or even shook my hand I might burst into tears—as though I would! I had been standing alone, except for the housekeeper, as far back as I could remember.
But my uncle couldn’t take the chance, because he didn’t have time for tears.
He put down his battered sharkskin bag and glanced at his watch. How characteristic that gesture was! He must have done it a thousand times that first afternoon. And each time he frowned, as though the hours were racing by too fast for him, the minutes disappearing before he could put them to work.
“Come on,” he whispered in his soft voice. He took my arm and led me down the steps—not like a grownup with a child, but as one comrade helps the other.
I held back. I said uncertainly, “What about Mrs. Flaherty?” The housekeeper didn’t let me go off by myself, not since the day she’d found me trapped in a home-made diving bell at the bottom of our lake and had to call the fire department to get me free.
“Sink Mrs. Flaherty,” he said in that chuckling, warm voice. “You’re a man now, Jim. We men have a right to go off together once in a while.”
I followed him with a little doubt in my mind, but the doubt was cleared up when, from the corner of my eye, I saw Mrs. Flaherty peering at us from behind the curtain. Her lips smiled, though she was dabbing at her eyes. Poor Mrs. Flaherty! She had been too loyal to the memory of my mother ever to want to take her place in my eyes—but she couldn’t help thinking of me as a son.
That was an afternoon!
My uncle took me on the big, fast monorail down to the shore. I looked longingly at the amusement park as we went past, but my uncle shook his head. “No, Jim,” he said, chuckling. “Merry-go-rounds and roller coasters aren’t for men. Today you have to be a man. You and I are going to see something you’ve never seen before…”
And he was right. For that afternoon my uncle showed me—the Sea.
Something I had never seen before?
Yes. In spite of the fact that every morning from my window I saw the white flecks of breakers or the slate- gray line of squalls against the horizon. In spite of the hours and endless hours my father and I had spent in catboats.
That afternoon my uncle, Stewart Eden, showed me what the sea really was. We sat there on a jetty watching the gulls, and the low, lean submarine freighters slipping through the water far out, and the waves breaking below us. And he talked. He told me strange and wonderful things; he showed me why the sea was his life—and how it could be mine.
My uncle showed me the great sea itself—the vast solid tangle of submarine deeps and peaks and cities and unknown kelp jungles, of which the part of the ocean we landlubbers can see is only the paper-thin skin. For my uncle was a dedicated man. He had given his life to the lands beneath the sea; and that afternoon, on the rocky Connecticut beaches, I began to understand why.
The sun was low behind us. My uncle finally stopped talking—not so much because he was finished (and certainly not because I was tired of listening!) as because it simply was not possible to tell the story of the sea. It was a thing each man had to find out for himself. A thing you had to live, and could never put in words.
He looked at his watch again, in that hard-pressed, almost worried way, and sighed. He put his hand on my shoulder.
“It’s a whole world, Jim,” he said. “And I’ve got to go back to it. I wish I could spend more time with you, get to know you a little better. But I’m leaving tonight.”
I stood as straight and tall as I could, trying to seem older than my years. “Uncle Stewart,” I said, making my voice deep and grown-up, “take me with you!”
He didn’t smile and he didn’t pat me on the head. He said patiently, “No, Jim. Believe me, I would do it if the thing could be done. But it would be no kindness to you. It’s a hard life in the cities under the sea, Jim. There’s no place for you there—yet. You’ve got a half dozen years of school ahead of you before you can even begin to think of it.”
His hand tightened reassuringly on my shoulder as he went on: “The time will pass though, Jim. Oh, not quickly—I won’t deceive you about that. It will be slow, slow. It’s hard to study and watch the teacher and read the books when the sea-cities are sparkling down there, ready, waiting for you. But some things are hard to do in this life, and we have to do them just the same. Your father—”
He paused for a moment and looked away from me. Then he went on quietly, “Your father was a fine man, Jim. If it hadn’t been for one bad break, and one bad man, it might have been him here today instead of me.” He shook his head. “It isn’t right to hate anybody, Jim,” he said softly, the chuckle almost gone from his voice. “But some men make hating them a temptation that you just can’t resist.”
“You mean Mr. Hallam Sperry?” I piped up.
“I mean Mr. Hallam Sperry. Everything your father was and everything your father did was good, Jim. He, as much as any man, made Marinia a power in the world. Giant cities under the water! And your father helped put them there. And then he died, and Hallam Sperry took over.” He looked broodingly out over the water. Then he shook himself and smiled again. “Time enough for that, Jim!” he said. “But your father never shirked a job, and your father’s son won’t either, will he, boy? So you’ll go back to school and learn your lessons and get ready to be a man. Six years. And, Jim, even after the six years, the schooling won’t be over. Not quite. But then—” The deep chuckle came to life in his voice—“then the schooling will be a little different.”
“Different how?” I demanded, hardly understanding what this stranger who was my uncle was saying, but oddly excited and happy.
“Quite different!” He was grinning at me, a grin that made me forget my disappointment. “You see, Jim, people remember your father and—well, I have a few friends myself. I won’t keep you waiting. If the sea is the life for you, then this is yours.” He reached into his pocket. Like a king handing a gift of emeralds to a favored noble, he gave me a marine-blue envelope with a sparkling platinum crest. “Open it up, Jim. It’s yours,” he said.
The paper in the envelope was stiff and crinkly in my excited hands. The crest was lettered: United States Sub-Sea Academy.
Beneath it, typed in letters of bright sea- dye scarlet, was a short message addressed to me:
Dear Sir:
An application has been made in your behalf by Stewart Eden, Commandant, U.S.S. (Retired), your authorized guardian. It has been reviewed by the Admissions Board of this Academy.
The application has been accepted.
On the first day of September following your sixteenth birthday, you are instructed to report to the Officer of the Deck of the Admissions Section at this Academy for assignment to a Training Squadron.
Sincerely yours,
Roger Shea Larrabee
Vice-Admiral, U.S.S. In Command
I stood staring at the wonderful, the unbelievably wonderful, letter.